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Chatterbox: Down to Earth

This thread is

This thread is to commemerate all the people on the Chatterbox who have DISAPPEARED into thin air. Well, maybe not disappear, but just haven't posted in ages. And for those who have actually left, does anyone else have any means to still connect with them, like with Nano and stuff?

Here is a very rough list of the people who I've been missing lately:


Blackberry E.


the doctor/Sir Doctor of Tardis

Joe the Stickfiddler and Daffodil


Fire Eyes Phoenix (where did she go; she was here for like a month and then went poof)



TNO (always shimmers in and out of the CB like a wraith)


And of course Lottie and Mag Fan threw in the towel for good. :( 

I know with the start of school there isn't much time for the CB, but why did everyone seem to go at once? Lonely Everinne here; I miss the old gang. Not that the new gang isn't awesome, but I have a grown-up feeling of nostalgia right now.

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Sad
(October 8, 2014 - 12:32 pm)


submitted by Nora the Singer
(October 8, 2014 - 5:23 pm)

top meheheh

submitted by topperr.
(October 8, 2014 - 5:24 pm)

I do too. I've been missin' a lot of people lately as well.

I actually talk to Maggie frequently on NaNoWriMo through messages. 

Joe the Stickfiddler hasn't been on his blog lately either, so I don't know where he is.

People like Blue Moon, Moss, and Ivy are on Nano as well though, and I message them occasionally as well.

I think Blackberry is on Nano, though she goes by a different username and I can't remember what it is.

Though I'm in agreement, everybody just vanished simultaneously. Just bam. 


Blue Moon! . . . reminds me to tell you all that last weekend I saw a half gallone of Blue Moon ice cream on sale at our local supermarket here in Illinois! It's made its way here from Wisconsin and Michigan. The box says "fruity." I didn't buy it because I'd rather taste it first, but maybe I will spluge and get it after all, so I can say I've tasted it. We're having a block party this weekend and it may be a big hit there!


submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(October 8, 2014 - 5:44 pm)

Ooh, I finally had a chance to taste Blue Moon ice cream a few weeks ago, Admin! It tastes pretty good, sorta like cotton candy.


I've got it on my grocery list for tomorrow! I hope the store hasn't run out of it yet. I will be soooo disappointed if it has.


submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(October 10, 2014 - 6:05 pm)


submitted by top
(October 10, 2014 - 9:21 am)

Oh, add Coral to the list.

Cappie says "went." He's sad everyone went too!

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Sad
(October 10, 2014 - 9:27 am)

I'm not gone! Just...not posting as much. I feel like I don't have very much to say, so I just read and comment on a few of the main threads. And the old RPs I was on have fallen off the first page and none of the new ones interest me, so the only thing I'm participating in on Inkwell is the RMS Humbug...

submitted by CaptainRead
(October 10, 2014 - 9:56 am)

We're still trying to keep the Questions RP going, CaptainRead! Katie and I have since written! I want to top it, so if you want to keep writing on that, we're still continuing that one!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(October 10, 2014 - 7:04 pm)

Ok! I'll go look for it!

submitted by CaptainRead
(October 11, 2014 - 9:35 am)

CB is just so different now. It used to be a quieter, more peaceful refuge. Now, it's so boisterous, flocked with what I call newbies who are probably already been on here for a year. 

I've seen Blue Moon on YWP a few times, but Mag Fan quit going on there. I really miss Joe and Red/Ruby. They were so funny, and really livened up CB! But Daffodil posted just a few days ago, on CaC. Maybe, maybe, they'll come back. 

submitted by True
(October 10, 2014 - 11:06 am)

Wait, I thought you thought us " Newbies " made it too chaotic . So why do you wish it was livened up with old CBers ? Is their livinening up better ? This is proably rude of me, but I don't get it and I think I have an exuse to be offended.

submitted by Offended " Newbie ", age Not tellin, Not Tellin
(October 10, 2014 - 4:06 pm)

I'm rereading my first post, and I noticed that the word boisterous made it seem like the livening up is now negative. That was not my inteneded effect. When I said boisterous and flocked, I meant that the people here were coming into CB thick and fast, and that they are a bit more. . . how shall I put it . . . hearty and excited. That's not bad, it's just different from what the CB used to be like.

As for when I mentioned that I wanted Joe and Red/Ruby to come back because they really livened up CB, yes, they did make me smile a lot recently, but they were here before this flock of newbies, and when CB was more quiet. They really were more excited and hearty than the rest of us were, and were often cracking jokes and livening up CB. Then, the current flock or newbies came, and more and more people like them, in only a bit of a different way, CB became a place with a few quiet ones, more of the excited ones. 

Also, I live in the past. I remember the old CB, and sometimes wish for parts of the CB to come back - not that this CB is bad, just that I cling to the past. It's like . . . remember a great moment of your life, when you felt proud and excited and so happy. Don't you wish, just the tiniest bit, to go back to that moment, and to live it, fresh and new, again? To see all those old faces, to laugh at old jokes, to be able to go back to the moment you loved. Not having to experience the less-happier moments before or after it, just to stay in that time, and with all of that that comforted you once. While life may be good now, you still want to see that, to experience this again. That's what the old CBs are like to me. Memories, that I would love to live again. So I am thrilled when an old CBer comes back, and Joe and Red/Ruby are two memorable figures from CB - and there might be a chance of them comnig back, because it's been so short of a time since we've last seen them. I really wish they would come back. We really miss you, Joe, Red, and Ruby! 

No offence was meant in either of these posts, and I'm sorry if it seemed like it. Please ask again if you have more wonderings of thoughts. 

submitted by True
(October 10, 2014 - 6:00 pm)

Oh, sorry if I seemed too excited. I'm like that. *blushes*

I did notice a lot of new people coming on for the last couple of months. 

submitted by S.E.
(October 10, 2014 - 8:19 pm)

It's all right. :)

Yeah, Crowd Sorcery plus the usual one or two pop ins. We're full of newbies, but a lot of people are missing, too. The average age range used to be 14 or 15. 11 or 10 year older were considerd young when Butterfly came on at 8, she was the youngest, followed by myself, I believe. Now? 11 and 12 years old is about the average age. 

submitted by True
(October 11, 2014 - 4:42 pm)

Oh my gosh, True, that almost just made my cry. I'm not even exaggerating. Not just because I'm sad because I agree with you about the CB, but also because what you said made me think of some of my greatest memories and how I miss those wonderful times with all those wonderful people, all smiling and happy and not sad or sorrowful at all. So please, please admin feature that quote in the next open magazine. Please.

"Remember a great moment of your life, when you felt proud and excited and so happy. Don't you wish, just the tiniest bit, to go back to that moment, and to live it, fresh and new, again? To see all those old faces, to laugh at old jokes, to be able to go back to the moment you loved. Not having to experience the less-happier moments before or after it, just to stay in that time, and with all of that that comforted you once. While life may be good now, you still want to see that, to experience this again..." -True


Thanks for the suggestion, Madeline. We'll see. We may use it, but it won't be until at least March 2015. That's how far ahead we work. Issues before them are already full.


submitted by Madeline, age 13
(October 17, 2014 - 7:22 pm)