
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



What's the stupidest/funniest/most ridiculous injury you have ever gotten? It can be the injury itself, or the story behind it. I'm wondering because I want to know if anyone can trump my stories. To give you an idea of what I mean, here is one of my stupid injury stories, but not my stupidest!

I was seven years old, and somehow got my hands on a roll of duct tape. I was messing around with it when I got the idea to pull it over my knee. It went up fine, but when I tried to pull it off, it got stuck on my kneecap. My parents ended up having to unroll the whole roll to cut the cardboard base off, and I had a brusied knee for weeks! Thats just one of my many, many, stories. What are yours? 

submitted by Owlfire
(January 15, 2015 - 6:19 pm)

Sobi was like five and I jumped on my mom & dad's bed and banged the corner of my forehead on the headboard and I have a weird scar now so uea.

submitted by MapleSyurp
(January 15, 2015 - 7:46 pm)


submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(January 15, 2015 - 11:30 pm)

I was playing on a fountain (like a big wide concrete one) when I was like three and my mom jumped out and said "boo!" just like, you know, a joke, and I fell down and chipped my tooth. I still have the chipped tooth, actually! :-)

submitted by Air
(January 16, 2015 - 12:31 am)

I have three -- actually, the first one is probably the most sevre injury I've had.

#1 I was in my Dad's classroom one day, just hanging out/ helping get the room ready for school and was messing around with on of the endless exercise balls he has in his classroom. Suddenly, I managed to roll back and over my wrist. It hurt a lot, but after checking with the school nurse (who happened to be in that day) we just iced and for the next week it felt really sore -- I probably sprained it.

#2 We have a wooden playground-ish thing in our backyard that my dad and uncle built -- we call it the fort. I was swinging airplane-style (you know, the way little kids do) and slid off the back and hit my cheek super hard on the seat. I had a nasty blood blister for a week.

#3 This one is not really an injury -- actually, it's a bizarre story in which you'd think I'd have gotten really hurt.

Every summer my family and I love going river swimming -- we had heard of an awesome place FOAF that had a natural waterslide and some awesome waterfalls. We headed over to check it out, and loved it.

Dad and I decided to head to the top of a smaller waterfall -- maybe five feet -- and peer over the edge. Great idea, right? As you probably guessed, I ended up going over the waterfall -- except not all the way.

Dad had caught onto my ankles. But my head was underwater and he couldn't pull me back over.

He ended up going over the waterfall. All I remember from this is being engulfed by inky, black water and then suddenly popping up and wondering Where's my Crocs? Oh, gosh, did I just lose my Crocs? 

Yes, I was a five-year-old girl and my pink Crocs were something I truly cherished.

A nice lady swam back to the waterfall and got my Crocs,  which were bobbing on the surface. I wasn't injured in any way, minus a scrape here and there.


submitted by Abigail A., age 13, VT
(January 16, 2015 - 8:30 am)

This is the only time I have ever broken a bone.

So when I was three, I think I was at my grandmother's house when it happened, but my parents were in the other room. I was in the living room, so I took every single pillow in the room and stacked it on the couch. Then I climbed my pillow tower and was sitting on the top when it fell over and I whacked my collar bone on the floor and broke it.

submitted by EarthGirl
(January 17, 2015 - 1:42 pm)

I was on this exercise ball in a little kids gym class when I was like, 5 and the carpet was really rough, it has a reputation for injuries, and I rolled off the ball and got rug burn all over my face, I still have a scar on my nose.

In the same gym I was playing sharks and minnows and I was running and someone literally ran into me and I went flying, landing with my foot at a weird angle under me. I couldn't run for a week and I had a limp for a couple days.

submitted by Forrest
(January 17, 2015 - 4:54 pm)

Well I haven't gotten hurt much, let alone hurt in a funny way, but I do have one story...

I was in a tree with my neighbor talking about a recent time we played a video game together. I was acting out a funny thing the main charactor does when you die and ended up falling (not that far obviously) onto another tree branch and getting the wind knocked out of me. Nobody thought I was hurt. They all just thought I was a really good actress. 

submitted by SAVVY44x
(January 17, 2015 - 6:50 pm)

Another one of mine happened when I was 2. I was sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner, when I fell out of my chair. Just fell right over and knocked myself out. I'm not quite sure how, but I did.

Another time, I was sitting in the same chair, which had slats on the back, with spaces inbetween. I was playing around, when I got my ankle stuck in the slats. I was flailing about and my parents had to ice down my foot to get it slippery enough to pop it out. 


submitted by Owlfire
(January 17, 2015 - 8:05 pm)

I'm a bizarre person. I've gotten several weird injuries.

1. When I was little I was reaching through an electrical dog fence to pick a flower, when I accidentally touched the wire on the electrical fence. Apparently the charge was enough to knock me out for a few brief seconds, cause I woke up on the ground staring up at the sky, my whole body mostly numb and slightly tingly feeling sore. 

2. I was at a friend's house and they had a rope swing slung over a tree branch. I swung out away from the tree, but I went at an off angle and swung back backward, slamming my back and head into the tree, knocking myself out. Again, I woke up a moment or two later though I felt sick to my stomach and in a lot of pain.

3. I had to have surgery cause of a freakish incident I can't really explain.

4. I was out boogieboarding when the waves started getting too rough. I was looking for one to bring me in, when I saw one building. A few seconds later I was in a really bad position. Instead of breaking behind me, the wave, about 6 to 8 feet high, crashed down on top of me, slamming face first into my board, and sending me flying off into the water. I ended up half drowned with an (unnecessary) trip to the hospital. 

5. And of course the typical other assortment of injuries with knives, needles, razors, scissors, and heavy objects. 

Basically I seem to be injury prone.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(January 17, 2015 - 10:32 pm)


I was at a river with my family for a picnic a few summers ago (I think I was 10) and I had climbed to the top of a waterfall. I was waving to my mom to show her how high I had gotten, when I saw a snake. It was doing that clasic cobra move, you know the head swaying from side to side, all of this under water, of course. I screeched, and started to run, forgetting that I was on a waterfall. I slipped on a patch of moss and slid half way down the waterfall screaming bloody murder. Then there was this ledge like thing that I landed on and propelled myself off, landing next to my mom, who had no idea what happened. I didn't stop shaking for at least 30 min, and now I can't even look at a snake without thinking about that. I mean, I laugh about it, but I don't like snakes as much anymore.  

submitted by Stellarbee, age 13, Slytherin CommonRoom
(January 18, 2015 - 9:20 am)

Just yesterday, my dad took my brother, Stellarbee, and me out to eat at a little pub down town. He had to park in a weird spot, where a pole was right in front of my door. Stellarbee was in the front seat, so she had no problem. I had to climb out my brother's door, but he was reading and had no clue whatsoever what was happening. He shut the door, just as I was stepping out. The window of the door slamed into my head, and I fell backward onto his seat, hitting my head again on my baby sister's car seat. I screamed; "I think I have a concusion!" And then finally my brother looks up and is all, "Oh, sorry.", and then continues reading. Story of my life. :P 


submitted by Lulubug, age 13, The Moon
(January 18, 2015 - 9:35 am)

Are u and Stellarbeee twins or someting? U r both 13.....

submitted by a person
(January 18, 2015 - 2:23 pm)

My last few are most definitely the stupidest of all of my stories. 

First, this was over the summer, I was reading a really good book, when I dropped it behind my bed. My bed has a connected bookshelf, with a tiny space between the bed and the shelf, where the book fell through. So I readed down to get it, grabbed the book, and couldn't pull my hand back through. So I was stuck. When my dad came up, he pulled the bed out and I pulled my hand out, but only after my dad finished cracking up. 

Another time, at preschool, I was at recess and there was a door there, with one of those handles that goes out from the door and then across and back towards the door. I was playing around when my elbow slipped through the space between the doorknob and the door. I started screeching, and the adults came over and tried to pry my elbow out. They tried butter, ice, water, everything, but nothing worked. That was the day my mom got the weirdest phone call of her life. "Don't worry, your daughter is fine, the fire department is on its way." The fire department had to disassemble the door and take out the handle to let me get free, and my elbow was bruised and sore for weeks.

I just realized I have a trend for getting myself stuck on things. Odd.

Lastly, and this is both the funniest and the worst injury I have gotten, I was two years old, and I was going to the bathroom, and playing with a baby doll. I dropped the doll, and leaned over to get it back, when I lost my balance on the toilet and toppled off, hitting my lip on the bathtub and spliting it open. All I remember after that was a lot of blood. But now it's just really funny.  

submitted by Owlfire
(January 18, 2015 - 12:50 pm)

I was about 8 years old when this happened. I was piggy-backing my little sister in the hallway when I slipped. She and I came crashing down on my arm. She wasn't hurt because she had a "soft landing"(aka me), but I felt like I broke my arm. Thankfully it wasn't broken, (rolling around on the couch and screaming sort of made better :P) but it still hurt. Owwiee. And then I couldn't play softball until it got better, and after it did get better, it still got sore.

submitted by Butterfly
(January 19, 2015 - 1:59 pm)

WAIT! There's another one.

So I was playing museum guard (aka statue.... you know that game where theres a guard, and if the guard sees you moving you're out?) and a basketball bounced off my head. I was standing still of course for the game, and it literally just hit my head and bounced off. i think it even landed in the hoop after it bounced.  

submitted by SAVVY44x
(January 20, 2015 - 4:59 pm)