I need advice!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I need advice!

I need advice!

So, it's me, Daffodil. Hi! I'm back! for now... 

Anyway, like I said, I need advice. Or actually, I just need support. The thing is, I'm homeschooled. And I dance ballet. And I want to quit ballet. I told my mom about wanting to quit ballet, and she said that if I quit ballet, I'll have to go to school. Something about getting a nuts and bolts education, since I won't be pursuing an artistic career anymore. 

Anyway, I do have a plan. Which is to keep taking ballet classes until June, when they're over for the year, work in homeschool to get up to grade level in case I do have to go to school, prepare arguments for staying homeschooled, and yeah, basically just try to avoid having to go to school, but prepare for the worst.

Anyway guys, sorry to bore you with long explanations. I was wondering if you guys had any advice for a) persuading my mom to let me not go to school and b) going to high school (freshman year) (just in case of the worst case scenario!) It will probably be a private school. 

I'm just so nervous bc it would be my first year ever going to school! And I'm worried I don't have enough knowledge because really my education has been somewhat lackadaisical. 

Anyway,.. geez louise, why am I starting every paragraph with anyway? Sorry for that, guys. um, thanks.

submitted by Daffodil
(February 11, 2015 - 8:40 pm)


submitted by CaykeTheCook
(February 12, 2015 - 11:22 am)

Hey! I am indeed back. CaykeTheCook, I totally, totally remember exactly who you are... Laughing seriously though, glad to know I was that missed :)

Joe's well. I don't think he's even an infrequenter of the chatterbox anymore, so you won't be hearing from him unless you visit his blog or social media. It's really easy to find.

submitted by Daffodil
(February 22, 2015 - 6:14 pm)

Lol, yeah I wasn't on when you were. But I do recall a thread Joe made that said: DAFFODIL IS DEAD! about when you lost Internet priveledges. :)

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(February 24, 2015 - 6:33 pm)

Haha yeah me too :).

Well, it's nice to make your acquaintance, Cayke (ppl call u Cayke for short right?)

submitted by Daffodil
(February 27, 2015 - 7:43 pm)

Top tho!

Squishy said mutg and at first I thought it said mute. 

submitted by top, age except I'm, Daffodil in disguise
(February 22, 2015 - 6:15 pm)

Hey Daffodil! You probably don't remember me. We had a whole conversation, then, you went, poof! So I wanted to say, welcome back, and, why don't you want to do ballet? If your mom wants you to have an artistic career, why not ask her if you can take something that interests you?

submitted by Winter Firefly
(February 24, 2015 - 1:28 pm)


All the older CBers are suddenly turnng up, which is just making me sadder.

In the ballet problem, is there any other type of dance or art you want to do?

Well, good luck! 

submitted by S.E.
(February 24, 2015 - 6:04 pm)

{Argh! I feel new-ish here even though I've been getting Cricket for years now and looking at the Chatterbox for a while and I'm older than a lot of people on here. I think I was using the Chatterbox under a different name but I don't remember what it was... :/ }


Anyway.... (hehe) as others are saying - is there anything else that would count as "pursuing an artistic career"? Do you like jazz or other dancing? The big thing in our homeschool group is drama - we have a great drama director who puts on two plays every semester. What about taking up an instrument?

I can't really help you in the private school area, though. :/


Best of luck! :)

submitted by April Snow
(February 24, 2015 - 8:54 pm)

Daffodil!!! You're back! We've missed you so here on the Chatterbox.

For your argument, you could start with why you want to quit ballet. Is it too hard, interferes with time, etc. If it was about your time being taken, you could say something like I could be spending more time on another artistic career, or something of the sort.

This is probably a really bad suggestion, so I'm sorry. Good luck!

submitted by Katie M
(February 25, 2015 - 4:19 pm)

Hey, Daffodil! Nice to see you again. I'm sorry you're having problems. But for high school advice, listen to the Taylor Swift song Fifteen!

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of hi
(February 26, 2015 - 1:41 pm)

Oh, sorry! I forgot that song was love advice! 

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of oops
(February 27, 2015 - 1:28 pm)

The old I"M GOING TO SEND YOU TO A SCHOOL!!! argument, my mom wanted to send me to a public school (shudders) for a while but I kept resisting until finally I wanted to go to a school and got into a good private one, oh, and not all public schools are that bad but mine is. If there's another art or sport you want to do try that, because I understand that your mom has to show the state that you got a complete education including arts. And I totally understand about worrying if you learned enough to go to a school. I'm nervous about this next year.

submitted by Forrest
(February 27, 2015 - 7:25 am)

Hi, Daffodil! I remember you, when I was under a different name. 

I then left for about a year and when I finally came back, I just decided to make a new username and start fresh. But enough about me.


I'm not even remotely close to high school yet so I can't really offer much advice about that. But if you want to try to persuade your mom, you could do nice things for her, be even better behaved then you are at the moment, or do extra chores and don't ask for a reward in return?


I don't know, that sometimes works on my mom. 


Charrie says beex. None of us have beaks. Are you a bird? If so, I'll have to rename you to Skylar. 

submitted by hotairballoon
(February 27, 2015 - 8:19 am)


My parents say I will keep doing ballet and homeschooling until level 6 is over (that's until next year, 2016). Resistance is futile and I'm starting to get to the point where I really don't care anyway (I mean I kinda do but I'm just sorta like whatever, ya know?), and I don't HATE ballet, so I will do what they say.

I am still responding to your suggestions etc. though! I won't be rude.

April Snow: haha, I have taken up 2 instruments, guitar and piano, have been playing for a while now, doesn't matter.

Everyone who said "what other artistic activities do you want to do": I think I'm gonna work on that so next year I will be more prepared. There are art workshops for teens at the art college where I live, and I think I'm interested in metalworking. I'm going to work on expanding my artisticality so next year I can get into the summer art and design intensive.

hotairballoon: "If you want to try to persuade your mom, you could do nice things for her, be even better behaved than you are at the moment, or do extra chores and don't ask for a reward in return? "

That would not work with my mom. It has to be specific to the thing. I would have to, say, work harder on schoolwork, not clean my room. I worded that wrong. Your suggestion is valid and would indeed probably work if I changed a couple details to please my mother.

Katie M.: It's cool. Thanks!

Ellie: listening to the song as I type. It's okay. Oh but yeah now that I got to trhe chorus I love it! cuz this random teenager on the trolley told me I was cute. I'm just like, "SurprisedEmbarassed Cool . Thanks. *back to my reading*" thinking "well you aren't too bad yourself!"

submitted by Daffodil
(February 27, 2015 - 8:03 pm)