...Does anyone else

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

...Does anyone else

...Does anyone else have this problem?
I feel kind of weird posting it, because it's a really big issue, but....

Anyway, so the kids in my class are kinda.... racist..... the American way... .

I mean, they make some pretty awful comments! And it makes me feel really uncomfortable and annoyed, because they laugh at it, and it isn't right!

Suggestions, similarities, ex..... plz post here!

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(March 10, 2015 - 6:48 pm)

Racism is NEVER okay. Are you a target of racism? Fortunately in my school, we're all cool!


submitted by Somebody, age HHSGT, Who cares
(March 11, 2015 - 1:44 am)

Idk! I know! I'm not a target, but I heard some people are some pretty bad things..... :/

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(March 11, 2015 - 4:39 pm)

Yeah, at my school, people... Well... they swear. And I don't think that's okay. And they laugh at their swearing too! and like your school, they are pretty racist too.

I suggest telling the teacher, or even telling the students. Telling the teacher is pretty much 100% going to work, but telling the students is a bit hard. I tried telling the kids once, and they just laugh back. 

submitted by Squeak
(March 11, 2015 - 5:02 pm)


I think our teacher knows about it. The last time it happened, she talked to the student, but.... I don't even think they realize what they're doing wrong! :(

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(March 11, 2015 - 6:26 pm)

Swearing, racism, bullying and the use of inappropriate words are NEVER okay. I homeschool using an online curriculum, and I go to online classes every day. Yesterday, in my LA class, some kid kept signing in using names that included that-word-you-know-you-are-never-supposed-to-say, copying others' names, writing inappropriate things on the screen, etc. and he or she made that class a total failure. Fortunately, it was only that one kid who was doing it, and even though the rest of us were constantly alerting the teacher so she could kick him out of the class, he signed back in and called our teacher names. I was mad at him for ruining the teacher's day, and ashamed that kids our age did such terrible things at all. The teacher coudn't identify that kid, so we couldn't report him to his parents. =( That certain teacher always has trouble in her class, even though she is one of the nicest teachers ever. I feel sorry for her. As for your problem, I would recommend notifying the kid's parents or the teacher, or something of that sort.

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(March 11, 2015 - 7:29 pm)

If asking them to stop doesn't work, you should definitely get a teacher or staff member involved. That is NOT an okay thing to be happening, especially since it's 2015! Come on, people, racism shouldn't be around anymore!

submitted by J.B.E
(March 11, 2015 - 6:12 pm)

Tell the teacher or a parent or maybe counselor. Seriously, racism is not okay. And if you are a target or if someone else is a target - that's bullying. Go and tell someone. I'm different from the people surrounding me (I'm homeschooled, I'm not a Christian in a Christian environment) and have always felt sensitive to this topic. Hey, everyone's different. Yeah, so she's African, or his mother's Japanese - well, holy smokes people! They can't control who they descended from, but they can control what kind of person they are, so who their parents or grandparents were shouldn't make any difference to anyone.

If they're talking about people or characters - like celebrities - still, please go and tell your teacher. Opinions like this can carry on to adult life - and that's harder to break. 

submitted by True
(March 11, 2015 - 7:15 pm)

I am a target of racism, sadly coming from my best friend. I never really wanted to be friends with her, but my best friend changed schools in fourth grade so I had to make do. 

Even though I am a full-blooded American (well, my ancestors are from Scotland and stuff, but that's beside the point), my best friend makes all kinds of racist comments about me. I don't know... she herself is Indian, and she's always telling me that I will never amount to anything because I'm not Asian, only Asian people can be smart, I can't be smart because I'm not Asian.. that kind of thing.

But I don't want to offend her by saying anything. I think she is just... envious. 

submitted by S.E.
(March 11, 2015 - 8:11 pm)

I hate this stereotype. Honestly, I know I don't go out of my way to prove it false (I do my best to prove that I can be at the top of the class, but nevermind that) but seriously? I've heard it before - though never about me or to my face (if you haven't guessed, I'm of Asian decent - half Japanese). The one time I most clearly remember it was at my co-op. One of my good friends, I, and a group of other friends were waiting for our teacher to come for one of our more lax classes. My good friend had just transefered to the class, and I was asking her why - she had signed up for this science course that took place at the same time.

"Oh," she answered, "I'm still doing the work, but Mom didn't want me in the science class because I, like totally obsess over grades." 

"You obsess? Over grades?" That was one of my friends, a few years older than both her and me, who didn't know her so well. "You mean, like Asians do?"

"Oh, thanks a lot," I said, sarcastically. My friends burst out laughing, and I laughed too, but I still think that it's a poor excuse - one that probably came from resentment, though, come to think about it. 

/end rant 

submitted by True
(March 12, 2015 - 7:02 pm)

I've never heard racism at my school, except once. Yesterday, actually. This guy was calling my friend 'Cinnamon Stick' because she has dark skin. But we really don't have that problem at my school.

submitted by EarthGirl
(March 12, 2015 - 3:42 pm)

My school is actually very good on that front, meaning we don't have racism. And there are people in my class that can be potentially targets of said racism, which is how I know that in my school racism is thankfully virtually nonexistent.

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(March 16, 2015 - 12:24 am)

That is absolutely appalling. Kids can be so awful to each other. Definitely report that to your guidance counselor, principal, superintendant, or any other trustworthy adult who can help to stop the racism. 

submitted by Nora the Singer
(March 13, 2015 - 11:39 am)

My school kind of has the opposite problem. Being in Silicon Valley, most people aren't Caucasian, they're Asian (like me!) or Indian. So yeah, people will say "Asian Fail!" if they get below 90% or whatever. Most of it is joking, but... yes. It is a stereotype. 

submitted by Air
(March 14, 2015 - 6:54 pm)

You live in Silicon Valley? Whoa. So do I...

submitted by Danie
(March 15, 2015 - 1:40 pm)

Yeah, I have been a victim. It is basically because I'm Asian. When my grades drop a little bit I kind of hit on myself because I want to be successful and I just want good grades. When I tell my friends they laugh and say, "Gosh it is only a 97%; you Asians really freak out if you get anything lower than a 100".

I'm sure it is more like a joke but still. 

When I was younger people made fun of me eyes though, now that I look back on it, it doesn't really hurt anymore.

To stop it I would try to change the subject to something really big coming up. This sets them on a tangent of speed talking about it. 

submitted by Insanity, age 12, Where Kpop is played
(April 7, 2015 - 4:55 pm)