Re-introduction Thread 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Re-introduction Thread 

Re-introduction Thread 

For old chatterboxers who've been away for a while. And also for "newbies" to introduce themselves to us.

So yeah, just introduce yourself and like what you're like and maybe say a few words about other CBers, cuz it's much simpler to be introduced than to introduce oneself.

I'll start! (derp)

Hello, I'm Daffodil. My first post was about two years ago and I sorta have been infrequenting the CB lately... I don't use the computer that much. I'm almost 14 and just about a month ago the switch was flipped from "normal happy girl with occasional mood swings when she's hungry" to "sullen teen with occasional flashes of happiness." Yeah that pretty much sums me up right now...  My favorite musicians are Lorde and the Drive By Truckers. I dance and play the guitar and piano, I'm homeschooled, and I hate it when people put the apotrophe in the wrong place. 

The Completely Automated Public Turing test for telling Computers and Humans Apart (aka Squishy) says "kciu" 

kentucky chicken intensive unit...? 

submitted by Daffodil
(March 21, 2015 - 3:40 pm)

Welcome back! 

submitted by Young Writer
(March 21, 2015 - 6:20 pm)


submitted by
(March 21, 2015 - 6:21 pm)

Hello, and great idea!
I'm St.Owl, and I'm slightly new to the Chatterbox; I joined this winter. I have two alter egos and I love to read. My favorite book is Harry Potter, but it is currently grappling with Hunger Games and Percy Jackson. I also really like to write. I play baseball and soccer.

Saint Owl: I'm Saint Owl! That's it, that's all you should need to know-

Devil Owl: Okay, my turn!

Saint Owl: No! I'm not done. 

*ahem* For those of you who are too idiotic to know me-


Saint Owl: Okay, okay. For those of you who do not know me, I am St.Owl's more recent alter ego. I was made because YW usually calls St.Owl Saint Owl, and when she made an RP when St.Owl was one of the bad guys, she made me to subsitute.

I am described as the evil one, which I am. Look out for your backs because the tip of my knife might just find it.

Devil Owl: Are you done? Good. My turn!

Saint Owl: Because I am!


St.Owl: You don't spell Equasions like that, and you don't spell vegedables like that either.

St.Owl: Are you done yet? Good. Both of you, take your leave.

Anyway, that's me... and my alter egos. 

Oh yeah. Sorry, Clode (that's my CAPTCHA)! Did you want to say something?
Clode: rdyp

St.Owl: Rye dip? What's that? I could look it up....   


submitted by St.Owl, age recarnated, Everywhere
(March 25, 2015 - 5:27 pm)

Hello, I'm Clock I started posting on Chatterbox about a month ago (minus a few posts on Blab about Books which were along time ago and under a different name.)In two months and one half  months I will be 14.

I'm homeschooled and am going to be in 8th grade in the fall. My favorite subject is science. My least favorite subject is math because it takes along time to do and I am not very good at it.

The sports I do are swimming, skiing, soccer, and springboard diving (not to be confused with scuba diving.)

I mostly play violin but play some piano.

I like to read, some of my favorite books are:  By the Great Horn Spoon! by Sid Fleischman, Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pène du Bois, The Giver by Lois Lowry, and The Last Newspaper Boy in America by Sue Corbett. The book I am reading now is: Icefire by Chris d'Lacey.

I have two newspaper routes.

It annoys me when people use bad grammar except commas I barey know where commas go and don't go.

(P.S. These are all paragraphs. A paragraph only has to have 1 sentence. (Not three like I thought.) 

submitted by Clock, age 13/156, Big Ben
(June 2, 2015 - 9:34 am)


submitted by top
(June 2, 2015 - 12:44 pm)

Hi! I am Rose bud. My first post was January 19, 2015. I am almost 13 and I live in SC. I like West Side Story, Peter Pan, Percy Jackson, arugala, free-verse poetry, and... a bunch of other things that have little or nothing to do with anything in particular. 

Aaandd... FUDGESICLES!!! IT IS RAINING AGAIN!!! It has been raining every evening here for quite a few days now. I guess this pretty much introduces me... I appologize about my outburst, I just suddenly feel emotional about the fact that I will probably not have swim practice (again) tonight. So you probably get the idea that I am weird. I can confirm now that that's a fact.


:) Happy Writing fellow CBers! 

submitted by Rose bud
(June 2, 2015 - 1:35 pm)

It has been raining too much here too.

I get nervous (like butterflies in my stomach) before I go to swimming or diving pratice too.

submitted by Clock, age 13/156, Big Ben
(June 2, 2015 - 9:54 pm)

Hi I'm Daphne and I'm also pretty new here! I'm 12 (my 13th birthday is on June 8th, in just a little less than a week yay!!) I love pottery, sewing, and reading. I also can ride a unicycle, which is a kind of cool fact about me. I was scared to try it at first, but it's not as hard as it seems! I live in Idaho. My parents are divorced but they're still good friends. I have a baby brother named Aiden (3 months old) and two older sisters, Natalie and Jaquelyn (14 years old and 16 years old, respectively) We have six goldfish and a very lazy dog named Buttercup. And... yeah that's me! :D

submitted by Daphne H.
(June 2, 2015 - 1:54 pm)

Daffodil! I'm glad to see you back!:) I don't known if you remember me but I'm Dryad of the Forrest of Time, Forrest for short, also a teen, and I like to read, weave, and make stuff. The CB has changed quite a bit but it's still as awesome as ever. 

submitted by Forrest
(June 2, 2015 - 3:43 pm)

Okay, I think I'm going to update myself a little bit.

Hello, my name is St.Owl. I am eleven years old and currently undergoing certain panic because I don't want school/summer to end, because after that comes middle school, which I do not want to start. My hobby is, honestly, going on the CB (yaaay!) and (you had to have seen this coming) reading. I now have, like, FIVE favorites, because I just finished Inkheart and The Golden Compass. Recipes of greatness.

Anyway, just so you know, Saint Owl is gone, good-bye, sayonara forever. In her place is my AA (recently updated to sidekick, which she is very happy about) Feather, a total grammar geek. Yep, she has a magic dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, atlas, ex. Dev really hasn't changed. Except he may be a little less hyper (Which he is not too pleased to hear).

Okay. Update over (and out!)

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 2, 2015 - 5:23 pm)

I love Inkheart too.

Did you know there are two other books is that series, Inkspell and Inkdeath? 

submitted by Clock, age 13/156, Big Ben
(June 2, 2015 - 9:59 pm)

Yep! I'm waiting for my friend to finish Inkspell so I can borrow it.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 3, 2015 - 4:58 pm)

I'm Indigo. I joined about a year ago, maybe a bit less- sadly, just before a lot of the older people left. I'm currently reading Harry Potter and love it. I'm depressed more easily than I wish I was...

Um . . .

I can ice skate. Not that well, pretty good I guess, but I can't do any tricks except turn in a circle. Which isn't really a trick. I can go pretty fast, though.

I like climbing. It's kind of easy for me. However, has I only discovered it recently, mostly all I climb is those poles in parks and playgrounds and trees so I haven't tackled Everest yet. Wink

I like debating and (sometimes) arguing.

I like writing poetry. Although sometimes it's sucky.

I like writing. (Don't we all?) I praticularly enjoy extensive world-building; I name the stars and the moon before making the characters.

I live in California. Some people don't know that; I feel it a personal point of pride to live in the same state as so many other CBers. (I live near Danie and Air, BTW, although I haven't met them in person- yet.)

I like biking, something I also discovered recently. (Having a newer, better bike is so eye opening!)

I like chocolate.

All of these start with I,, and all but one start with I like . . . 

*tries to remember anything else remotely interesting about self*

Um, I think that's all. 


submitted by Indigo
(June 2, 2015 - 6:37 pm)

Greetings! I'm Anna, my twin Avery and I joined in April. I'm the oldest in my family (besides Mum and Dad) by nine minutes. I come from a family of six (not including our Mum and Dad)! We have a dog named Lupin. I love art. I want to be an artist when I am older. My family owns a sailboat and I really enjoy sailing it. Oh, I'm also homeschoooled.



submitted by Anna, UK
(June 2, 2015 - 7:30 pm)

I'm Danie, full name Danielle, and I joined... A year ago? I'm reaching my anniversary on Cricket. A bit about my personality:

1. I have a very very very very bad temper. And I hate over-powered characters. Also, I LOVE arguing and debating (Mostly because I usually win). It's my Melopie side.

2. I get depressed easily. I'm also very dark (I don't show it on here) and love stories about bringing people to life, killing people, putting embarrassing experiments on people, and making people traitors and villians. Hehe. That's Jessica.

3. I love to think. I usually think about all those philisophical things, such as 'why am I me? Why aren't I someone else' or 'Why was a I born now?', even 'is this a real world, or a virtual one?" Yeah, meet Squeak.

4. I'm actually pretty funny, but sometimes I can make really bad puns.

5. Writing is AMAZING! I love world-building, and learning about all the family ties is really fun to do. And history. I love learning about the history of my made-up world, or a book's. Poetry is also something I'm good at, though it can get pretty dark.

6. I love video games. Probably my favorites are Five Nights at Freddy's and Minecraft. (Dippedinacid here!)

7. My first rp is the Shadow rp, and I'm proud to say that it's one of the most posted on. :D Thank Indigo, Noelle, and a few others for that.

8. Like Indigo, I love in Cali. Look at my location!

9. Cookie dough ice cream is amazing. So is ketchup and potatoes. Some people say it's gross, but think about it: You use ketchup for your french fries, correct? And french fries are made from potatoes, correct?


11. I'm left handed. Aww yeah!

12. 11 years old, turning 12 in October. the 13th, to the exact. (The best date to be born on. October, which has Halloween, and the 13th.)

13. Halloween is the best!


15. I love drawing!!! :D

uh... I think that's it... Um... yeah! That's me in a nutshell! 

submitted by Danie, San Jose, CA
(June 2, 2015 - 7:47 pm)