CBer Meetings?

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

CBer Meetings?

CBer Meetings?

Has anyone ever thought about if we met each other in real life? What would we think of each other?

I know a bunch of you guys live in CA like I do, and I wonder if we would ever see each other, even casually. 

A while ago, I think some CBers came up with a marking: I believe it was sharpie or a bracelet with your CB name (I still have to find letter beads to do that! I keep hesitating because, well, it's only three letters that I need).

Any other ideas for stuff we should do? Where might we see each other?

submitted by Air
(May 9, 2015 - 12:10 am)

*Forever alone* *Sniff*

submitted by Katydid, LonelyplaceinAlaska
(May 12, 2015 - 11:10 am)


In the great wideness.

Surronded by sagebrush.

Nothing but the great blue sky and the misty mountains.

And me.

Just me. 


I could run for many days without seeing a soul.

So empty is this place.

So lonely, quite, and wide.

And blue.

Very blue.

As  if some of the sky has seeped into the ground.

There is nothing here but me.

Just me.

And that's all I need in this wind-swept place.

I don't need another soul in this lonely place.

There is me.

And only me.

And the misty mountains, the sagebrush, the wind, and the blue.

Very blue. 

I don't need anyone else.

In this place.

Just me.

Only me.

In this windy, dry,  and empty place.

I want this just for me.

And that is perfectly fine for me.

And blue.

Very blue.


Sorry that it was so very long. I got carried away. 


submitted by Shadow Dragon, LonelyplaceinWy
(May 12, 2015 - 5:09 pm)

If you hadn't earlier said you live in WY, I would think that you live in the Silver State... saaaagebruuushhhhhh....

submitted by Saaaagebruuush, THE ONE CBER IN NV
(May 12, 2015 - 9:13 pm)

Is that a reference to Never Alone?? Omigod I love that game.

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(May 13, 2015 - 10:22 am)


submitted by Shadow Dragon
(May 14, 2015 - 4:22 pm)

Wearing a CBer name necklace or bracelet would be cool, though people might wonder why we're wearing such random words on our necks/wrists. So maybe just the letters C and B on a bracelet of a certain color? Anyways, my mom won't want me saying where I live, though from the absence of 'u's in my 'color's, 'honor's, and 'favorite's, you can likely tell I'm not British. I always wonder whether new people I meet or people I've know for a long time are CBers, but I'm too shy to ask. I suppose I should conquer my bashfulness and just ask!

submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12, Not tellin'
(May 12, 2015 - 12:52 pm)

@Gina: *Does crazy happy dance* YAY!!!! Finally, someone who lives near me! 

A necklace would work really well.  

submitted by Katie M
(May 12, 2015 - 3:25 pm)

Bracelet or necklace with CB and maybe our CB names would be good! What color? Maybe blue?

submitted by Air
(May 12, 2015 - 10:30 pm)

I kinda like that idea... I already wear a bracelet in Ravenclaw colors that my parents have no idea WHY I wear, so another wouldn't matter:)

Maybe, instead of just CB and blue, is there some type of unique charm or pattern we could wear??? 

submitted by Abigail A., age 14, VT
(May 13, 2015 - 7:00 am)

Well, there are several online bracelet companies, but the ones I found sold one for five dollars...and I don't think that is a reasonable price. Well, lots of people like blue, so it should be blue and another color. Maybe a dark color, like purple, green or black, or a brighter color like red. (I think it should be chatterbox red)

I don't know, but if it is possible we could find some instructional video about how to make bracelets from embroidery floss. Or maybe a CBer knows how and can post instructions. But we need to think about color, first I guess.

Maybe we could drop the 'CB' part of it altogether? I know I would get questions if I walked around with a bracelet on my arm that said 'cb'. Also, how a we going to see the CB part? 

Anyways, thanks for reading my opinions on all this. 

submitted by Magic Dragon
(May 13, 2015 - 9:25 am)

Seriously, does anyone live near DC? I'm leaving tomorrow! Hold up a peace sign on your fingers. I will take a picture.

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of DC
(May 13, 2015 - 7:02 am)

Oh, and I'll have a notecard taped to my back that says "Ellie CB" in black Sharpie.

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of DC
(May 13, 2015 - 7:04 am)

Oh! My Chinese teacher is going to NY! Maybe he'll see one of you...

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(May 13, 2015 - 10:25 am)

Look at my location. I'm not giving any more info.

Seriously, I don't think any of you are stalkers, and I haven't even given my address, so I think I'm fine. 

submitted by Danie, San Jose, CA
(May 13, 2015 - 10:46 am)

Even though I barely come on, I'm from San Diego.

But I used to live in San Jose!!

I think we could just wear a certain charm? Maybe with the cricket red and blue. 

submitted by Legion, age 14, sd
(May 13, 2015 - 4:22 pm)