Complaint line!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Complaint line!

Complaint line!

It took me TEN WHOLE MINUTES just to get to the CB because the Wi-Fi is a little wonky today! Ugh!

I really wanted to complain to somebuggy about that. So guys, this can be our complaint line! If you have something to complain about (and I don't mean complain that people like pi) go all out and RANT ABOUT IT!


Hey, Toto says bing! I bet he got ahold of a magic fairy wand. Y'know, bing? Like that little sound that-nevermind. 

submitted by Over The Rainbow
(May 10, 2015 - 6:14 am)

Today I had to write a script for a play, and ordinarily I love doing that but I only had like FIVE MINUTES and it was not that good.

submitted by Brookeira
(May 10, 2015 - 1:26 pm)

I'm going to complain about something you will all hate me for, but I'm going to do it anyway.

It takes so long for stuff to come through, and for people to be on. I am SUCH a brat sometimes.  

submitted by Impatient Person, By Nature
(May 10, 2015 - 9:11 pm)

I had bad Wi-Fi, too! And a horrible five hour power outage. I had to shower in the dark. It was scary.

I compliment the electric company for bringing my light back. Thank you! 

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of wonky WiFi
(May 11, 2015 - 11:26 am)

Bad news + good news:

ONE!!!!! A CRUSH OF MINE LIKES MY WORST ENEMY!!! but I'm still friends with him.

TWO!!!!! I might possibly have a boyfriend! Yay!

THREE!!!!!! I like pie.

submitted by Luna, age 11, Hogwarts
(May 11, 2015 - 5:11 pm)

Wait, you're eleven? I'm not an expert on these things, but you have your whole life ahead of you. You don't need to worry about dating and relationships at eleven.

submitted by S.E.
(May 12, 2015 - 8:14 pm)

I have a TERRIBLE sore throat. And it's testing week, so I have to test and test and test and teeeeeeeeeeeeest.................

submitted by Carolion K, age uuuuuurg, Sorethroat Ville
(May 11, 2015 - 8:05 pm)

My laptop has a virus or something of the sort (I don't know what.)

And it is going CRAZZZZYYYY. Which means I can't write on any of the RPs I've joined.

Ugh. I can't write. 

I think I'm going crazy along with it. CRAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYYY.


submitted by Shadow Dragon, CRAZZYYYYYY
(May 11, 2015 - 8:15 pm)

I am mad because for Mother's Day I got bought my mom flowers with my own money and made a cute planter out of Dixie cup and glitter and because of the storm last night it got blown of my deck and all the flowers came out and died but I only had two extra flowers and there were originally 6. I am really mad the planter survived and it also made a huge mess : ( 

submitted by Geek girl
(May 12, 2015 - 4:14 pm)

(hugs Carolion) That happened to me last semester!!! During midterms in math I almost fainted because my pneumonia and throat had given me NO SLEEP.

submitted by Brookeira
(May 13, 2015 - 8:41 am)

I hate it when people forget things then either say a) I'm lying when I say they happened or B) I hallucinated the entire event when I insist it happened. It's annoying how I need other people now to back me up on the smallest things because people assume I can't tell the truth.

submitted by Ruby M.
(May 12, 2015 - 11:46 pm)

That sounds really annoying! I'm sorry to hear that.

submitted by Over The Rainbow
(May 13, 2015 - 6:41 pm)

I hate that. I can't say anything about the hallucinang assumption, but I have a weird memory.I can remember the big events alright: a little better than average, but I remember every tiny detail. I could basicly relive something.

But everyone assumes I'm lying when I say something specific nd they don't remember it, so they say I'm lying. Very annoying. 

submitted by S.E.
(May 14, 2015 - 5:07 am)

Many things make me mad.

1) When 6-10 year olds have phones. I mean, seriously. Why do they need a PHONE? An iPod? They are young, but sure. Phone? WHY? Ugh! When I was 6-8 I thought my markers were cool. Now I think my colored pencils are cool. And I am in middle school! 

2) When I dissapoint people

3) When Dr. Who won't load. I cannot explain how awful it is.

4) When people think blowing up/ shooting stuff is cool. This is AWFUL! Why do you want to blow something up? Why can't you throw it at a wall? 

submitted by Magic Dragon
(May 13, 2015 - 11:31 pm)

Do you know a 6-10 year old with a phone?

That also bugs me. I find it realy crazy that people would buy their child a fancy phone that costs a ton. I know I won't have a cell phone until I'm 14 or something. It doesn't make sense for SIX YEAR OLDS to have phones!!!! It just doesn't!!!!!!!

submitted by Over The Rainbow
(May 15, 2015 - 6:50 pm)

I know! And it's most likely they'll break it in some way! I have a phone, but that's because I walk from the train station to my school and have to wait there after school for maybe 30 minutes for my parents, so it's for emergencies. But then I know, like, a three-year-old whose favorite pasttime is playing Bad Piggies on an iPad!

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 20, 2015 - 10:57 am)