@Regina: I see

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

@Regina: I see

@Regina: I see you're new here, and you look like a really fun person so I want to know you better. Welcome to the Chatterbox! How are you?

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(October 19, 2015 - 12:34 pm)

This made so happy! I am sorry I didn't see this sooner. I just got back from theater practice and was reading Teresa's response to one of my earlier comments and was close to tears agian and this took me totally by surprise and I really did start crying. Ive been emotional lately because im super stressed out because of school and all that stuff. Anyway, I am super happy and surprised you did this because I am sort of a shy person and the only time soomeone else has done that is when a friend sat down next to me and said, "I don't know much about you. Tell me more." I don't even know what words to use to describe it. It feels so amazing to know you are really appreciated and someone out there wants to be your friend.

Anyway, back to your origional question, how am I... I'm okay at the moment. As I said I am stressed with school, I'm in 9th grade, and theater, Mary Poppins. I also really like to write but can't find all that much time to do it. I know how to crochet but I haven't done it in a couple month and have recently learned arm knitting! I highly recommend it, It's super easy and the finished product is really cool! I play piano but not all that great and I do gymnastics. I really lke it, but again, I'm not super great.  

Yeah, so that's my life! I probably missed like whole sections, but that's a basic outline.

Thank you so much for making me feel welcome and wanting to know me better! I know that the chatterbox and all the wonderful people and admins on it will become an important part of my life! I look forward to getting to know you all better!

submitted by Regina
(October 19, 2015 - 9:40 pm)

You're welcome! =) I do want to be your friend. I do crochet too! But I haven't found time to do it lately as well. Arm knitting? I have to look that up, it sounds cool! And yes, I know how stressing school can be. I'm trying to finish my grade early and it's tough. But even when it's stressful I have you guys to cheer me up! =) I have to go now, but I'll write more later!

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(October 20, 2015 - 12:01 pm)

Hi Regina! Welcome to the CB. I'm Dragonrider. I'm 11 years old, and I'm in 6th grade. I LOVE turtles, ice cream, skiing, reading, art, and drumroll please........ DRAGONS!!!!!!! Wow, you tootally didn't see that coming. I'll tell you more if I think of something to tell you. You'll love the CB, and you'll probably make a lot of friends on here very quickly.

submitted by Dragonrider
(October 21, 2015 - 4:08 pm)

Thanks a lot, Dragonrider!!! :D 

submitted by regina
(October 21, 2015 - 5:52 pm)

Hey Regina! I'm Indigo.

I like writing a lot, too. This year and the year before I've done Nanowrimo- basically in November, you can sign up for a challenge to write a certain number of words in just November. It's hard and time consuming, but loads of fun. Plus you can chose the number of words to write so if you dont have a lot of time you dont have to write so much. Even though I'm really busy with the endless stack of homework I'm procrasinating on, I still decided to do it this year. I can explain how to do it more if you want. :)

I hope you like the CB and stay for a while, it's a really cool place. 

submitted by Indigo
(October 21, 2015 - 5:59 pm)

Hi Indigo!! Yeah I've heard of nanowrimo but until ths year I had never considered doing it. Now I think it's sort of too late for me because I'm involved in so many other thngs. But I think I want to do it next year. Thanks a lot for your warm welcome!! I'm hoping I will be able to stay for a long time!!! 

submitted by Regina
(October 21, 2015 - 7:32 pm)

WELCOME, REGINA! *hands complementary muffin basket*

Congrats, you have successfully found the ultimate haven for young readers and writers all across the globe. I'm Nora, and singing is my life! (ALTHOUGH I CANNOT DANCE. AT ALL.) I'm 15 years old, a sophomore in high school, and just about the weirdest girl you could ever meet, but we here at the Chatterbox do not discriminate against weirdos. In fact, we widely accept them. The CB is kind of an escape from the reality of the world around you. There's always something fun to do! Write stories and poems, discuss your favorite movies and songs, recommend books, play games, talk to the buggies, make suggestions...and about a million other things. I hope you feel welcome here, and enjoy! {: 

submitted by Nora the Singer
(October 21, 2015 - 8:37 pm)

Hi Nora!!!! Thanks for the muffins!!!:D

Thanks for your warm welcome!! Im still trying to convince myself that these are real people who really want to get to know me and be my friends. It still feels like a dream! As I said earlier im a little shy so I'm not very good at going up to someone and getting to know them, but I'm getting better! All these wonderful, fun, loving, weird and crazy (which I agree is definitely not a bad thing!) people who like the same thngs as me are all in the same place and are like a family that is waiting with open arms and hearts and smiling faces just waiting for the next person to come so that they can make them feel loved!! There's not a lot of places where you can find that! 

Basically I just wanted to say thank you. A million times. Thank you! And I for sure feel welcome!



submitted by Regina
(October 21, 2015 - 9:23 pm)

Hi Regina!!!! I'm fairly new here, about I think a month of posting! If you have any questions ask ME!!!! I am homeschooled, in seventh grade, love reading, posting on Cricket, and being a geek!

P.S. Topics I am geeky about: Star wars, Dragons, Fairies, Books, Harry Potter, Middle-Earth, Princesses who are Adventurous, Halloween, Disney movies, And something I'm forgetting about.


submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, At Hogwarts
(October 22, 2015 - 8:49 am)

Hi Cho Chang!! 

Thanks for being so welcoming!! 

submitted by regina
(October 23, 2015 - 4:59 pm)

Your welcome!I didn't get welcomed so nicely, so I wanted your experience to be really nice.

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, At Hogwarts
(October 24, 2015 - 7:18 am)

Hi, Regina! I'm St.Owl, Huffleclaw, Champion of District 12, Apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Jedi, Harry Potter Trivia Champion, and Silvertongue-In-Training. In other words, I love Harry Potter, the Hunger Games, Septimus Heap (even though I'm just getting started), Star Wars, and Inkheart, and I'm also a Whovian-In-Training, which I still need to find I title for. I'm also very good at Harry Potter Trivia, seeing as I'm currently re-reading them for the 11th time.

Besides that, I'm a 6th grader who is quite strange, although I don't think it shows too much online. Only my perkiness and nerdiness (that isn't a word, I don't think) shows. Besides writing and reading, I like roller skating, biking, playing soccer and baseball, and observing animals in their natural habitat, such as pidgeons fighting over crumbs on the sidewalk.

Like everyone before me has said, welcome! I know you'll love it here!

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 22, 2015 - 11:20 am)

Hi St. owl!! 

Thanks so much!!  Laughing

submitted by regina
(October 24, 2015 - 9:13 am)

Hi, Regina! My name is Kate-the-Great, and I like EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!, candy, ice cream, Halloween, climbing trees, stuffed animal fights, swimming, surfing, dogs, reading, writing, drawing, plants, traveling, animals, going on field trips, space, science, and other-things-that-i-cant-think-of-right-now. I hope you like the CB! 

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(October 24, 2015 - 9:59 pm)

Hi! Kate-the-great!!!!!! Yay exclamation points!!! 

submitted by regina
(October 25, 2015 - 10:04 pm)