There's a problem

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

There's a problem

There's a problem we need to try our very best to beat. 

No, it's not Trump or Hilary or Sanders or any political figure. Let them take care of themselves.

No, it's not the robots. Yet.

No, zombies haven't started to sprout from hillsides.

No, the Doctor is fine. 

No, it's not the Dark Side. Well. In a way, it sort of is. 

It's depression. Depression is everywhere, it seems.

Some of our own here on the Chatterbox suffer from it. I myself am depressed sometimes. Although working in groups may not be your favorite thing ever, we must work as one to reduce depression.

Even if we just try to be nicer people we could change someone's life for the better.

Give more hugs, high fives, fist bumps, and handshakes. Sit with that kid who eats alone for lunch every day. High five the first graders. Stand up for one another.

Our generation spends a lot of time online. Be kind on the internet as well. State your opinions in the most respectful way possible. If you are just insulting someone for fun, at least make sure they know you mean no harm. Being polite and kind on the internet is very important. You could be helping them cope with whatever it is.

Remember that you don't know what kind of battles they are fighting when you talk to them.

If we can be kind to everyone, we could make a positive impact on the world. If nobody wants to high five you, try, try again. Don't doubt yourself.  You got this in the bag.

If you are depressed yourself, also be kind to everyone. Maybe you'll make new friends in the process. Who knows. Depression is very hard, but it can be overcome through perseverance. Think about what you are good at. Maybe it's art. Maybe it's writing. Or sports. Find what you are good at and cling to those pieces of hope.

I believe in you all.  

submitted by One of the Dragons
(November 2, 2015 - 1:09 am)

This was really inspiring and I wholeheartedly agree.

It's so sad whenever someone is feeling like this because in a way... I understand. 

I know the feeling of staying up (mostly) all night, listening to music, and crying.

I know the feeling of keeping all your emotions tucked away inside you and never letting people see the pain.

I know the feeling you get when you know that the darkness is enveloping your heart.

I know.

I don't get depressed for long, and I always get depressed over the same old thing that seems like it doesn't matter, it's not a big deal, it shouldn't hurt me like that.

And it shouldn't!!

Guess I'm a wimp.

But I always escape from the harsh grip of depression, away from it's icy cold hands.

Music is the most influencial thing in my life, and when I listen to it, I realize:

I am loved by God. I am so blessed to have parents who love me and who care for me. I have a roof over my head and I have food. I can go to school and get an education. I am so blessed. 

But most of all I realize:

It will be OK.

And I smile while I'm crying.

You can't get a rainbow without a little rain.

submitted by carpingperson
(November 2, 2015 - 6:06 pm)