My reintroduction thread!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

My reintroduction thread!

My reintroduction thread! 


Hello. I've been gone for a while, and I'd like to reintroduce myself.

First off, I'm revealing my first name. Well, not exactly my REAL first name, but it's a nickname for my real first name. Jay.

My CB name is J.B.E, but you can call me Jay for short. I might even switch my CB name to Jay at some point in the future. 

Secondly, I know almost none of you. There are a few people on here that I am acquainted with, but mostly none. When I first came to this website during crowd sorcery, I sort of just melted into the Chatterbox. I didn't even make an introduction thread. So here it is, my year-and-a-half overdue introduction thread. I'd like to have a fresh start on the Chatterbox, and hopefully get to know some of you newer people!

So, some things about me:

I am 14 years old

I am usually pretty serious, both within my writing and outside of it (by serious, I don't mean  stone-faced. I just mean I don't get as crazy as some of the people on here).

My favorite bird is the blue jay (HMMM I wonder why that is...)

My favorite color is blue (I wonder why THAT is...) 

My favorite genre to read is fantasy, but my favorite genre to write is science fiction.

I hope I have a chance to get to know and write with you guys on the CB! Part of the reason I took a hiatus was because my life is quite busy, and it still is, but hopefully I will be on here at least once and a while. Happy writing! 



submitted by J.B.E
(January 4, 2016 - 5:00 pm)

Thanks for the introduction!

submitted by Will t
(January 4, 2016 - 5:29 pm)

Hi J.B.E! I saw you on the CB. You "left" but I don't think I met you. Welcome back! I joined this past May, so I've been here for almost 8 months. Wow. It  hasn't seemed that long. I still feel like a newer CBer!

submitted by Dragonrider
(January 4, 2016 - 6:46 pm)

Yeah, you guys are definitely going behind my back. Luna, Brookeira, Danie, and MapleSyurp all just came back, and now you? Cool, anyway. Although you don't know me, welcome back to the CB. I'm Scylla (no nicknames tolerated), and came here about three months ago on October Seventh because I was intrigued by the CB posts published in Cricket issues. But this isn't about me. Again, welcome back.


Hallia says bnut. Buy nut? Be nut? Berylluim nut? Boron nut? Birch nut. . .  

submitted by Scylla
(January 4, 2016 - 7:28 pm)

Hi Jay! I'm Bibliophile, and I've only been here for about 4 months. I kind of did the same thing you did, melting in without an intro, but later I did an introduction. Have you read this book thread? I have gotten Cricket magazene for 4 years now. I love to read, sing, and write! I hope you stay on the Chatterbox!


submitted by Bibliophile, age 12, Chicago, IL
(January 4, 2016 - 8:30 pm)

Hola mellon! That's Spanish for "Hello" (which you probably knew) and elvish for "friend". (Which you probably didn't know) Anyway, hello! Welcome back to the Cb! I am Cho Chang, which is obviously not my real name, but it's the Cb.

I joined the ranks of the Cb in October. Do you like roleplay? Cus we need some more dedicated roleplayers.

I like Star Wars, HP, PJ, LOTR, The Hunger Games, Warriors, and pretty much everything in-between. Before you ask me, I do NOT play Minecraft, although I would like to.

Welcome back mellon! 

submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, Episode VII
(January 5, 2016 - 2:27 pm)

Hi Jay!

My name is Joss, (well, my nickname at least,) and I have been on CB for at least a year now. Welcome back!

submitted by Joss, age 13, ME
(January 5, 2016 - 3:58 pm)

Hi, J.B.E!

You might know me, you might not. I joined just as some of the older CBers started to melt away. 

I did the same thing as you: Sort of melted in. I joined almost a year ago now, although it feels much longer than that... 

Anyway, I'm St.Owl, or St. for short. I have two AEs who are currently doing a "research trip" in upper Asia, so they haven't really been around much. But as for me, I'm...

a Potterhead, Whovian-in-training, and lover of: Percy Jackson, Inkheart, Septimus Heap, and The Hunger Games. And, of course, the Beatles, although they don't really fall into a "Fandom" catagory. I play piano, soccer, and baseball.

Peace, love, and frogs.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(January 5, 2016 - 6:27 pm)

Hello! yeah, life can get quite busy (Mine still is), but its nice to get on here. You are very good at melting in and out of chatterbox; I don't even remember when you actually first came on!

Hope you get more time to get on here ^^ 

submitted by Danie
(January 5, 2016 - 7:50 pm)

Hi, J.B.E! I was on here when you were still around, I think, but you may not recognize me. I'm Over the Rainbow! I love anything musical or theater and when it's musical theater it's totally awesome.

submitted by Over the Rainbow
(January 5, 2016 - 8:59 pm)

Hi J.B.E.! Glad to meet you!!! :) 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc , age 13, Camelot
(January 6, 2016 - 4:49 pm)

Welcome back, JBE. I believe we've already acquainted, having both came on around Crowd Sorcery.

Did ya hear, they're considering doing another crowd sorcery like thing? 

submitted by Indigo
(January 8, 2016 - 10:31 am)