Ughhh...I ju

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Ughhh...I ju


I just had a super emotionally exhausting day, along with another one yesterday.

I feel so dead right now..


How often do you guys have 2 exhausting days in a row? So badly that you need to go to bed to restore your energy?


submitted by S.E.
(January 16, 2016 - 8:32 pm)

I feel ya, S.E., I'm sorry it's been so rough on you the last couple days. Sometimes that just happens, but God uses it to make us stronger. I understand it though, I feel the same way a lot. I go through several days at a time often that are like that.

It's not easy, and I'm sorry you've been feeling that way. I hope things calm down for you.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Neverland
(January 16, 2016 - 10:49 pm)

So, funny story:

We had SEL (social-emotion learning)  on Friday morning.

I ended up in a very small breakout room with eleven other people preparing a presentation on what is time.

That was not the point.

The point was surviving in a room with:

-6 ADHD people (me included)

-3 peeps with anger issues

-1 person with anxiety

-1 person with severe OCD

-ELEVEN SOCIOPATHS (most of them quite smart)

for two hours and not kill each other.

We got a paper saying What is time? You have 30 min. to prepare a presentation. Our watches/phones/ etc. were poofed.

Then, we started. A skit. Someone said: "Let's pretend we're on this time drug that makes yo a genius about time! Then one of us can overdose on intellectual dominance."

Three others:


Everyone else:



I ended up sitting under the air hockey table destroying a notebook (hige pile of shredded paper) and most people ended up swearing.

Except me.

I don't swear.

In there.

Two hours.




Then, the next day, I went shoe shopping for four hours, found two pairs of shoes I loves but they were not "stable enough."



Now 'm stuck with black and blue ones.

I wanted green.

I found green.

They were stable.


Now I don't have green shoes. :,,(

I have blue shoes. That are black.

Not green.

I can't have green shorts because they don't make green shorts I can wear.

Can't have green shoes cus my stupid feet don't work.

I hate shoes.

I want to go barefoot. Then I can tattoo my skin green and not have to worry about not being able to find green anything.  


submitted by S.E.
(January 18, 2016 - 8:18 am)

I sound like such a stupid brat.

Especially since shopping is one of my stupid overexcitabiliteies that nobody understands. 

submitted by S.E.
(January 18, 2016 - 6:26 pm)
submitted by Top!
(January 18, 2016 - 12:22 am)

Believe it or not, I've had four exhausting days in a row. So fun, right? I won't say why because I'm tired of it and if anyone does say why then I'll dismember them.* And you want to know what the best thing about my exhausting days is? I can barely sleep at all! Oh my GOSH!! YAY! Yeah, you can imagine how thrilled I am right now. And on top of it all, my sister's bullying me! Oh joy! [Complaining: Terminated] [Bitterness:Terminated] [Depression:Decreased] [Hate:Terminated] [Spark_Of_Hope:Spawned] [Aching:Spawned] [Tiredness:Increased] [Burning:Spawned] [Chills:Decreased] Just a brief glimpse into my basic emotions and sensations! [Bitterness:Spawned] [Bitterness:Voracious]



submitted by Scylla
(January 18, 2016 - 4:37 pm)

I understand that so well!

My sister bullies me badly, too. (Both of them actually)  I can never sleep either. 

I hate sleep, and it stinks because I can't sleep ever and I just lie there for hours thinking and I hate stupid people. 

submitted by S.E.
(January 18, 2016 - 6:24 pm)

S.E, I feel you. I've been super depressed lately too. I've started writing a book. I pretty much just change the names of my friends and rant about my feelings. It's really been helping me.

Just some advice. You could always talk to me, too. If you need to get your feelings out, I won't judge. You can rant, if you want to.  

submitted by TARDISrider, age 982, Gallifray
(January 18, 2016 - 7:32 pm)

I feel so much better!

My Imposter's Syndrome isn't acting up right now and I'm STARTING TO GET OVER IT!!!!

I actually thought I sounded GOOD when I was singing!

And I thought that my story was good too!

That's incredible! It's still frustrating me, but YES!!!

Oh, yeah, Imposter's Syndrome is just basically when you can't accept that anything you do is good, or you feel like you don't deserve any praise you get.



so me=ick


submitted by S.E.
(January 18, 2016 - 8:39 pm)

Really? Then I most definitely have Imposter's Syndrome. My self-esteem is lower than low, and I pretty much hate myself and anything I create or do.

Anyway, sorry you had a bad couple of days, but it sounds like you're getting over it. Sort of.

submitted by hotairballoon
(January 19, 2016 - 6:42 am)

And now it's back :) (sarcastic)

submitted by S.E.
(January 19, 2016 - 3:33 pm)

Don't feel down! I know exactly how you're feeling. Just be happy about there is to be happy about and throw your bad feeling into a valcono. Yeah, sounds kinda lame, but it does help. To prepare for another slow day, try making a dream diary. I know it sounds kinda dumb, but it can help lots to keep your spirets up. Hope I helped, and if not, feel better! Laughing

submitted by Lily D, age 12, Wisconsin
(January 19, 2016 - 3:31 pm)

Aww, I know how you feel!


Unless you don't like hugs. Then I will <insert appropriate cheer-up thing to do for people who don't like hugs>.

submitted by Joss
(January 20, 2016 - 3:15 pm)

I willl hug people I'm comftorable with, so 


submitted by S.E.
(January 21, 2016 - 6:59 am)