Hello friends!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hello friends!

Hello friends!

As those of you who remember me probably know, I've been TERRIBLY inactive for some time now, mostly due to midterms and general school-related stress, but I am very very happy to announce that I'm back for good! (You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?) I never officially took a break from the CB (I still posted here and there), but now that things are going more smoothly, I'll be able to come online a lot more often!

So! Updates! Let's see...I'm still involved in theatre - I actually just started taking a new actor's workshop outside of school. It's a lot more difficult than I thought it would be, but I like a challenge. I've also decided to take a stagecraft/script analysis class next year as one of my electives (the other, of course, will be choir). I'm still the worst dancer that has ever walked the face of the earth, but let's overlook that, shall we?

Also, hi there to any newcomers! Welcome to the CB! We give free hugs!

Some backstory, in case you're totally confused: I'm Nora, and singing is my life! Some of my other hobbies include theatre/drama (as mentioned above), horseback riding, swimming, reading, writing, and photography. I'm 15 years old, a high school sophomore, and just about the weirdest, fangirliest, most sarcastic person you will ever meet. I joined the CB way back in the day at the ripe age of 12 years old, and plan to stay until the end of time. I love fuzzy blankets, John Green, Converse sneakers, and rainy days. Let's be friends!

And to the rest of you: I've missed you guys! What's new? Anything I've missed over the last couple of months (OH MY GOSH IT'S BEEN MONTHS TELL ME EVERYTHING)?

Anyway, it's good to be back! 


Welcome back, Nora! The big new thing is Kyngdom. Go to cricketmagkids.com/chatterbox and click on Kyngdom.


submitted by Nora the Singer
(February 18, 2016 - 9:06 pm)

HI S.E.! *hugshugshugs*

Aw, I've missed you guys too! Tell Cayke I say hi. :] 

submitted by Nora the Singer
(February 22, 2016 - 4:25 pm)

Welcome back! You might not remember me, but I remember you, and I'm really happy that you're back!


submitted by Dragonrider
(February 21, 2016 - 7:50 am)

Aw, thank you Dragonrider! I remember you!

submitted by Nora the Singer
(February 22, 2016 - 4:26 pm)

I missed you, Nora. You may not know me, as I came on in February 2015,but I really admired you. I wondered where you where.


submitted by Applejaguar, age !), New York
(February 21, 2016 - 9:25 am)

Aw, that is so sweet! Thank you! :] I've missed you too!


submitted by Nora the Singer
(February 22, 2016 - 4:27 pm)

Hi Nora!! Glad you're back :). I was wondering where you were.

submitted by Joss, age 13, ME
(February 21, 2016 - 1:01 pm)

Hi Joss! Thanks! :]

submitted by Nora the Singer
(February 22, 2016 - 4:28 pm)

NORA!!!!! Welcome back! We've missed you. I'm not really posting that much now either, due to lack of time, stress, and tech week in our school play- Beauty and the Beast. And chosing electives for highschool, and trying to figure out how to survive with an expected seventeen hours of HW per week... Never mind, I'll stop complaining. 

Let's see, what's new with me... Oooh, I'm writing a book with two of my friends! It's really, fun, and I'm learning a lot.

Anyhow, welcome back! *hugs* 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(February 21, 2016 - 1:31 pm)

Aw! Thanks, Booksy! *hugs* Ooh, a play! How's it going? Do you have a part? 

Wow, that's a ton of homework! Yikes. I can relate. And the book thing is so cool! What's it about? 

submitted by Nora the Singer
(February 22, 2016 - 4:29 pm)

I'm props master. I love to act, but I just don't have the time! So I do tech. What are you doing theatre-wise lately? 

The book's about three VERY different girls who go to a boarding school together. it's kind of based off of us.

I was kind of stressed at the time I wrote that thing about HW... I still am kind of stressed... Hopefuly it won't be that bad! 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(February 22, 2016 - 9:59 pm)

I'm writing a book too, although I wouldn't be able to stand working with others. I'm more reclusive, you know? I think that others just don't understand my ideas and how I percept things, and it doesn't help that I'm in seminar. It's kind of isolated, and lonely, but I wouldn't give it up for anything. Well, almost anything.

submitted by Scylla
(February 22, 2016 - 8:14 pm)

Actually, I'm really bad at working with others too, usually. But this process has been extremely good for me, and I've learned a lot. I've gotten perspectives and ideas there that I would never get with just myself. It's very educational.

What's your book about? 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(February 23, 2016 - 11:51 pm)

Hi Nora!!! So glad you're back! I don't know if you know me that well, but I'll just tell you that I have a very extremely annoying/insane/pranking AE named Puck, and my CAPTCHA is Sir Galahad. Again, so glad you're back!!! 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(February 22, 2016 - 7:43 pm)

Hi Joan! :] *hugs* Thanks! 

submitted by Nora the Singer
(February 23, 2016 - 3:14 pm)

Hi Nora!

I'm Bibliophile, and I think I came on in late September. I'm a reader, singer, and an actor! I love Adele, Emeli Sande, and some other singers, and I have a CAPATCHA named HRH Queen Lavender Agatha Louisia the 67th of Riverdale, and an AE named Tnof Dlob Eht Ni-

My underlings call me The Illustrious and Hopefully Merciful Tnof Dlob Eht Ni of all the Marvelous and Mysterious Splendors of the Universe and Beyond, If There Is A Beyond, as well as Certain Areas of the Cruel and Unusual Bibliophile's Brain.

Whatever. Glad your'e back Nora! 

submitted by Bibliophile, age 12, Chicago, IL
(February 23, 2016 - 9:52 pm)