Chatterbox: Down to Earth



1. What's your favorite fandom? Ooo. Probably LoTR, SW or Inheritance cycle.


3. What's your favorite food? MASHED POTATOES!!!!!

4. What's your favorite candy? White chocolate. Mmmm.

5. What's your favorite video game? King's quest or Lego LoTR.

6. What's your favorite color? Purple!!!

7. Um, I'm running out of questions ...

8. What's your favorite book? YOU CANNOT MAKE ME ANSWER THIS QUESTION!!! (I just wanted to see what you guys would say.) 

9. What mythical creature are you most like? Hm. Probably a dragon. Or an evil mermaid. XD

10. Who's your favorite MLP charrie? Princess Luna!!!!! Rainbow is pretty cool too ... 

submitted by Cho Chang
(April 2, 2016 - 3:58 pm)

1. I am in a TON of different fandoms, but the one I'm mostly in right now would probably be Pokémon. 

2. I kind of consider almost all CBer's prominent, but the ones who made the biggest impact on me when I first came to CB would be (I'm going by original names) Scylla, Cho, Leaf of Love and St. Owl.

3. Spaghetti, diced ham, peas, and Parmesan cheese. 

4. Juinor Mints.

5. Pokémon Ruby version

6. Rich red!

7. It's OK, we all do.

8. .... I don't have a favorite book. I love ALL books!

9. Either a dragon or a griffin.

10. Princess Luna or Applejack.  

submitted by Amber
(April 3, 2016 - 8:58 am)
1. What's your favorite fandom?
LUNAR CHRONICLES AND HAMILTON!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I had to pick a third, maybe Guardians of Ga'hoole or HP. 
2. Who do you think the most prominent cbers are? 
I kind of feel a little uncomfortable answering this question...although there are prominent CBers, I think making stereotypes like this can make some people feel left out. It almost feels like naming the "popular" I won't answer this question.
3. What's your favorite food?
This is tough...I will categoize it into sweet and not sweet. (sorry.) 
Sweet: Chocolate mousse parfait, crepes, cream soda, BlueBell
Savory: Any type of Mexican/Spanish/Central american/Tex-Mex food...I could eat it for a week and not be tired of it. 
4. What's your favorite candy? 
Nestle's Buncha Cruncha and Starburst 
5. What's your favorite video game? 
I don't play video games, like with a controller or anything....but sometimes when we are on a long car ride or something, i will play Minecraft. Never survival, never fighting anything. I just like the building. Even so, I don't really like it a WHOLE lot. 
6. What's your favorite color? 
7. Um, I'm running out of questions ...
That's okay, I'll tell you that my favorite animal is the owl. Such a surprise, right? *sarcastic wink*
8. What's your favorite book?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS AN IMPOSSIBLE QUESTIONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
9. What mythical creature are you most like? 
Hm, wasn't expecting that...maybe a unicorn? I don't think I'm carefree enough to be a pegasus. I could also be a sorcerress (hee,  hee, technically that's a magical creature) 
10. Who's your favorite MLP charrie? 
i don't watch Tv these days, except sometimes movies. Last time I saw a MLP episode, it was in the summer, and I wasn't really paying attetnion.
submitted by Owlgirl, age 12, Texas
(April 3, 2016 - 9:28 am)

Hamilton counts as a fandom?!?! AAAAH! Edit my answer!

submitted by Abigail S., age 11, Nose in a Book
(April 3, 2016 - 7:15 pm)

1. What's your favorite fandom?

Les Mis fandom. All that history nerding... yess.  

2. Who do you think the most prominent cbers are?

I've lost track since I just pop in and out. Part of me still wants to be like, "oh, it's Melody and Elizabeth M." :(

3. What's your favorite food?

Hmm. I like eggplant parmesan a lot.  

4. What's your favorite candy? 

Gummy sours, if I'm to be honest. 

5. What's your favorite video game?

Don't really have one, though I loved playing Lego Harry Potter with my brother as a kid.  

6. What's your favorite color?


7. Um, I'm running out of questions

No worries, it happens to the best of us.  

8. What's your favorite book? 

Weirdly, I would have had so much trouble with this a year ago, but it's totally Les Mis.  

9. What mythical creature are you most like? 

Uh, dragons are good.  

10. Who's your favorite MLP charrie?

So I stopped watching in 2013 because the fandom was grossing me out, but, as if by fate, I rewatched a few of the season openers and finales, plus some of my favorite other episodes, pretty recently??  So it's totally Twilight Sparkle, because I related to her a lot in seventh grade and her character arc is very cool. Hilariously, my best friend's girlfriend told her recently that I resemble Twilight Sparkle, so I guess some things never change. 

But really I like everyone, from what I can remember? Rainbow Dash is great, and Celestia's grown on me since last time.  

submitted by Katia
(April 3, 2016 - 9:50 am)

Oh. Um, wow. I am... touched. Not one person has not said I am prominent. I appreciate it.

1. What's your favorite fandom?

You realize I list them for a reason, right?

(cough Harry Potter Doctor Who Percy Jackson The Hunger Games cough)

2. Who do you think the most prominent CBers are?

Everyone. There are people who would come to the mind more quickly, but every CBer is important and you've all contributed too much to leave you out.

3. What's your favorite food?


(cough pizza bagels paninis cough)

4. What's your favorite candy?
Probably York peppermint patties. Nothing better.

5. What's your favorite video game?

Either Poképark or Super Mario Smash Bros Brawl. (not like those are pretty much the only two games I play, nope)

6. What's your favorite color?

It all depends. I love pretty much all shades of blue, and a deep, rich red is really beautiful. But I also like a good, royal, dark purple. See the pattern?
7. Um, I'm running out of questions...

That's kind of creepy. Although I can kind of imagine it. Cho Chang busting out of a question mark...

8. What's your favorite book?

See answers to #1 and #3.

9. What mythical creature are you most like?

I don't know. I know I love selkies, and I like unicorns (long story), but I think I took a test before and I got mermaid? I'm not really sure. I don't like personality tests because they have a limited amount of answers.

10. Who's your favorite MLP charrie?

Don't watch it. (don'tkillmeplease)

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 3, 2016 - 9:54 am)
1. What's your favorite fandom?
Harry Potter! The fandom is almost better than the book.
2. Who do you think the most prominent cbers are? Well, you, Abigail, Scylla, and St. Owl, probably. Everyone's important, though.
3. What's your favorite food? Does ice cream count? If not, then homemade dumplings. The store-bought ones are disgusting and I hate Americanized Chinese food. I don't even consider it Chinese food!
4. What's your favorite candy? Either white chocolate, like you, or Starburst candy.
5. What's your favorite video game? Does Subway Surfers count?
6. What's your favorite color? Honestly, I don't have one.
7. Um, I'm running out of questions… Okay.
8. What's your favorite book? HP, PJO, and Warriors.
9. What mythical creature are you most like? Fairy, I suppose…
10. Who's your favorite MLP charrie? Twilight Sparkle, because she likes books.
submitted by Twilight Sparkle , Ponyville
(April 3, 2016 - 10:04 am)
1. What's your favorite fandom? Harry Potter.
2. Who do you think the most prominent cbers are? I'm new, so I don't know…
3. What's your favorite food? Ice cream. Yum yum!
4. What's your favorite candy? I love all chocolate!
5. What's your favorite video game? PVZ.
6. What's your favorite color? No idea.
7. Um, I'm running out of questions ... Haha!
8. What's your favorite book? Anything mythology-related.
9. What mythical creature are you most like? Does Pandora count? XD
10. Who's your favorite MLP charrie? Whoever is the most curious, box-opening pony will do.
submitted by Pandora , Opening boxes
(April 3, 2016 - 10:10 am)

1. LoTR, Jane Austin

2. I don't really know how to judge which CBers are the most prominent. 

3. Blueberries, pomegranites, CHOCOLATE!!!!

4. Raspberry chocolate... or junior mints... or Twix... or anything with chocolate

5. Minecraft

6. Purple or blue, it really depends

7. Yes, you are.

8. Too many

9. A phoenix, maybe.

10. No idea. All I know about MLP is from this little 4-year-old I know... XD 

submitted by ShoshannahLily, Deep in a book
(April 3, 2016 - 12:43 pm)

Here I go again:

5. Hmm, King's Quest or Lego Star Wars the complete saga (Minus Episode 7, of course)

6. Turquiose or Teal or Blue or Red. (Heh, sorry.)

7. I'm not running out of questions either.


9. Um, a Pegasus, Griffin, or maybe Unicorn,  PERHAPS a Pheonix, but I doubt it.

10. Toola Roola!!! (Old MLP character), Sweetie Bell (Old version again), Applejack (Newest version), or Princess Luna (Newest version again).

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 3, 2016 - 4:17 pm)

@Pandora, for Q #10, I think that would be Pinkie Pie. If you want hyperactive and party-crazy packaged in the box.

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 3, 2016 - 4:24 pm)





P.S. Cardinal says: "imen". Maybe, I'm in? What are you in CarCar, a play? 

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(April 3, 2016 - 5:24 pm)

1. What's your favorite fandom?

Well.....Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel and DC. Also The Twilight Zone.

2. Who do you think the most prominent cbers are?

Hm....BHR, Winter Firefly, Ruby, H.A.B, and a few others. 

3. What's your favorite food? 

Currently cheese.  

4. What's your favorite candy? 

Hoarhound and bull's eyes. 

5. What's your favorite video game? 

Portal and The Cave. l do play a few others.  

6. What's your favorite color? 

Black, silver, grey and blue.  

7. Um, I'm running out of questions ...

Ah, good for you.  

8. What's your favorite book? 

Can't say out of all time, but right now it's Soon l Will Be Invincible  by Austin Grossman. 

9. What mythical creature are you most like? 

Dragon. (Haha, just kidding) Probably griffins.  

10. Who's your favorite MLP charrie? Uh...That one dragon, Discord, l think. 

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Strange Places
(April 3, 2016 - 1:27 pm)

I'm sorry guys, I seem to have offended a lot of you with #2. Please don't answer that one anymore unless you're dying to say something about it.

submitted by Cho C.
(April 3, 2016 - 2:22 pm)

1. Star Wars? Star Trek? Jane Austen?   

2. Different people at different times. For example, CBer A. is in a whole lot of RPs, Cber B. does a lot of stuff on PP, and CBer Caeser (Sorry, that's a reference to a P.G. Woodhouse book) is really active on DtE.

3. I really like any type of potatoes.

4. Sea salt caramel chocolate.

5. Probably Minecraft.

6. I really like magenta, teal, and coral.

7. Running out of questions? A likely story!

8. I can't really answer that, but the dealing with dragons series is good.

9. A nymph?

10. Sorry, I don't watch. 



submitted by Mirax T., age 11, The Pulsar Skate
(April 3, 2016 - 3:57 pm)

OHMIFREAKINGANDALF, YOU READ THAT SERIES TOO!? Guess I should go make that rp after all..

submitted by Cho C.
(April 3, 2016 - 6:52 pm)