Hi.So. I was

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hi.So. I was


So. I was just reading a bunch of posts and I realized... I have no personality whatsoever on the CB.

My name, age, and location are all... real. Not fake. Not from a book. Not clever. So I thought I'd just kind of... introduce myself. The real me. I haven't been trying to be a different person or anything, it's just been... happening. Whenever I want to say something that could be even slighty offensive, I just post under a different name. And for pete's sake, I have a SANE AE!!!

So, here's me:

Hi! I'm Joss. I'm 13 years old. I am a Christian, and I'm proud of it. I also am obsessed with acting and singing. I like dolls and doll stuff. But you guys already know this stuff...

What you don't know is that when I try to impress my crush, I end up recalling how I ate cheesecake off the floor.

What you don't know is that I talk so loudly that people comment on how loud I am.

What you don't know is that I care so, so much about what people think of me, that I lie awake at night thinking about if I said something wrong.

What you don't know is that at sleepovers, I get super hyper and crazy because staying up late+SUGAR+giggling+friends=I'm the craziest person there. 

Speaking of giggling, I do that A LOT.

What you don't know is that although I'm never funny, I'm always the one laughing.

What you don't know is that actually, I can be funny in a sarcastic way, but only usually when I'm around adults.

What you don't know is that I love it when I am acutally friends with a guy-not having a crush on him. Just friends.

What you don't know is that I love taking selfies with friends! 

What you don't know is that I also love photobombing the selfies my other friends are taking.

What you don't know is that on days when I am depressed, I still laugh at funny things and I'm still cheerful. But I'm depressed. 

What you don't know is that I'm scared to sing high in chest voice because what if my voice cracks?

What you don't know is that I love pretzels and icing, although my parents never let me eat them.

What you don't know is that Rosalina is obviously the best princess, but Peach and Daisy exclude her from all the princessy stuff.

What you don't know is that my iPod case was this adorable cute pink cat that was EATING MY iPOD!!! (It was sooo cute!) ...until my iPod wouldn't charge and we had to take it to the cell phone repair place and they took it apart and they couldn't fix it and then I bought a phone but it doesn't have cell service so it's not really a phone and it basically functions like an iPod and I'm pretty sure this is a run on sentence now. 

What you don't know is that my room hasn't changed in five years. I want to change it, I'm just too lazy.

What you don't know is I love going outside in the morning before school, and listening to the birds chirping and the stillness of it all. It's beautiful. Until my mom makes me go to school. 

What you don't know is that Samourott is the best Pokemon ever.

Well, know you know stuff. Congratulations! Thanks for listening to me. 

submitted by Joss, age 13, ME
(April 16, 2016 - 3:11 pm)

...Now I know stuff!
And you know what, Joss? You sound a lot like me with some of these details.

I talk loudly. I just naturally project, and I know you love acting so that's a good thing for you to be able to speak loudly. People don't mention it, but I'm pretty sure they can tell.

I say things and then later think about what an idiot I am. I'm not as self-conscious as much as "wow, that was dumb. I should have said..."
I laugh. I laugh and laugh and laugh at the things that aren't even that funny. And even if I'm seething, even if I'm crying, you can still get me to giggle.

I have a lot of guy friends. I like it, being just friends. It just so happens that nature takes its natural course sometimes.

Rosalina is epic and everyone who denies it is a Toad.

My room has never changed, give or take some posters, trophies, and things on the bulletin board. But I like it the way it is.

Now I feel like I've bombed your thread. xD  I'm sorry. But I think there are at lot of things about us-- all of us-- that others don't know, and sometimes it's fun to share them. And I get that you wanted to. And I think it's a good thing, too.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 16, 2016 - 3:49 pm)

Haha, you didn't bomb it! I think it's really neat that we're so similar. I bet we'd get along well in real life. 

submitted by Joss
(April 17, 2016 - 11:53 am)

This sounds waaay too much like me. O.o 

Or stuff I would do if I had thought of it. 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 17, 2016 - 2:39 pm)

You know what? Thank you for telling us this.

You know what else? I have the opposite problem.

I present myself towards everybuggy here as the pinnacle of my good traits. My concientiousness, my kindness, my peacefulness, my joy. 

What you don;t know is that I am also this:




Spontaneous crier.

And these are just my traits at their purest. Together, what happens to me is that my hotheadedness makes me spit out a rude remark, and then I suddenly realize that was an awful thing to say, and I get guilty, because I am kind.

Sometimes I am just bubbly. Sometimes I am prone to fits of temper, but my anger quickly resolves. I am glass half full. I am leaping before I look. And then I look back and say, "What have I done?"

And then, after a quick battle in my mind, I smile, trying to reasure myself that what is done is done.

Wow, that turned into something of a soliloquy!

Soliloquoy? Soliloquiy? Solollopyryty? ;) 

What I'm trying to ssay is that there is a dark to my light, but here on the CB, you can't see any shadows. 


submitted by OtR
(April 17, 2016 - 7:46 pm)

OtR, you think you cry a lot? You should see me.

submitted by Yan-xia (Yen-shyah), age Meaning:, Colorful morning glow
(April 19, 2016 - 10:51 am)

Wow, OtR, you're a poet. Also, I know this is off topic, but Winter (my CAPTCHA) wanted to meet your CAPTCHA. Do you have a CAPTCHA? "fren" She wants to make a new friend. Firefox is too crazy for her.

No pressure. I was just wondering. 

submitted by Moonflower, age 10, City of the Angels
(April 20, 2016 - 12:33 pm)

Yup! My CAPTCHA is good ol' Toto right here!

Toto says mbnv--Me Bump New Vriend!

He would love to have a playdate sometime!

Toto: Kumc! oKay, U + Me Convene!  

submitted by OtR
(April 20, 2016 - 6:46 pm)

I've decided to join the party. So, for starters, my name and age are both real. My location, however, is not. (Or is it...?) 

I've been reading a book every day or so for the past couple of months.

I have a weakness for steampunk/sci-fi/fantasy female protagonists.

I have a weakness for characters who are even implied to be mentally ill.

I love(!!!) poetry.

I write poetry almost obsessively.

I'm participating in NaPoWriMo.

I cry. A lot. 

I listen to indie music a lot.

As much as I might pretend otherwise, I never really grew out of my Doctor Who phase.

I'm still really into Fall Out Boy, after all these years. 

I'm going to have one heck of a cool skeleton. I'm practically a cyborg, what with my shunt and my jaw surgery screws and whatnot.

Now you know some unusual things about me. 

submitted by Arin, age 14, Jakku
(April 20, 2016 - 7:07 pm)

Ooh, yes, l love Indie music as well!

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(April 25, 2016 - 12:06 pm)

What you don't know is ...


Dr. Hooves ID S05E09

submitted by Cho C.
(April 21, 2016 - 8:15 am)

OHMYGOSH!!! I don't even watch Doctor who but THAT'S AWESOME!!!!

submitted by Joss
(April 23, 2016 - 6:01 pm)


submitted by Cho Chang
(April 25, 2016 - 8:50 am)


The Tenth Doctor ID


submitted by Cho C.
(April 21, 2016 - 8:29 am)

Aww Joss! Now I want to do this too!

You all know I'm a girl. You probably know that I am a Lunartic, have three AEs, and two little brothers. I am a Rick Riordan freak, and I read so many books that sometimes I have no clue if I've read a book before or not. I like Michael Vey too.

What you might not know is the meaning of my name. Balletandbow. Ballet and bow. More accurately, ballet and archery. Yup, I used to do archery. Nowadays, I don't. I shoot guns. For 4-H. Bet ya didn't know that!  

Like many of the girls on here, I have boy friends. Friends who happen to be boys.  Some of them (there really aren't too many, but a few) are actually older than me. Like, in high school. One of them is turning 16 soon. Is that weird? It seems very weird to me that I am almost taller than K, and yet he's turning 16 in the next few months. Huh. 

Another thing, I've never had a serious crush on a boy. I know, I know, I'm just 12, how CAN you have a serious crush on someone at 12, but hey, I am a very mature 12 year old in my opinion, humor me. There are a few boys that I've met in the last 6 months or so that I thought were maybe kinda cute (shhh! Don't tell my mom!), but that's about it. The odd thing, they all have red hair. Call me nuts, but they do. Seamus from HP is my current fictional crush, and I always imagine him with red hair.  

Also on the topic of boys, I have made up my own fictional crush. More than once. How does one do that?!?!

If people aren't devoted to an RP, I get kinda mad. Some of you guys might have noticed that I disappeared lately. This is why. So I started an RP. I won't tell you which on, or who was in it. Anyway, this RP was super cool. It filled up fast, and then we started. I posted. Another CBer posted. I waited a few days. I posted. That other CBer posted again. So on and so forth until...... It died. It's not the other CBer's fault. They fought with me for the RP's life, but we lost. The thing that bugs me though? We had like, 7 people in that RP!  Only two ever posted!  It makes me frustrated. 

Now I feel like Abby from NCIS. 

Other things..... 

I get Percy almost every single time on PJ/HoO quizzes (though I always get Frank for the 'Who Is Your HoO Boyfriend' things).

I just redecorated my room.

I really should be asleep right now.

I have never found a finished RP.

Do any of you guys sometimes wish you could just start completely over?

I am writing a book involving kids with elemental powers, elves, and dragons.

Do you thing that I'm weird yet? You better. I take weirdness as a compliment. Weird is good.

I have never been to public school (though that will probably change this upcoming school year).

This is all I can think of right now..... 

submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(April 24, 2016 - 10:04 pm)

I shall join this also. Oo


I honestly don't even know what you know about me, but I guess you already know that I like nature. And I write novels.

But what probably can't tell is that my favorite foods are eggs and granola bars. Currently, I like lots of types of foods.

I don't cry at emotional stuff. Unless someone is mad at me, I have never seen a movie/book that drove me to tears.

Hmmm, I don't have fandoms or crushes. There is nothing that I have went totally crazy about. 

I have never finsihed an RP either!!!!!

I can be really annoying and a show-off when I don't even know it.

I try to be really nice but most of the time it feels like I messed up.

I use a combo of bad texting grammar and proper. I usually only use the bad kind (saying u instead of you, for example) if I have to say something really quickly, or if I'm being sarcastic.

I don't like it when people tell me how to write. I develop my technique on my own. And I usually realize if I'm doing something wrong. 

My elipses are weird (I put spaces between each dot):  . . . 


I have lots of stuff that would go on this list, but I think I only said what needed to be said. B)

Wow, Ballentandbow that's really interesting. I never thought you knew how to work guns! I thought bow meant "hairbow" lol (my mom would not like you D: )





submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(April 25, 2016 - 11:57 am)