Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Yeah, so this is where we all basicallly talk about the series.... and something else... you can also talk about, well, you know when you read a book, right? Sometimes I... well... I basically in my mind add a NEW character, with a Spirit Animal who's awesome. Yeah. You talk about your, uh, added person. If, of course, other people do that. I could be the only one. You could just right now be staring at these words with these thoughts going through your mind: 

I've never done that before. That's wierd. I'm totallly freaked out right now.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT THIS IS CRICKET, SO AT LEAST ONE PERSON HAS TO DO THAT, RIGHT? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Right? Yeah. So. You can post now.

Peace, Love, and Pie 

submitted by Chinchilla, age NotTelling, Won't.
(May 7, 2016 - 3:23 pm)

I totally do that! About half of my stories' plots come from characters that I made from books/movies/TV shows! I usually consider it fanfiction.

I've only read the first one, but I made this totally OP character with a swan spirit animal that can talk, and this whole pendant thing... most of my charries are very overpowered, but the ones I stick with aren't so much so. (like, don't even get me started on my Dr. Who charrie.)

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(May 7, 2016 - 5:55 pm)


I was so shocked when I found out that Meilin was the traitor! I never would've guessed!

Wait, is this the Spirit Animals series written by multiple authors, among them Brandon Mull, Elliot Schreefer, and Sharon Creech (I think)? With the four main charries being Meilin, Rollan, Conor, and Abeke? Right? Ri-ri-right?

submitted by Scylla
(May 8, 2016 - 12:08 pm)

YAY! I'm so glad I'm not alone in imagine that! Yes.... most of my added-on charracters are.... really.... OP. I've even added one to.... drumroll, please...


The Last Airbender 

Heh. Anyone watched it? It's an awesome movie/TV Show.  Heeeey, speaking of movies, ever watched Once Upon A Time? It's totally amazing because it has all these fairy-tail characters.... and.... well... it tellls thier backstories.... awesomely. Like.... have you ever wanted Snow White to befriend Little Red Riding Hood?? And in here Red isn't a kid.... it's.... cooler than that. 

This show/movie answers so many questions.... like.... Exactly HOW did Jimminy Cricket become a Cricket? A TALKING Cricket?? It totally sums it up... and NOT in a dum, lovey-dovey-softy-lalala-rainbows-happiness way! Really. And it's not animated, it's played by real people. And, here's the best part... it doesn't DISNEY-FY the movie!!!!!!

I love it. In here.... gosh is Snow White a but-kicking, bow-wielding, person! And you'll find out about James... or as you might know him, PRINCE CHARMING. Charming's the nick-name Snow gave him. Oh yes, and don't be disapointed in the first season if no-one knows who they really are. A.K.A There's a mind-wipe curse in it.... but as Rumplestiltskin says.....

Magic always comes with a price, deary! 

Yes, he calls people deary. But in a mocking way. IT'S SO AMAZING YOU MUST WATCH IT!!!!!!

Heh, sorry there. Hyperventilated. But really, watch it. 

submitted by Chinchilla
(May 8, 2016 - 4:05 pm)

Oh yes I forgot... Rumplestililtskin is the Deal-Maker.... but deals come with a price. So does magic.... and the curse......

submitted by Chinchilla
(May 8, 2016 - 4:06 pm)

I had a deal with my friend where if I watched one episode of Once Upon a Time, she had to read a book that I picked. I watched one episode and the family tree is giving me headaches. Like, who's that? Oh it's so and so's second cousin's aunt's mom's daughter. Okay! I am already confused. But I like it so far. 

submitted by Bluebird
(May 8, 2016 - 4:50 pm)

It's REALLY good!  

"ozpg" Oz? Okay, sure I'll read The Wizard of Oz to you.

Oh, hey, just remembered.... I've read a LOT of the Oz series.... but not The Wizard of Oz. 

submitted by Chinchilla
(May 10, 2016 - 2:59 pm)


My family just got Netflix, so I can finally watch it!!!!!! YAY!!!!

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(May 12, 2016 - 5:47 pm)

Oh my goodness!!!!! So, I just finished Broken Ground (Fall of the Beasts, book 2). The first series was amazing, but now.......

"We are the Redcloaks"

O.O     O.O     O.O 

At first I was like, "Ok, Shane started some kind of crazy secret society for ex-Bile kids or something," But now.... OHMYGOSH!!!!! I must be one!!!!! Did I mention that I think King is Shane? 'Cause I do. Random croc kids don't just come out of the wild everyday you know! And the cover of Breaking Ground..... Oh, so awesome! I can't wait to see more about these guys!!!! Especially about how they combine themselves with their spirit animals somehow......


submitted by balletandbow , age 12, Moon
(May 11, 2016 - 8:58 pm)

I thought nobody else had read this! I asked about it once but I think nobody posted on it. Does anybody else play the game?

submitted by Elvina
(May 12, 2016 - 10:52 am)

Hahaha! I tried to play it, but first I have to install some weird thingy which I can't install. I wish I could play though. :)

submitted by Chinchilla
(May 12, 2016 - 4:35 pm)

I do that aaaalllll the time!!! All of my characters end up really awesome and OP, or really awesome and whatever the opposite of OP is. Like this person who has a dragon. And is really good at shooting a bow and at hand to hand combat. And is super smart. And fast. 

submitted by The Riddler
(May 13, 2016 - 8:11 pm)