Survey!1. Ho

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Survey!1. Ho


1. How did you come up with your name?

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and Æs, and what are they like?

4. How long have you been on the CB? 

5. What's your favorite class at school? 

6. Which CBers do you admire the most? 

And here are my answers!



1. How did you come up with your name?

Meixue was the name of a character in this really kiddie Chinese show I used to watch, so yeah.

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

I don't think the feeling is mutual, but I really like Abigail. We have a lot in common and agree on many things. 

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and Æs, and what are they like?

Hèmǐn is sane, an Æ, and probably would really like Critic A, since she's Hermione.

Fúdìmó is insane and evil Æ. He's Voldemort.

Xiǎo tùzǐ is a CAPTCHA, is a white bunny, and is extremely cute and cuddly.

4. How long have you been on the CB? 

Since October Seventh.

5. What's your favorite class at school? 

Foreign language! I love comparing the similarities and differences to other languages, and learning new words, roots, and radicals! 

6. Which CBers do you admire the most? 

Micearenice and Scylla are amazing artists, St. Owl, Abi, and Scylla are amazing writers. Clouded is really good at poetry in particular. But I admire all of you guys in different ways, because everyone is awesome.



submitted by ❤️Mei-xue❤️
(May 19, 2016 - 11:04 am)

1. How did you come up with your name?

My middle name is Rose, so I just became Rose bud! Plus, there was another CBer on at the time using my real first name, and after she left, another CBer joined with the same name! So I just stuck with Rose bud. 

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

Cloudy Dweller, Shadowmoon, and Queen Elizabeth, obviously. As for CBers I don't know in real life, my charries have been friends with Forest's and Buggy's charries, so I feel like they are my best friends. Also, John F.Q. has been supportive and encouraging of my writing. It's always a wonderful feeling when you know that you are actually being read. Also, Winter Firefly and I worked on one of her poems together. I watched it go through many edits and I couldn't wait to see what she posted next. She was really dedicated to one of my first posts ever, and a great poet. I miss her. 

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and Æs, and what are they like?

Wildflower is very calm (most of the time), likes Shakespeare a lot, and is a slight bit dramatic. My captcha, Rosy Petal, only perks up occasionally.  

4. How long have you been on the CB? 

The earliest post I could find was December 10, 2014. 

5. What's your favorite class at school? 

Probably science...maybe... 

6. Which CBers do you admire the most? 

Katydid, she's amazing. All the RPers in the first RP I created (it was Dragonrider's first RP too!) We all had a wonderful time and put in a lot of effort. And of course, Danie. When I was brand new to the Chatterbox, I read through some awesome RPs to get the feel for them. Danie was in all of them, and her writing was superb. Also, I admire The Ominous, whose "days" I looked forward to for a long time. Although I was not a part of his/her excellent story, it made me laugh A LOT. And Ruby made both my brother and my cousin laugh until Queen Elizabeth (cousin) started to tear up and my brother fell off the bed. Anyone who can inadvertently push my brother off my bed deserves my respect. 

submitted by Rose bud, age 13 1/2, SC
(May 19, 2016 - 2:09 pm)


submitted by Top!Top!Top!Top!Top!, age Top
(May 19, 2016 - 2:35 pm)

Yay, survey!

1. How did you come up with your name?

I've always been pretty close to leopards, as they're my favorite animals, and Clouded Leopards are both pretty and have a dreamy-kind-of name.

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

I've always liked Cho as a person, admiring how much she participates and I agree with her on a multitude of topics. 

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and AEs, and what are they like?

MewFour is a Mewtwo who is crazy and vain. All he wears is a fedora, but he has very strong psychic powers. He hates 8-Piece and worships Fúdìmó because he's Voldemort.

8-Piece is laid-back, chill, and pretty infuriating. He's an anthropomorphic with a dog nose, gray dog ears and a gray dog tail. He wearsnew.

Vixtion is a pink-and-white kitsune. She's cheerful and crafty. She has a crush on Sir Galahad. 

4. How long have you been on the CB?  

Since January 8.

5. What's your favorite class at school?

Science, no doubt. I love science.  

6. Which CBers do you admire the most?

The CBers who made the biggest impression on me when I first arrived were Novelist, Scylla, and St. Owl. I admire Micearenice's mad art skills, Mei's bold and unafraid personality, and Ruby's interestingness and intelligence. Everyone on CB is majorly amazing, though, and it's hard to pick outliers.  

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(May 19, 2016 - 2:46 pm)

1. How did you come up with your name?

l like the sound of it,  silghtly dark and poetic. 

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

St. Owl, Katydid, Somebody, Cho, BHR, Scylla, Air, Indigo....Despite this being a very close-knit place, l don't actually know barely any of you that well beyond interacting with you once in a while. 

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and Æs, and what are they like?

l do not have any alternate egos, but Cyclone is what l call the Captcha. He says augx. 

4. How long have you been on the CB? 

Since April 10 of '15 

5. What's your favorite class at school? 

l don't....know. l don't really like my schoolwork, it's not enjoyable for pete's sake.  

Although, l very very much like economics and science.  

6. Which CBers do you admire the most? 

This question baffles me, because l don't really admire...anyone.  l have deep repect for some people, but l don't look up to anyone and admire them. That seems a bit....strange to me. 

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Silence
(May 19, 2016 - 3:52 pm)

1. I have no idea :P I couldn't think of anything else.

2.  Hmmm, that depends on your definition of friends. 

3. Nova and Wubdub (I'm still wondering where I got that name for it). They're both characters from my book, Nova being a humanoid robot and Wubdub a baby griffin with exceptionally large eyes.

4. Since mid-January

5. Eh, zoology, if it counts . . . if not probably science.

6. Ditto to Shadow 

submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(May 19, 2016 - 6:48 pm)

1. How did you come up with your name?
Well, long story short, for Pottermore I wanted a nickname, so I fused my two Patronuses (an owl and a stag) together to make a stowl. But that wasn't allowed, so I wrote it as st.owl instead. Eventually, after words from my mom, I became St.Owl, and it stuck.

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?
Well... apparently one is certainly mutual, the rest I've never really confirmed, but I have high hopes are. These people are Shadow Dragon (AKA South Dakota), Somebody, Abigail, and Cayke.

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and AEs, and what are they like?
My first AE was Devil Owl. He's an insane owl animagus who uses vegetables and weapons by blasting them out of his Veggie Blaster.

My third (Saint Owl was... sadly eliminated) was Feather, a grammar freak. Although at first she was naturally timid and shy, now it's only a false facade. She's really very bold, brash, and generally epic, and also a black belt in karate.

Clode is an evil genius who happens to only be able to speak in four-letter words. He's very decieving-- fikd is only to disslusion you into thinking him cute.

4. How long have you been on the CB?
Since January 12, 2015.

5. What's your favorite class at school?
Creative writing! It's my talent and my teacher is amazing. We're doing poetry right now, and I'm really enjoying it! I used to think I was complete trash with poetry, but now I don't think so.

6. Which CBers do you admire the most?
Hmmm. I've never really admired a CBer, not really... I suppose the only one that could fit into that catagory would be Ruby. I think his writing skills are amazing, he's witty, and he's been on here for quite a while...

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(May 19, 2016 - 7:02 pm)

1. How did you come up with your name?

I love, love, love, the color blue, and bluebirds are symbols of happiness(that's what I've been told). I just liked how it sounded at first but then it started to have a meaning. 

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

I don't really know yet. I'm still a newbie, and meeting/interacting with new people every day. 

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and Æs, and what are they like?

My captcha is named Cha Cha, and I'm still figuring her out. She's pretty passive agressive, and kind of sarcastic. I only have one AE, named Rachel, who is super loud and just overall insane. 

4. How long have you been on the CB? 

Let's see. A month and seven days. 

5. What's your favorite class at school? 

Art, but we might not have it at my school next year, so probably Literature. 

6. Which CBers do you admire the most? 

All of them. Esthelle and Cho are the two I look up to the most, though. 

submitted by Bluebird
(May 19, 2016 - 9:51 pm)

1. How did you come up with your name?

Abigail was what my parents were going to name me, and I'm not allowed to use my real name online cause it's really uncommon and safety. Plus it's a beautiful name.

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

Mei, Joan, Sydeny (where's she been?), HAB (probably not mutual), St. Owl, Bibliophile, Katydid.

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and Æs, and what are they like?

Critic A is my AE, she is bossy, a grammar addict, self-righteous, and irritating.

Mandy is another AE, she is bouncy, cheerful, loves muffins and soap operas.

Ookz is my CAPTCHA and he is fluffy, sweet, and innocent. 

4. How long have you been on the CB? 

Since September 2, 2016. 

5. What's your favorite class at school? 

English (WRITING!) and Science.

6. Which CBers do you admire the most? 

I don't know, this is a hard question. I would rather use the word "respect" than admire. Bibliophile for her great ideas, Katydid for her amiable spunk, St. for her writing, Shadow for her dry humor, HAB for his witty sarcasm, Mei for her determination, Cayke for her cheerfulness, Scylla for her talent as an artist and writer, Cho for her smiley-ness and dedication, Savvy for her kindness, OtR for her warmth, Somebody for... being Somebody, I guess. I could go on all day. :)

submitted by Abigail S., age 11, Nose In a Book
(May 19, 2016 - 10:16 pm)

Ohmygandalf, I'm tearing up. Thank you! I'm so happy right now! The feeling is returned! 

submitted by Bibliophile
(May 20, 2016 - 10:34 am)

1. How did you come up with your name?

I was really obsessed with the Oz books for a point in time, and I just loved Cayke The Cookie Cook from The Lost Princess of Oz. I omitted the "Cookie" from my name, stuck the remainder of the words together, and voilá! My name was born!

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

Nora The Singer and Bookbug, although I love everyone!

3. Who are your CAPTCHAs and Æs, and what are they like?

My Captcha is Cookie, the word I omitted from my name, and I used to have an AE called ChaosieTheCrazyCook, but then I sort of outgrew her, so now I don't have an AE. 

4. How long have you been on the CB? 

Two years come June 14th! =))

5. What's your favorite class at school? 

Uhh, I don't know, honestly. School's just a daily task, which is sometimes fun and sometimes not. =)) I don't really prefer any subject, although I like Language Arts better than my other subjects.

6. Which CBers do you admire the most? 

I admire Katia, who used to be Tiffany W. and participated in the best RP of all time, and....well, I admire all of the old CBers who were able to talk about anything and everything under the sun (that the Admins would allow, of course :P) without losing their heads. They are excellent role models for everybody, I guess. Although I'm sure that if they read this they'd probably laugh their heads off and start listing all the reasons they are completely and entirely insane, but yo, they're in college and graduating and voting and whatnot, so I bet they wouldn't have time. :P

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(May 19, 2016 - 11:31 pm)

Bonjour! I haven't come on to CB since Jan, I think. :o

1. How did you come up with your name?

Well, it's my real name. :b

2. Who are your best friends on CB?

My sister(Anna) and I rarely come on even though we joined a long time ago, so I'm not super close to anyone. I guess I'd have to say I know best Joss and Will T. 

3. Who are your CAPTCHAS or AE?

Don't have any. 

4. How long have you been on the CB?

1 year and 3 months.

5. What's your favorite class in school?

I'd have to say science.

6. Which CBers do you admire the most?

Maybe BHR... When I first joined with my sister I thought she was a very interesting person!


submitted by Avery , UK
(May 20, 2016 - 8:52 am)

1. Owl city song.

2. I don't know that I have any.

3. Spyro and Dolphin. Spyro loves doughnuts (and Shifting) and only recently let me out of the closet after failing to stab me to death. Dolphin is solitary and sarcastic and doesn't talk much, mostly because she can only say four letters at a time.

4. Since April 30th, 2014.

5. Chemistry.

6. Everyone, really. 

submitted by hotairballoon
(May 20, 2016 - 6:20 am)

1: How did you come up with your name?

I am really obsessed with Joan of Arc, she is one of my role models, and one of my heroes in history. The B in my CB name is extra, and it is based off of the first charrie I ever made here, which her name was Joan B. of Arc.

2: Who are your best friends on the CB?

Scylla, Cho, Abigail S., Katydid, St. Owl, Sydney C.

3: Who are your CAPTCHAS and AE's?

CAPTCHA: Sir Galahad. He is like a little brother to me, but he looks around the age of 15, and he is also a total Lady's man. Oh, and he has a crush on Vixtion.

AE: Puck. She is a huge prankster, is very insane, very mischevious, and has a crush on Dev. (But she is torn between her own crush on Dev, and Torstyn's affection for her at the moment, we'll see what happens!) She is based off of Puck, from a Midsummer's Night's Dream, written by William Shakespeare.

4: How long have you been on the  CB?

Since June or July of last year. Can't exactly remember the exact date at the moment...

5:What's your favorite class at school?

Um, I'm homeschooled, but if I had to choose, it would probably be band, or writing.

6:  Which CBers do you admire the most?

St. Owl, Katydid, Scylla, Cho, Abigail, Danie, Mei, and a ton of others that I can't think of right now! But, I admire everyone in different ways, like Mei-Xue said, because everyone on here is awesome and amazing in their own way.



submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(May 20, 2016 - 9:04 am)

1. How did you come up with your name? 

I picked random words. And I like fruit so yeah!

2. Who are your best friends on the CB?

I don't know if I have any. 

3. Who are your CAPATCHAs and AEs and what are they like? 

Fred, my CAPTCHA, is a baby hippo. He is cute and friendly (unlike most hippos.) Valerie is pretty violent but not as violent as most AEs. She prefers reading Shakespeare tragedies and eating apples. If she isn't doing that she will probably be doing karate and listening to Shakespeare monologues. 

4. How long have you been on the CB? 

Januray or February 2016.

5. What is your favorite class in school?

I am homeschooled but I take a writing class from this lady. It is really fun!

6. Which CBers do you admire most?

I have always admired Scylla an Abi. I was looking on "the writing thing!" today and saw some of Bluebirds designs, they are amazing! So her too. And like you (Mei) said, I admire everybody in different ways.  


submitted by Lemon banana , age 10, MT
(May 20, 2016 - 11:45 am)

Thank you, Lemon!

submitted by Bluebird
(May 20, 2016 - 4:50 pm)