Chatterbox: Down to Earth



(it was a rainy, stormy morning...)

Glow: *YAWN* what a lovely morning *looks out bedroom window* oh.... or not.. *yawn* well, so what if it's raining?, it will be a lovely morning,... still, *goes downstairs* *see's a blood trail going down to the bottom of the stairs* Hmm... maybe a raccoon came in last night and spilled the kecupe on the stairs... i guess it must be one smart raccoon. VIOLET! JOANNA, it's morning! *goes in Their room see's the blood go in their bedroom* JOANNA! *Shakes Joanna* *see's blood on her hands* oh no! VIOLET! *trips over violet* *who's dead* ahh!! Violet! you...both....DEAD!. who could have done this! *picks up a Bloody Note in the middle of the two dead bodies* it says ''Farwell Ladies!'' and it's signed by Crazy AE who in the world could Crazy AE be! and why would they Kill my sisters! please someone, some AE tell me who KILLED  my sisters!

submitted by BunnyLoves , age 11, Bunnyloveland
(July 20, 2016 - 7:09 pm)

Oh Glow I'm so sorry!

Oh Glow I'm sorry for your loss... 

submitted by Chilly and Frosty
(July 20, 2016 - 9:13 pm)

Oh, no, that is simply terrible! Who could have...? Why would they...?

*Starts tearing up* Not this again! I never knew your sisters very well. But if you wish... I could try something to revive them. That is, if you wish to send them to Disney Land for safety instead of being in a grave.


I never asked permission, but they later told me it was fine for that occasion. In other words, saving someone's life. How different would it be to revive two kind AE souls?

What if Bunny...?

She wouldn't have!


... No. Not Dev.

What other AE is crazy?

There is MP... But he couldn't have. Dev would never murder, either.

Sorry, BunnyLoves, for the loss! If you and Glow wish, Quill can revive the two and send them to Disney Land (for I assume you don't want to handle 3 AEs at once). Your choice, though. 

submitted by Ashlee G., And Co.
(July 20, 2016 - 10:01 pm)

Glow: *stair's at picture of all 3 of them* *eyes water* yes. i want them back, could you do it?

Me: yes, if you could, Quill, it woud mean alot to send them back alive


submitted by BunnyLoves, age 11, Bunnyloveland
(July 20, 2016 - 10:13 pm)

Oh no! I'm so sorry!

Oh, darling. *sniff* That's terrible!

Murder? I like the sound of that.

Don't be so rude, Jack!

Uh... were there any kidneys left over?

Bluebird, do something! He's being incredibly rude!

Yes, he is. *glares* 

Can we go now?

Yes. Come on. 

submitted by Bluebird, EJ, & Lia
(July 20, 2016 - 10:07 pm)

Glow: thanks Lia... and i guess you too EJ... ):

Me: yes, thanks BlueBird, and Lia and umm... Eyeless Jack umm... well... i think you should cut down on the kidney obsession...

Glow: Middle School starts soon and the AE Prom will start soon too! and my sisters wont even be there to see me...

Me: yes... i know it will be hard... thanks for support Bluebird, and Lia and. eyeless jack?..

oh Scooter says nbmb  does he mean ''no more Bees buzz'' umm scooter...  i dont think bees are here... or are there?.


submitted by BunnyLoves, age 11, Bunnyloveland
(July 21, 2016 - 12:43 am)

I just had to add, wow, the Admin posted, quick. My first comment took less than a minute before it was up. BRAVO ADMIN!


Thank you!


submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 20, 2016 - 10:28 pm)

Puck: Oh no Glow! I'm so sorry for your loss.

Joan, Ariel, and Sir Galahad: *Look at Puck, huddle in circle, look at Puck again*

Puck: Whoa, whoa, whoa. WHY IS EVERYONE LOOKING AT ME?!?! 

Joan: *Stands with her arms crossed, looking at Puck*

Come on Puck, fess up. We know you did it.

Puck: *Starts freaking out* It wasn't me! I swear! Sure, I love pranking people, but MURDER?!? Out of the question! 

Ariel: *Peers at Puck* Are you sure?

Puck: Please! I'm innocent!!!! Someone back me up here! I would never murder someone's AE's!!! Please help me! 

Joan: *Puts reporter voice on* 

There you have it folks! Puck says she's innocent, but she's acting exactly like  a guilty person. Who will back her up, and who is the murdere? AE, or CBer? 


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(July 20, 2016 - 10:37 pm)


Wow, Zeon. Lower your voice, you hurt my ears.

But I don't want Puck being accused!

Why not?

Because Puck is based off of... what was it again?

Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

And you told me that Puck was mischievous, not a murderer, though. 

Since when have you become the smart, opinionated one? Oh well, let me... Hold on...

*Brandishes a wand* *Closes eyes, gathers strength, and produces a perfect counter curse*


SHH! She is saving Glow's sisters!



*Bright light produces from wand, the sisters shoot up, looking frazzled*

You two are back! *Embraces the girls* Thank goodness I went to Hogwarts Summer School!

Thank goodness you pay attention in Hogwarts Summer School... I didn't learn a thing!

And that's a good thing?

It meant I got to play my DS the entire time. SO YES.

Anyways, ignore them. I am so happy you two are back. You owe Quill a lot. Bunny, maybe the girls should stay. The three make a good team together. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 20, 2016 - 11:16 pm)

Joanna: *falls on floor* icecream, punkin pie, cupcakes, blood, glow, middle school, prom...

Glow: *pulls her up* Joanna! your alive! and you are to Violet! thank you Quill! (:

Joanna: uh... all i remember is a slice of a weapon and i was on the floor and and....

Glow: what! what! tell us!

Joanna: *dizzie* everything went black.

Violet: yes, the same exact thing happend to me but, before i heard that noise and stuff went black. i went to help joanna, but i fell down pleading for the person to not hurt me, but it did not work and i screamed then i fell on the ground, head pounding i hurt,

Glow: oh, now i remember what i forgot to add on this thread i heard a high pitch scream just like Violet does so you did scream violet!

Glow: *does a group hug* i'm so happy that you guys are back! (:

Joanna; thanks to Quill! (:

Violet: yes, thank you quill,

Violet: something strange happend i i senced something when i was on the floor, dead, i could almost see pictures in my head  it was middle school and another picture of prom and another of you when you were younger.... it was strange,

Glow: so, you can sence the future! Surprised

Joanna: AND the PAST! *jaw drops*

Violet: *whole face turns red in ambarresment* i, suppose... Embarassed

Joanna: *holds her pet captcha cat, scooter* that is AMAZING! *scooter jumps of joanna's lap, scared,* i i mean i dont think AE's ever done that before! 

Violet: i guess it's kinda unique....

Glow: kinda is not the word it's mega unique, in a good way!

Violet: so... i heard you might have prom to go to soon?

Violet: i could totally help you with your dress if so!

Joanna: and i could help you find who your going with!

Glow: yes, it's in a few days i think! and i have middle school to atend to!

Glow: *here's bus pull up* oh no....

Joanna: you can talk more when you're back!

Violet: yes! 

Glow: *leaves on bus* thank you quill!! Smile









submitted by Bunnyloves (: , age 11, with my AE's! (:
(July 22, 2016 - 4:36 pm)

Glow: STOP! it's not HER fault as she said! a murder would never say she feels sorry for the people she murdered so she's not the murder! Puck may be a prankster, but no one exept someone super duper duper CRAZY and INSANE would do a joke by KILLING someone! and Puck's a nice AE i know she does some jokes but she would never kill an AE and  no one has the reason to frame PUCK!


submitted by Glow, age Emotional, Bunny's AE
(July 21, 2016 - 12:28 am)

Puck is innocent! I'll vouch for her!!

Eh, maybe it was YOU, Joan? A good way of getting away with murder is pointing fingers at other people. *glares suspiciously*

Wait, didn't you just point a finger at another person by accusing Joan?

You're not helping!! 

submitted by hotairballoon
(July 21, 2016 - 6:28 am)

Puck: *Starts crying tears of joy*

Thank you everyone, for backing me up. I'm so glad to have friends like you!

Ariel: *shuffles his feet embarrassed*

I'm sorry Puck for accusing you. We were all wrong, and I never should have accused you. 

Joan: Yeah. Can you forgive us?

Puck: Of course I can! Now we know who the real murderer is, let's go give him a piece of my mind! 

Ariel: *Smiles* You get Him Sis.! But, be careful ok?

Puck: I will.  

submitted by Puck and Ariel
(July 21, 2016 - 9:28 pm)

Murdered? Oh my, what a suprise. How very unexpected and sad. l certainly hope you find the killer soon. 

It most certainly cannot be one of us, l could have never done such a thing! 

submitted by Silvery Ink, age Old Enough, Land of Ink & Quill
(July 20, 2016 - 10:57 pm)

Your AEs died?!?!?!?!

Yay! I killed them.

You did what?!?!?!?!?!

I killed them. Duh.

Don't use "duh". But why did you kill them?

Because I'm EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, Bun, I'm so sorry! It was Fúdìmó who killed your sisters!

submitted by FairyGirl
(July 21, 2016 - 6:49 am)

*gasps, sobbing*

How ...?

Poor Glow ... wait ...


I doubt it was Thorn ... this doesn't seem his style. He probably would have eaten them. 

... Gross.

Pinkie! Be polite! 

You flatter me, Pinkie. But alas, I had no bedtime snack last night.

submitted by Cho Chang + Co.
(July 21, 2016 - 7:14 am)