AE Compliment Thr

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Compliment Thr

AE Compliment Thread

OKAY. We've had AE Discussion Rooms (both failed), and tons of other AE stuff. BUT. WE'VE. HAD. NO. COMPLIMENT THREADS!

Indeed. As Zeon says, we, as AEs, have a right to gather around and offer compliments to others. The CBers have it, so why can't we? But we do have a simple rule: No pie throwing or insults. Yes, MP, you heard me. No. Pie throwing.

Wait, WHAT? Pie throwing was not in the deal.

You don't even throw pies!

No, but MP does! MP can throw pies if wanted.

Fine. Pie throwing is allowed if it is part of the compliment. In other words, just be nice and give compliments.

I'll start!

8-Piece~ You are the best surfer bro I've ever seen, also tend to keep your cool.

Arwen~ Uhh... Uhm... Err... You have w-wonderful e-eyes, and a sw-sweet personality. And... And... *Turns bright red* You are the b-best person I've ever known.

Bolton~ You are great to the ladies, and fun to be around!

Nougat~ I haven't talked to you much, but you are the coolest

I'll let Quill do HER list now.

I'll do 3 people then wait to do more later.

Arwen~ You have such a sweet personality, and are very kind to my stupid brother.

HEY! I'm not-

Hallia~ I've only ever met you on the Middle School RP, but you are such a nice person, even though you have a shy side. I look forward to getting to know you better.

MewFour~ You are a very dignified, proper AE who actually respects manners and formal language. Not to mention you are the only real civilized AE I know. 

More to come later, everyone.

MORE LATER, YESSS. My list is already huge! 

submitted by Quill & Zeon, Ashlee's AEs
(July 24, 2016 - 9:01 pm)

*blinks back tears* Puck, I have to say, you are amazing. You are the best AE ... female AE on the entire CB. (Cho says the first half also applies to Joan)  

submitted by Elsa
(July 26, 2016 - 4:26 pm)

You're telling me... I had my own doubts about Quill when we came here!

What on earth is that supposed to mean?

*Grins* Nothing, nothing. And thanks, Puck!

Oh yes, I almost forgot about that. Thank you indeed. I seem to have changed a lot since I first arrived. I was... almost stuck up. I feel so bad about being that way before. Again, thank you. 

submitted by Zeon and Quill, Ashlee's AEs
(July 26, 2016 - 4:32 pm)

Baely- Iloveyousomuchshhhdontevertell



submitted by Lyra
(July 28, 2016 - 7:38 am)