Social Media

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Social Media

Social Media

I have made a pact with myself that I am never going to use social media besides calling, texting, and email, unless I am unable to properly function in society without it. When asked how on Earth I could possibly do that, I smile and say, "I made a pact." Then I think about my reasons.

My reasons:

1) I think that is is pointless because it exists for the purpose of communication, which is already easy to do in person or by text/email. Also, I have asked may people why they have SnapChat or Instagram, and they have said that it's because their friends use it. Because their friends probably use social media for the same reason, it is pointless. If you eliminated social media from the equation, no one would notice. (In a universe that operates like Math). It is silly.

2) I think that it is isolating. When I am in a roomful of people all using social media, I feel very, very lonely. The main focus of the conversation is their phones, and the main focus of their brain is their phones. Also, people who are just not allowed or unable to get social media can't choose whether to follow the crowd or not. It creates more problems than it solves.

3) It is very easy to gain low self esteem. People tend to only post the happy things in life and pictures of themselves smiling or having a good time. This creates the illusion that everyone is happy all the time. Everyone, however, is never happy all the time, but because of social media it is easy for people to think that they are the only unhappy ones. The sad thing is that while they are feeling that way, they are proabably putting other people in the same suituation byh following social media trends! These trends would not exist if social media did not exist.

Please forgive my lack of logical structure of formal language, but it is summer and I am not writing an essay right now!

What are your opinions?

submitted by Over the Rainbow
(August 15, 2016 - 4:57 pm)

Yup - "everything in moderation," like they say :P I don't use it partly because I don't have enough in-person friends to need it, partly because it's overused - I don't really need to hear about my friend's friend's little adventures, or whatever - and mostly because whether I need to be on social media or not, I know I would waste too much time looking at it...

If you're one of those people who use it with moderation and profit by it more than compromising yourself, you're pretty amazing XD

submitted by Oregano, age 18, The spice rack
(August 17, 2016 - 3:27 pm)

Oh gosh, I didn't mean to imply that I was the perfect model of moderation. Far from it. Seriously, my life can be described as controlled chaos. (LOL) I procrastinate like most people and sometimes spend way too much time online not so much on social media sites but on other sites for info. Fortunately, I also know how far I can take the excess and am usually good at buckling down for a while.

submitted by River, age Forever, flowing yonder
(August 18, 2016 - 10:40 am)

Well, I agree about no Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SnapChat, and maybe Pinterest, because they can really take over your life, leaving no time to speak with real people and observe the world around you. They also make me feel sort of sick, like I do when I'm on the computer for too long. In addition, I think "liking" or whatever it's called on other websitescan really cause a lot of stress. People start worrying that no one likes them in real life, just because some people didn't click a little thumbs up button, or they worry that they're weird if they don't "like" what many others do. 

However, I would welcome a small social media which isn't all about peer pressure and "OMG, everyone likes this and I have to like it too." They can be really nice for sharing your opinions and customizing your own online space. Sort of like the CB except where each person would have a special "page" they could design and post special things on. Sadly, I haven't actually found such a website, and further, even those can cause you to be glued to your phone.

Wow, that was long and most likely very repetitive, not to mention repeating what others have already said. For the first time on the CB, I have felt the need to rant. Oh my. 

Unsolveablez says kkwi. Kiwi?

submitted by Applejaguar, age !), New York
(August 18, 2016 - 7:25 am)