Sad.Right no

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Sad.Right no


Right now I'm feeling kind of sad because I'm having friendship problems. We're fighting about something that's not really big, but I don't know how to make up with them, I don't really want to go into any more details. I don't really know what else to say, but I want to tell someone. If anyone can help me cheer up, I would really like it. Thanks for being here for me.

submitted by ?
(August 16, 2016 - 1:00 pm)

Aw, ?, I'm sorry. Friendship troubles are awful, and I know this, because I've had more then you can count. And the really bad part is when y'all are fighting over something that really won't matter in the long run, but you need to keep fighting about it anyway. 

So here's my advice. Let it sit for a few days. Don't bring it up, don't try to do anything about it. Then, when you think that it's been rested enough, go to your friend, and apoligise. Don't make excuses. Just say, "I'm sorry for..." and be totally honest. Admit your mistakes. Don't accuse the friend of doing whatever. That'll just make it worse. When you admit you were wrong in some aspect, the friend is more likely to admit they were wrong, which will help fix the friendship. Then, after that is resolved, say, "Why were we even fighting over that? That was dumb. Can we still be friends?" and voila!

Now. To cheer you up.

We're always here for you, ?. I know you are amazing, and awesome, and creative, even though I don't know who you are. The CB is so cool, and I know you're helping make it that way. You are totally terrific. So let your light shine! 

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(August 16, 2016 - 1:32 pm)

Hugs. And kisses. Are coming your way!!! (Of course, if you were a guy, that'd be awkward. Sorry. But I'm assuming you are a girl because girls have this type of problem more often then guys and there are also like 98% girls on the CB. Anyway, back to topic) 

I am so sorry! I know how it feels. You probably don't want advice, just support, but the best thing I can say is: say you're sorry. Even if it's not your fault. Even if you don't think it's actually going to do anything. Even if it's super hard.

Trust me. I had a silly but big fight with a friend of mine. All I'm saying is that is was a BIG fight. Over Starbucks. And we sent some really mean texts to each other. And i still feel that it wasn't my fault. But I said sorry to her, and meant it too. Then she felt bad, and said sorry, and now we are Better friends than ever.

But back to support: I really hope you can work it out! Thank you for posting this on the CB, and sharing it with us. It makes me feel really connected and supporting when I can send virtual hugs! Even if it turns out badly, I'm glad you know you can turn to us for support. It really makes me feel honored. I wish you luck and offer you a really cheesy joke:

Why didn't the corn laugh when the cheddar made a joke?

Because it  was cheesy. XD

submitted by Daisy
(August 16, 2016 - 1:32 pm)


submitted by TOP!!, age TOP!!, TOP!!
(August 16, 2016 - 1:33 pm)

Well, to start off... I've had the same issue before, and still do at times. My biggest suggestion is to one, smile, you'll get through it. Secondly, just don't fight about it. If it isn't something big, just let them win and apologize. If they won't apologize, give it time, they'll come around. And... I... I'm not very good with this whole "friend situation" thing because I have enough problems with it myself.

But I can say good luck, you'll get through it. We are here for you as always! 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(August 16, 2016 - 1:43 pm)

Oh, that doesn't sound fun. Does each of you know why the other is upset?

It'll work out in the end. :)

submitted by Oregano, age 18, The spice rack
(August 16, 2016 - 2:02 pm)

Here's a bunny to cheer you up!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(August 16, 2016 - 4:14 pm)

AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUUUUUUUUTE! Is that you and your bunny? How can you post things like that? Whaaaaaaaaa????????????????? 

submitted by Leafpool
(August 21, 2016 - 12:16 pm)