Stuff that is

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Stuff that is

Stuff that is fun!!!

Ok, folks, welcome to the Gared and Co talkshow!!!

Is the ship Ladybug/Cricket canon? I dunno.

What is the best cartoon? Oswald the Lucky Rabbit

Based on our current world system, would a singal currency be a good idea? I think so.

Does the Fith Wave suck? Yep

Does watching the Fith Wave make you sad, even in the sad parts? Noooooo.

Does the Fith Wave equal some MST3K movies? Overdrawn at the Memory Bank had better special effects.

Do you hate all music that is not EDM/Techno? No.

What bands do you like besides Daft Punk? Nirvana, REM, the Pixies, The Throwing Muses, most post-punk alternitive influential 4AD bands, the Smiths, Montey Pithon (We like to puch the pram-a-lot!), Blouse, many others. I am also partial to Shogaze of a rockish sort.

Why do you hate pop music? the lack of harsh vocals.

Are you angry the EMP uses it's SkyChurch for pop mucic videos? Yes. Ahhhhh!!! They arn't even playing Nirvana songs in the museum built for Nirvana!!

Is Animal Farm a relevent book? Yes.

Is the Giver a relevent book? No.

Am I exited for a Kaldesh/Conspiracy 2 draft? Yes. Oh my gosh yes.

Thank you for reading my survey. 

submitted by Gared
(August 26, 2016 - 10:26 pm)

This looks fun! I'll do it tomorrow if I have time.

submitted by Leafpool
(August 27, 2016 - 12:57 pm)

More questions:

Portland or Seattle: Seattle or Portland. Both are good.

Do you know what Shoegaxe is? Yep

Beush Pens or pens? Brush pens

1984 is relevent? Oh yes.

Should I wear the Conspiracy crown I got? Yes 

submitted by Gared
(August 28, 2016 - 9:50 am)

Is the ship Ladybug/Cricket canon? Ladybug doesn't think so!

What is the best cartoon? Felix the cat

Based on our current world system, would a singal currency be a good idea? Yeah, probably a good idea. Is it likely? No.

Does the Fith Wave suck? ...I don't even know what this is...

Does watching the Fith Wave make you sad, even in the sad parts? ...Still no clue... 

Does the Fith Wave equal some MST3K movies? ...I DON'T KNOW...

Do you hate all music that is not EDM/Techno? What does that mean? I've never heard of edm/techno

What bands do you like besides Daft Punk? What is Daft Punk??

Why do you hate pop music? Umm, I don't hate it...

Are you angry the EMP uses it's SkyChurch for pop music videos? What does this mean?? I don't know what any of this quiz means! I'm sorry! 

Is Animal Farm a relevent book? I guess. I didn't really like Animal Farm.

Is the Giver a relevent book? YES. IT. IS. It is completely relevent that to feel happiness and joy we must also feel sorrow and pain!

Am I exited for a Kaldesh/Conspiracy 2 draft? What is this??? I JUST DON'T KNOWWWW!

submitted by Cockleburr
(August 29, 2016 - 12:23 pm)