The Soapbox was

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

The Soapbox was

The Soapbox was right there.

It was crushed, but Icy took it anyways. She was upset. Even more upset that people would attack each other's opinions. She tried to step on it, but couldn't; she was too nervous.

Hi guys, this is Icy. I would just like to say...I'm quitting Cricket untill this is resolved. The Museum Curator attacked my friends, and it was very personal to me, but I'm just going to take a long, extended break so that I don't get mad and snap out, and fight that Curator. Please forgive me, I understand why you dislike Hamilton Haters, but please no...please were just so rough and harsh and there could've been another way.

So yeah, me and Chilly are leaving for a bit too. (Chilly's not posting here because Icy borrowed her font of italics). 


I consider it resolved. Some people like Hamilton and some people don't, and each will be respectful of the others' opinion.


submitted by Icy , age 12!!!, The Forest
(November 1, 2016 - 12:24 pm)

No!!! Please, Icy! I'm begging and I don't even know you!

@admins, maybe in the future this should be referenced as cricket war Hamilton  


Which I hope has reached a peaceful conclusion.


submitted by Pepper/Lemongrass
(November 1, 2016 - 5:37 pm)

How on Earth could this be considered a "peaceful conclusion" if it's causing people to leave?

submitted by hotairballoon
(November 2, 2016 - 5:55 am)

Icy, please don't leave. I haven't really been following the whole Hamilton conflict, but I know that here everyone respects everyone else's opinions, even if they don't agree. Sometimes when people want to express their opinions they can get a bit defensive. But nobody here wants to offend you or anyone else.

Sometimes, when writing online, things come out differently than how they are meant. Because online you cannot see the person's expression or hear the tone of their voice. So something said here that was meant just as a joke, or sarcasm, or even a harmless little remark can be read as something incredibly rude or just plain mean. So, if anyone did offend you or sound like they 'hated' you, then I bet they didn't mean it to sound they way it did on the screen. In his/her head it probably sounded fine. But he/she knew what he/she meant and you didn't. It's easy to see why this lead to conflict.

Nobody hates you, Icy. Nobody hates anyone else here. I'm certain that no one meant to sound rough or harsh.

Everyone, please use the preview button before posting anything that might sound even the tiniest bit mean. Words alway look different to me when I see them in big, official looking letters. Think about what you are saying before you post.

I love you all! 

submitted by Cockleburr
(November 1, 2016 - 5:45 pm)
submitted by Top
(November 1, 2016 - 7:02 pm)

I might still leave, I just am very offended by what happened. It hasn't really been resolved since the Museum Curator didn't reply to us .  .


submitted by Icy , age 12!!!, The Forest
(November 1, 2016 - 7:40 pm)

You are breaking our hearts! Stay! STAYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Please oh please oh please?


If you leave, do come back.

submitted by Pepper Star, age age 12
(November 5, 2016 - 8:25 am)

Icy, I know this is meant for the better, and I really, truly, understand what you mean. But I am going to get down on my knees and beg you to hear me out. I don't think your leaving would help anything. On the contrary, it might blow this little conflict into a full-on war. It's okay. This will blow over. It's really upsetting that we have to sometimes have arguments like these, but the thing is, we're human. We make mistakes, things like this happen. I don't think we want to have anyone on the CB leave, including the MC, and especialy you. Let's all stay, ignore these conflicts, and live in harmony together. Also, perhaps appologise to each I other. I for one, am sorry for anything I may have said at any point in time that has offended anyone. I love all of you to death. Please, Icy?

submitted by Booksy Owly
(November 1, 2016 - 9:29 pm)

The Mostly Truth: I don't like Hamiliton.

The Real Truth: I do like Hamilton. 

The Actual Completely True Non-Confuzzling truth: I hate most of the lyrics/subject matter, but I love a few of the "ok" songs. 

The Truthful Point: I'll miss you. 

submitted by Rose bud
(November 2, 2016 - 3:57 pm)


See you, Icy. And please come back to us. 

submitted by Cho Chang
(November 2, 2016 - 5:56 pm)

Well said.

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(November 2, 2016 - 10:30 pm)

Admins, I posted a post on this thread earlier and it didn't go through.


Icy, MC deleted the thread (I think, I can't find it). Please just chill. Why is everyone making a big deal about something so minor? 

Feel free to submit again if you can't find something. Yes I believe the creator of the Hamilton argument thread ask that it be deleted. So it's history.


submitted by Brookeira
(November 3, 2016 - 10:33 am)

No! Icy, please, please, please, please don't leave! I haven't been following this whole Hamilton thing- I didn't even know it was so serious! And now people are leaving because of it! On the CB, we respect other people's feelings! It doesn't matter if someone loves Hamilton and another person hates it! We can just not talk about it anymore! Icy, please don't leave, please come back, and I'll miss you. 

submitted by Alexandra
(November 3, 2016 - 3:27 pm)

UGH, it's not serious! Chill, everyone!

submitted by Brookeira
(November 4, 2016 - 9:57 am)

Icy no please don't leave! It was resolved! We stopped talking about it and the thread was deleted! Don't go because of a difference in opinion! It was just a petty argument and everyone apologized. The Museum Curator hasn't posted again. I'm sure that they're sorry, and I know that you will all say that no they weren't because they never posted back, but the truth is that it takes a lot of courage to confess something like that when people are mad at you. I don't think I would. He/she made a mistake, yes, but I doubt they were intending to hurt anyone or to cause them to leave. I think everyone would be sad if someone who is such a big part of the cb like you left. Please don't.

And to avoid further conflict, this should probably be a reminder to everyone to make sure that whatever you're posting doesn't hurt anybody's feelings. Just think before you post something. Thank you.

(Wow, now you've made me sound like a teacher XD) 

submitted by The Riddler
(November 4, 2016 - 5:21 pm)

One. Please, Icy, do not leave! I have said this before, but it tears me apart seeing you guys leave the CB. And secondly, before I can add any more input, what happened with Hamilton that caused this?

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(November 4, 2016 - 7:29 pm)