I haven't had

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

I haven't had

I haven't had a lot of time for CB lately, which is a terrible tragedy. (I hope y'all missed me...) However, I am back with a venegance and determined to post as frequently as humanly possible. I decided, as some way to slide back in to the active side of this community, I would reintroduce myself. 

Kind of.


10 Random Facts About Me

1. The foremost September 1st after I turned eleven, I cried because I hadn't recieved my Hogwarts letter in the mail.

2. When people ask me what I do in my free time, I'm never sure whether to say what they want to hear (read, draw, practice my violin) or what I most often actually do (watch Gravity Falls episodes and Hamilton animatics).

3. I am most certainly not a morning person.

4. In my calligraphy class we were once about to copy poems on parchment. When the teacher brought it out my I shouted, "IT'S JUST LIKE IN HARRY POTTER!" 

5. Sometimes I listen to things with headphones on and I forget I'm wearing them, which leads to me bursting out and shouting "Here comes the general!" along with the song, except no one else can hear it but me. I get a lot of weird looks.

6. I really, really, like the name Quinn but somehow have never found the right character to use it on.

7. I love to draw and consider myself pretty good, but I'm really shy about showing people my work.

8. If I was a demigod, my godly parent would be Athena. 

9. My brain never shuts up. No matter what I'm doing I'm always thinking something. Usually random, like: "Is it possible to run without moving your upper body at all?" or "How much of Hamilton is rhymed in couplets?"

10. I have a stuffed animal lamb named Lily who I can't sleep without. <3


Post your own 10 Random Facts!

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(November 24, 2016 - 4:45 pm)

1. I have a little itsy bit of synthesia, so I associate certain people, places, things, memories, ect with different colors. Listening to music I can visualise colors moving and I often think up possible music videos... I also will fight someone who tells me E is yellow or some other weird, un-E-ish color, because E IS GREEN AND TOO SMART AND SASSY FOR HER OWN GOOD, DANG IT. 

2. I make a lot of lists. In fact, after filling out the above thing, I thought, huh, what should I put in next? Let me grab the list about random stuff about myself- oh wait, I could use that. I have two bucket lists, things I think it would be cool for the world to have (e.g. colored solar panels arranged rather like stained glass, roof gardens and exercise balls/bean bag chairs in classrooms), and many more... I often write little to do lists, sometimes on the inside of my arm. 

3. I can sometimes fly in my dreams... sometimes I just jump off a cliff and move my legs like I'm running, sometimes I just float up. Once I could fly and I had a Harry Potter esque wand but I didn't need to say any words to do spells and me and my friends concluded I was dreaming about being Voldemort. I can kind of control my dreams, and I never die or get hurt in them, but they're usually not in color- if I focus on something, color gets added, but most of the time it's just shades of white, black and gray. 

4. I wake up at around 5:40 to 6:30 each morning (without an alarm), and that's usually my best writing time- but that doesn't mean I'm fully awake, or much fun to talk to. WARNING: DO NOT TALK TO OR TOUCH THE INDIGO WHEN SHE IS HALF AWAKE AND TRYING TO GET SOME WORDS IN. 

5. People always think I'm older than I am. When I first came on (two, almost three years ago, summer of 2014 I believe) I was ten and a lot of people thought I was twelve or thirteen. I don't think anyone thinks I'm sixteen at the moment, but my grandmother asked me how high school was a while ago, so there you go. I think part of the reason people mistake me for someone older than I am- part of it being the fact I'm just, tall and look about like a fourteen year old, is the fact I have a lot of older siblings so I feel like they've kind of dragged me into thinking like someone/having the vocabulary of someone a little bit older than me. 

6. I like sushi AND chocolate, where as most of my friends only like one. 

7. Almost everyone in my family is some what ridiculously skilled. Most of them are good at more engineering feats, but are still annoyingly great at art- specifically, the kind you draw, which is where my skills take a nose dive. One guy is going to this program to get high school credits at college, another guy is in a prestigious college in Scotland in an exchange program, and my sister draws straight up posters and comic strips, the whole shebang. I know I have other skills, but it's hard to be thinking of how your drawings are okay, but they'll get better or you have a high reading level when your brother just finished up bringing home an AWARD for HIS AMAZING DRAWING SKILLS or your other bro just skype called from SCOTLAND. 

8. I used to have a little bit of an issue with... not really depression, but a general, the world sucks it's boring I don't care about anything why am I alive sort of thing and sometimes I relapse. 

9. I'm a Ravenclaw... but I keep on thinking I might have a bit of Slytherin in me, and that is my technical Pottermore house. I got Ravenclaw on the first quiz, and on the second, after the remodel... I may have been trying for Slytherin... and I did get it. To answer your first question, it is at least possible to at least walk, but it feels weird and I think running without moving your arms would be more dangerous.

10. My family uses Legos, rubber bands, magnets and a variety of other things to create/play war games, rudd goldberg machines and other chaotic chaos. It's a ton of fun!

submitted by Indigo
(November 25, 2016 - 9:39 am)

10 Random Facts About Me:

1. I have a stuffed duck that I've had since I was a baby, affectionately named Ducky. She's partially blanket and all worn away on one side from snuggling. I can sleep without her, but I prefer not to.

2. Ever since watching my first episode with the Master, I purposefully gave myself a twitch: I randomly tap things in a one-two-three-four beat.

3. When I get really angry or frustrated, I'll just randomly start shaking my hands to remove some of the excess energy.

4. I dislike my real name, especially when I say it aloud, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

5. I love photography, but my only tool is my phone, and I can't find a way to transfer my photos onto my computer or anything. So I either want a better phone, or a camera.

6. I can do minor coding with HTML and BBC, but I can't hack into websites or anything like that. I can also do basic editing with pictures off Google.

7. I'm very self-conscious while listening to music through headphones or earbuds, and often turn the sound down so low that I can't even hear it in order to not bother the people around me.

8. I'm a total night owl, always have been. I can stay up until twelve easy (though my bedtime's eleven on no school days), but then I sleep until 10 or 11. The problem is, I'm super slow in the morning, so on school days I need to give myself forty minutes to get ready for school . . . I have to get up at six.

9. I randomly compose fanfiction in the middle of a book. Sometimes even while I'm reading. I create at least one character for each book I'm reading (or movie I'm watching) and stick them in there. I used to have this whole family for Harry Potter, where Harry has a long-lost genius older sister named Ruby who marries Charlie Weasley and has twins, Pepper and Mint, and a younger daughter and Metamorphmagus named Candy. I eventually scrapped them, though, because they were so shallow.

10. On the one hand, I want a lot more than ten bullet points to talk about myself. On the other, I can't think of anything else that anyone would actually care about.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(November 25, 2016 - 11:36 am)

I'm up for more!

submitted by Indigo
(November 25, 2016 - 3:23 pm)

1. l like chestnuts. As of yesterday when we roasted some in our fireplace.

2.  l listen to a bunch of unknown little bands. Obscure music is the best. 

3. l didn't grow up with the Internet, didn't even use it until around two years ago. None of our computers ever worked (they still don't) and the one that did was always locked with a password. 

4. l am one of the decreasing number of children/teenagers that write in cursive. 

5. l have a bit of a thing for botany. After all, there's like eighteen pots of plants perched around my room. 

6. l like to think that l'm good at various things (drawing, playing piano, building things) but rarely actually do them. 

7. l've only been to two states other then the one l live in.

8. l like cold. Not that wimpy 30 degrees cold, but the negative ten degrees cold.

9. l like mornings but l don't like waking up early.

10. l have five siblings, four older, one younger. No one is really able to tell my three sisters and l apart. l get called by thier names very, very often. l've told people that we're twins or triplets, and they actually believe me, which can be kind of funny sometimes. 

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Sherwood Forest
(November 25, 2016 - 11:58 am)

10 random facts about me continued...

8. I feel like my own real name doesn't fit me quite perfectly and I'll occasionally ask people to call me Rosebud or Cordelia. Seriously; Rosebud is my inner core. It fits me perfectly.

9. When I am excited or frusterated or thinking very hard, I often pace all around the area and shake my hands or snap my fingers at random moments because I feel like I have to keep moving in order to get my thought flow out.

10. I have this weird fingerplay that keeps me busy during, say, lectures or announcements. I associate words being said or sung or whatever with rythems, and then I tap those out with my fingers, and then I make rules for my game, like; every word has to be shortened by one sylable before I tap it out, and words that are only one sylable or have been shortened to only one are "out of the game," but if I have two one sylable words I can put them together to count as one beat. I just don't like to sit completely still or have my mind completely unoccupied. I also can't focus on something for very long before feeling the need to start doodeling or imagining or something. I don't know why this is, but it sure doesn't help me in class!

10.2 I am extremely absent-minded. I will set something down and then, a few seconds later, forget where I set it down. For this reason, I am a complete mess in the kitchen. I will look at a measurement in a cookbook, walk over to get the measuring cup, and then completely forget what the measurement was. Sometimes I will have to repeat this several times or even set a certain rythem to the measurement (3 and A HALF (pause) cup) so that it locks into my head. 

submitted by Rose bud
(November 25, 2016 - 1:39 pm)

*sees AoGG reffernce* *begins to fangirl* CALL ME CORDELIA!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(November 25, 2016 - 10:01 pm)

Yes! I love Anne of Green Gables! Once, I wrote "Cordelia Montmorency" on one of my school papers (I'm homeschooled but go to this homeschool group thing twice a week). My teacher handed it back to me next week without even asking whether or not it was mine :P

submitted by Rose bud
(November 26, 2016 - 8:22 am)

1. I have this memory from when I was a newborn! (Well, I'm 90% sure it's from then. But, I could be wrong. However, I know I have a memory from before I was two, and lots of memories from when I was two.)

2. Sometimes somebody will say something that I don't quite understand, and I'll pick at it for YEARS before I finally unravel its mysteries. Like, somebody will tell me a story and the events won't add up. Strangely enough, I always forget them after I figure them out.

3. I was called a second grader when I was eleven. We were at a museum, and we were in the interactive exhibit doing brain teasers, when a lady who was there to help give hints walked up. She was impressed with Moonfrost's brain teaser-solving skills, but when Moonfrost got stumped (I was standing right there as well) the lady said 'That's okay, these are hard. You're only second graders!' (I will say, there was a field trip of second graders running around in there, but 1. We weren't wearing the orange field trip stickers and 2. I don't seem like a second grader, do I???)

4. I want to show my mice, but there isn't a single mouse show or mouse club anywhere in my state.

Time for dinner, I'll continue this later!

submitted by Micearenice
(November 25, 2016 - 6:10 pm)

1. My sister and I once had an argument over how to pronounce a character's name and it ended in her sitting on top of me and me crying in pain. 

2. I called build a bear for a month trying to get the Pokémon eevee plush!(I got it it's adorable and it's name is James and my sister named hers Jessie!)

3. I love churos and once sang a dramatic song about it in front of my class

4. I'm so clumsy I once fell in a lake

5. I forced my sister to dress up as Mabel Pines once

6. I have three dogs, there names are Lilo, Stitch, and Emmet

7. I do Brazilian jujitsu(  I usually don't tell people)

8. I LOVE FOOD!!!!!!!!

9. I recite the team rocket motto every day with my friends ( I usually do James part)

10. I have strange fictional crushes ( I liked Grover from PJO) 

submitted by Geek girl(for now)
(November 25, 2016 - 8:26 pm)

Most of my arguments with my siblings end that way :)

submitted by Rose bud
(November 25, 2016 - 9:04 pm)

1. My dad used to call me "Short Pork." I guess I was pretty chubby as a baby. (There was also "Pork in the Air")

2. A friend on once convinced me that she had gotten a Hogwarts letter.

3. I listen to Hamilton before bed, because in a strange way, it scatters my thoughts.

4.  I like asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower, but I hate argula, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers.

5. I can read romantic books- but romantic movies? No.

6. In class, I must be drawing, playing with my hands or moving. Always moving.

7. I read in strange places so I get a lot of weird looks.

8. I keep weird stuff in my backpack.

9. I wish I could fly.

10. I have a stuffed animal called Pink Hippo (Who is indeed, a pink hippo) that a friend gave to me before they moved away. She is a must-have.

submitted by Pepper Star I
(November 26, 2016 - 7:55 am)

When I was in 4th grade or so, my friend and I played a game where we went to Hogwarts, and he made me an owl out of duct tape. I think I still have it somewhere...

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(November 28, 2016 - 12:46 pm)

Once a friend of mine got me a framed letter from Harry Potter World, actually! He came to my house on my birthday with it all wrapped up in a package and then rang the doorbell and hid behind a bush. My brother was totally convinced. I thought it was a very nice thought.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(November 29, 2016 - 8:25 pm)

1. I am scared of wasps.

2. In fifth grade, I typed up personalized official-looking Hogwarts acceptance letters and even included a list of required supplies. I put it in people's lockers, including my own. None of the students guessed me. They thought it was the librarian or something! One of the teachers guessed it was me, although the other didn't know until the end of the year. 

3. I have one sibling, a younger brother who is 10.

4.  I had some not long-lasting book crushes in 5th grade, but I've only ever had one real life crush. I had it in 5th grade and part of 6th. (I'm in 7th grade by the way.)

5. When I was younger I started a book club with my stuffed animals. I sat in the corner of my room with a bunch of pillows and read A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engele out loud to them. Then we watched the movie version together, which was terrible by the way.

6. I've always loved history, and I was really really into American Revolution before I even knew Hamilton existed! Bring a musical theater kid and a history nerd, Hamilton is a dream come true.

7. When I was a toddler I was bit by a squirrel. But I was okay, because squirrels don't carry rabies.

8. I have a stuffed animal named Bambi that I've had since I was two. I sleep with her every night, though it's not like I'd cry without her or anything, and I never awaken holding her...but Bambi is just something I do every night, something I keep consistent.

9. My school is extremely diverse, and I love it. We're pretty much a walking United Nations. About half the school is Indian and what we all call Asian (Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese). The other half of the school is a crazy mix of Hispanic (Mexican, Spanish, South American) Middle Eastern (ex. math teacher is from Iran), African-American, kids from Eurasian or previously Soviet countries like Georgia, a few people from countries in Africa (ex. a girl in my theater class is from Kenya), kids that are mixed, etc, etc. Everybody can speak English, in case you're wondering. Also, when I say "from" I mostly mean their parents are from, though some people are from other countries.

10. Although my Pottermore house is Hufflepuff, and I "side" which Hufflepuff as being my official house, I'm a Ravenpuff at heart, confirmed by the Primary/Secondary house system. (I'm Ravenclaw Primary and Hufflepuff secondary.) Despite the words "primary" and "secondary" don't let that confuse you; one is not lesser than the other. That's just the terminology. Primary is more about the WHY, and secondary is about the HOW. It's complicated. I should make a post about it...

submitted by Owlgirl, age 13
(November 26, 2016 - 9:38 am)

I just had the weirdest moment where I was like- does she go to my school- and then I realized my math teacher is from Afghanistan, not Iran. 

submitted by Indigo
(November 27, 2016 - 8:56 pm)