Please bear with

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Please bear with

Please bear with me for the minute or two it takes to read this post. 

Beofre I start, I want to say I love you all, so, so much. From Cho to Gared, you are so special and precious to me, and I treasure each of you as a person. I respect and value your opinions.

Ever since I have started Chatterbox, I think I've been very open about my faith.

This is hard for me.

Society has so many labels that I'm so scared to have slapped on my forehead.

But-to my surprise-when I joined, no one called me stupid. No one called me unacceptive. No one called me immature for playing with dolls either.

So, believe it or not, I'm happy that the admins chose to let same-sex oriented characters stay. This site is supposed to be a safe, non-judgmental place. 

But I'm leaving.

Hear me out before you click out of this post. 

Over the past year, I kind of changed into a totally different person.

I matured both spiritually and emotionally, and I grew closer to God. I made friends with some amazing people who help strengthen and support me in times of trouble. They helped me get through this situation right now.

Leaving is so, so hard for me. The reason I came back last time is because I missed you guys so much. I'm not leaving because I'm selfish, I'm not leaving because I'm intolerable. I'm leaving because I love my God. I know that I will have to face this issue in life. I have friends that I love dearly who are not straight. I love everyone on here, it doesn't make a difference if you're gay or not. But I also believe that it is a sin, (Leviticus 18:22) just like lying is.

If the admin said the impersonator going around was totally acceptable, I'm sure most of you would leave!

Please know that I am not perfect. I struggle with sin that is sometimes thought of as 'worse' than being same-sex oriented. But the amazing thing is that God still loves me, and He counts me as righteous just for believing in him (Romans 4:3)!

So, to sum it up, I love you all so much, but I'm making a choice to leave. I'm not being forced to. I guess you could say... I want to. I believe that God loves all people, but I also believe we're all sinners (Romans 3:23), and we all need Jesus in our lives (Romans 6:23).

I love you all so much and this is so hard for me. 

I want to say thank you all so much for everything.

Admis-Thank you! You're so dedicated, patient, and all-around-awesome! Thank you so much for everything you do, I really appreciate it. 

To the CBers-Otr, Hsg, Leafmist, Brooklyn Newsie, Cockleburr, Cho, Bibliophile, Scylla, Micearenice, Lyra, Booksy, Dragonrider, Coconut, HAb, Daisy, Indigo, Katydid, and everyone else-Thank you so much for being there. I've loved everything about being here, from the ski lodges (*Coughmicearenicecough*), fangirling (Brooklyn), hoping to meet in real life (Leafmist), and having the best friends anyone could ask for (EVERYONE!!)

I love you guys so much. 



submitted by Joss, age 14, ME
(December 16, 2016 - 9:08 pm)

Ugh, who will I fangirl over aspen heights with now?!?

Bye, Brooklyn. You're so awesome, and I'll never forget you either.

I'll miss you!

submitted by Joss
(December 17, 2016 - 5:41 pm)


Could I get you to promise that once Season Six of Aspen Heights comes out, you'll come back for just a little bit so I can have someone to fangirl with?

PLEASE. ohmicowspotatoes, I don't know anyone else on the CB or IRL that I can fangirl about AH with, and I'm going to need serious help when Season 6 comes out.

Bye, Joss. I'm gonna miss you and your spunk. 


submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(December 18, 2016 - 1:52 pm)

Ok, I will, I promise!! :D We can make an AH fangirl thread. I don't have anyone to fangirl with either XP

Hugs back!

submitted by @Brooklyn, (Joss)
(December 18, 2016 - 4:36 pm)


Cho and Daisy and Novelist and KG and NOW YOU???

Wahhh. Why did Gared even have to make that post? It grew, and it grew, and now it's ruining the CB. 

submitted by Leafpool
(December 17, 2016 - 6:19 pm)

Sorry, Leafpool. I'll miss you!

submitted by Joss
(December 18, 2016 - 2:29 pm)

Goodbye Joss. I'm really going to miss you, but I respect your decision. I'm proud of you for sticking to your beliefs. You are such a nice and wonderful CBer. Could you please come back on Valentine's Day 2019? That's the day when a lot of Cbers are planning to come back and "see" each other, although I'm guesssing you probably know that because you've been here for a long time. Anyway, goodbye, I wish you the best in the future, and I hope that you won't forget the Chatterbox. It would be great if you came back to visit once in a while. 



submitted by Dragonrider
(December 17, 2016 - 6:24 pm)

Thank you, Dragonrider. I'll try to come back on the reunion day.

I'll miss you!

submitted by Joss
(December 18, 2016 - 2:30 pm)

God will always be there for you. He will help you through all your struggles.

I love and wish you THE BEST OF LUCK in your life. Stay dedicated and determined! No matter what society says, stay strong. And only God can judge you, and he loves you so much.

You know where to find me ;D

Good bye! 


submitted by Katydid
(December 17, 2016 - 7:09 pm)

Aww, bye Joss. You've been an awesome person to have on CB. Thank you so much for being here and being our friend! I didn't know you well, but you're a great writer and person. God bless you! 

submitted by Will T.
(December 17, 2016 - 7:42 pm)

Bye, Will! Thanks :D I'll miss you!

submitted by Joss
(December 18, 2016 - 2:31 pm)

Joss, I've always looked up to you. You are so confident and bold in your faith. I really will miss you, but I understand why you have to leave. 

Owlgirl, thank you so much for everything you said. You have no idea how encouraging that was to me! I think you are so right in that I shouldn't be surpressing my struggles. I need to acknowledge them and face them. 

submitted by Rose bud, age 14
(December 17, 2016 - 10:10 pm)

Oookaaay. Just read through the threads on DtE. And Joss, I understand, and I feel you. But I'm going to miss you with my whole heart. By the way, the fact that you know who I am melts my heart :). *hugs super tight* Drop by to visit, okay?

submitted by Booksy Owly
(December 17, 2016 - 11:43 pm)

I'll miss you too!! *Hugs equally as tight*

submitted by Joss
(December 18, 2016 - 2:29 pm)

And tear. Joss, I'm going to miss you, so much. PLEASE come back everyone once in a while. You where the first comment on my intro/book review thread.

"Hi bibliophile!

My name is Joss and I am 13 years old! It seems like we are very similar! I love to read, write, act, and sing! Oh, and cats. I love cats. Anddd.....

OHMYGOSHILOVEOUTOFMYMIND!!!!!!! It's so AWESOME! It's one of my favorite books and almost everyone in my class has read it!

submitted by Joss, age 13, ME

(December 27, 2015 - 1:36 pm)

Thank you, Joss, you are one of the best (and one of the only) online friends I've ever had. (Also, I didn't know you lived in Maine! That's interesting, I really want to go there.)

submitted by Bibliophile
(December 18, 2016 - 6:31 pm)

Thank you so much, Bibliophile! You're one of my best internet friends too :) I'm so sad I'm leaving youu...

I'll miss you!! *hugs*

submitted by Joss
(December 19, 2016 - 3:25 pm)