We chase the

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

We chase the

We chase the melodies that seem to find us

Until they’re finished songs and start to play

When senseless acts of tragedy remind us

That nothing here is promised, not one day.

This show is proof that history remembers

We lived through times when hate and fear seemed stronger;

We rise and fall and light from dying embers, remembrances that hope and love last longer

And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside.

I sing Vanessa’s symphony, Eliza tells her story

Now fill the world with music, love and pride.

-Lin-Manuel Miranda


Truly, directed to no particular group or idea. No need to pick at the individual words. The general message of this sonnet is powerful enough to be universal. View this, think about it, admire it, perhaps say a word or two about it, then let it sink from the first page, its message forever in our hearts, but not consuming our minds.

Then let us fill our world with music, love and pride. 

submitted by A CBer Who Cares, age 13, Owlgirl :)
(December 21, 2016 - 3:22 pm)