AE crushes. Come

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE crushes. Come

AE crushes. Come on, you know they all have them.

Do not! *turns red*

Uh huh. What about Pseudonym? You always-

Ummmmm.....Well maybe a little bit. *Pulls a bunch of roses out of a bag and walks up to him* Do these?

I think she likes you, Pseudonym....

submitted by BooksyBear@Pseudonym, The Nearest Library
(January 8, 2017 - 12:42 am)

My AE, Timothy likes-


Come on, you know you like-

*covers my mouth*

He is in love with Quill

I am NOT!!!!

You are, and you know it

Well, maybe I am.. But only a little bit!


What's happening over here?

elementgirl says I like Quill

Well, you do 

No, I don't

Yes, you do

 NO, I DON'T!!!!!!!!!!

Timmy and  Anna, stop it.

Don't call me Timmy!

All you ever do is argue. Stop now. 

submitted by elementgirl18917
(January 8, 2017 - 10:41 am)

ummmmmm...maybe this is a bad time..but-

Hey guys, nice to meet you! *elbows me out of the way*

Ruby, they're having a conversat-

Argument? Don't worry, I've got this covered...

*Hits the submit button before Ruby can do anymore damage* 

submitted by BooksyBear&co
(January 8, 2017 - 4:12 pm)

Weeeeell SparkleGurlJunior kind of likes Jack

*Turns red and gives him a bunch of whithered roses* Sorry....they're a bit squashed...*turns red again*


submitted by Sparkle Girl
(January 8, 2017 - 4:54 pm)

Which Jack are you talking about? My AE?

submitted by Gared
(January 8, 2017 - 7:17 pm)

So, as far as I can tell, Jack and DJ Bowtie are a couple, and Zekrar has no crushes. 

submitted by Gared Co.
(January 8, 2017 - 7:23 pm)

Anna, why did you even press that? Just to taunt Timothy more about-

His crush on Quill! Ha-Ha! Timmy, I think she likes Mew-

Don't call me Timmy! And don't even mention Mewfour when I'm here!

Ok, Timmy. But you just did. 

I did, but just so that you would know who this conversation pertains to!

Ok, ok you two, stop it.

*glares at Timothy*

*glares at Anna* 

submitted by elementgirl's AEs
(January 8, 2017 - 8:28 pm)

Ah, Anna, Timothy, might I state one slight complication? You - or anyone else - dare speak or guess of who I like, and you will regret it.

Woah, hold up! Quill, I haven't seen you like that in ages.

Yes, well, it's been ages since someone has aggravated me, and do not you start by making it worse, Zeon.

*Backs up with hands held in surrender* Hey, sorry, you two, if I were you I'd stay clear of that topic. It's... somewhat a personal thing to talk about. She doesn't mean any harm-

*Glares at Zeon*

- Take that back! She's angry right now. *Gets hit by a book from Quill* Ouch! 


submitted by Somewhat angry Quill, With Zeon
(January 8, 2017 - 9:21 pm)

Anna, why did you even press that? Just to taunt Timothy more about-

His crush on Quill! Ha-Ha! Timmy, I think she likes Mew-

Don't call me Timmy! And don't even mention Mewfour when I'm here!

Ok, Timmy. But you just did. 

I did, but just so that you would know who this conversation pertains to!

Ok, ok you two, stop it.

*glares at Timothy*

*glares at Anna* 

submitted by elementgirl's AEs
(January 9, 2017 - 6:38 am)

Quill, I am SO SORRY about my AEs. Neither of them have any self control-

I do

The why were you arguing about the COLOR OF YOUR SOCKS YESTERDAY!?! And you will not speak to Timothy about you-know-who, Because to some people, like Quill here, it's a sensitive topic.  

submitted by elementgirl18917
(January 9, 2017 - 6:45 am)

My apologies, elementgirl. Quill should not have acted as she did either, but oddly enough... recently she's been a bit different. Always snapping at everyone.

What a despicable thing to say, Ashlee. I do not snap at everyone.


Ashlee's right, you do. *Rubs bruised face* Like this when you hit me with your book yesterday!

Regardless, thank you for apologizing, I appreciate it.

submitted by Ashlee G. and AEs
(January 9, 2017 - 11:34 am)

Me: My Æs all have crushes

Niccolai: Do Not!

Me: Ah, good point. Grey has a crush on Siriracha. Doublock used to have a crush on Bolton, but he left so she may have a new crush soon.

Grey: And Niccolai thinks that all crushes are stupid and should be banned for eternity.

Niccolai: YES!!!

Doublock: This may be because nobody is sure what gender Niccolai is in the first place.

Me: This makes it rather hard for her/him to find a crush.

Niccolai: I haven't found a crush because I SHALL NEVER WANT ONE!!!

Doublock: ya... so for now he/she avoids all crush threads like the plague.

Me: I'm gonna press submit now before this gets out of hand. 


submitted by Nebula and Co
(January 9, 2017 - 5:28 pm)

Jammira has decided-

You mean you threatened me-

she decided to tell you about her love life. Take it away, Jami!

*sighs* well, I think that this guy (Jarnen?) liked me for a bit, but it never really worked out. Then, earlier, Baelfire might have had a crush on me, but I never said the feeling was mutual. 


Embers, you are completely and utterly insane. 

Am not.

The only reason you do this to me is because you don't have a love life. 

I'm in Sixth Grade! No one has a love life in Sixth Grade. Also, I'm not interested in one, thank you very much. 

Fine. Now can you please untie me?


*frees Jammira from the chair she was duct taped into*

submitted by Jammira
(January 9, 2017 - 5:35 pm)

Wait.... our Pseudonym?


*flushes red* Sure, I'll take them.

Oh, and by the way Secret likes-






submitted by Pepper Star & Co.
(January 9, 2017 - 6:07 pm)

*Splutters* WAIT WHAT?

What is the issue now, Zeon?

I'm the only AE with a "Z", that's what!

Enlighten me, how is this a dilemma? 

*Coughs* Secret... I... Uhmmm...

Just speak your thoughts.

Sorry to say this, but I'm taken by the most amazing person ever *sighs in dreamlike way*

He means Arwen. My apologies, Secret, if it's... Zeon who you like *cringes* I am shocked how anyone could admire such an AE as him. Just keep on dreaming, I suppose. 

submitted by Quill and Zeon, Ashlee's AEs
(January 9, 2017 - 6:59 pm)

Puck: *Sees title* Nope, I'm out of here. I'm single. *Walks away* 

Ariel: I'll say it again: I ONLY have a crush on SAPHIRA. (Autumn Leaves's AE)

Diovald: Elsa's gone. . .

Me: So, I guess none of my AE's are open at the moment; but they will stay to watch the "drama."

*Turns to grab all 3 AE's* *Sits down with popcorn*  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(January 9, 2017 - 7:40 pm)