Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Indigo knew the other CBers liked pulling out the Soapbox whenever something came up, so she went rummaging around for it. But maybe it'd been too long. Maybe she didn't know the ever-changing Chatterbox as well as she had used to. And besides, did she really want to be ranting and raving? Did she really want to go out in that style?

At last she ceased rummaging through the piles of half-finished RPs and unraveling threads and sat down, right there on the dusty floor. As she looked around she wondered if she should really leave. This place had so many memories. It had been a place of refuge; it had given her so many incredible friends. And in just a couple of months, she would have been on here three years... but no. It was a place of refuge for her no longer and most of her friends didn't post on here much anyway. She stood up, her decision made, and as she did so, her toe bumped the dented Soapbox.

She hefted the Soapbox up over her head and walked straight through to the center of the CB, where all the threads tangled together into one. She put the Soapbox down carefully, being careful not to damage it further. Already a crowd was forming; some curious, others looking... slightly hostile? She was surprised so many people were coming out to listen; usually felt like no one heard her at all. Maybe it was the Soapbox. Somehow the Soapbox and the person standing on it seemed to draw more attention than those without.

Indigo sat down cross-legged on the Soapbox. "I want to thank the Admins for everything they have done for me, for faithfully caring for this little website. I want to thank my friends- my early friends, like Danie and Noelle, for helping me and supporting me when I was young and new. I want to thank my newer friends, like Katydid and Owlzina, and those inbetween, like Air and BHR. You all have changed me, helped me discover who I am and who I want to be- and how to get there."

Indigo could tell the group was confused. Didn't Indigo have something to say, something worthy of the Soapbox? Some important contribution to the CB- an offer of a ceasefire after a war, a new issue to debate? Indigo felt her legs moving, trying to push her to stand, but she refused. She took a huge breath instead. "But I'm afraid I can't be a part of it anymore."

Indigo braced herself for the arguments, the pleas from people she didn't even really know that well to stay. "It's not somewhere I want to be anymore. It's no longer a refuge from the drama of middle school life. The RPs no longer interest me, too short-lived to mean much... and I don't feel welcome any more." She smiled a little sadly. "I was once a younger girl, with bad grammar and worse spelling. I did a lot of stupid things, and I felt very offended by the older CBers not appreciating the change my generation of CBers brought." She faltered a moment, then gathered her thoughts.

"And yet... correct me if I'm wrong, older CBers, but I'm pretty sure there was never this level of exclusion. I mean, yeah," Indigo said, gathering steam, "Maybe I thought Ruby and BHR were especially cool. But I also admired and complimented other CBers... whereas I don't really see that here. There are a couple of CBers now who everyone praises and loves; and the rest are almost... ignored. This... honestly upsets me. Shouldn't we value everyone equally, even the more quiet CBers who don't have AEs, or don't support the popular belief?"

Indigo let out her breath slowly, pulling her hair out of her face. "Instead... I see people idolizing a couple of CBers and almost ignoring the rest. That's unhealthy- both for the people being idolized, the people idolizing, and the people being left out. This has been something bothering me for quite a while... every time someone gets credited with something they didn't come up with, or..." Indigo trailed off. It wasn't like this was going to change anything. And after all, it was probably partly her fault things were this anyway.

"I'm not going to apologize for leaving," Indigo said firmly. "I'm not going to act guilty for the pain you all feel... or pretend to feel, because if you really cared about me, wouldn't you pay attention to me when I post on things OTHER than leaving, instead of just when I post about leaving?" Maybe that was too far. But that was the truth of what she thought; what she always had thought, whenever she'd taken breaks from the CB or posted about considering leaving.

"I suppose I should tie up all the loose ends," Indigo murmured. "Cayke, Katy, all of you; you know where to find me. I may continue to post on that RP Danie and Katy and I have... if I ever get inspired. I'll be back on Valentine's Day 2019 for sure." Indigo finally stood, stepping off of the Soapbox. "And one more thing..." With sure, steady movements, she pulled a matchbox out of her pocket. She then pulled out a match and scraped it along the rough side of the matchbox. She held it for a moment, not in hesitation but just so that it was clear she wasn't moving in hasty anger, then dropped it on the Soapbox. "Shouldn't we all stand on equal ground... especially when expressing ourselves?" The Soapbox burnt beautifully as brilliantly colored flames began to eat away at the wood... but Indigo knew it was built on pain; it was the platform of wars.

submitted by Indigo, age I see fire, burning the Soapbox
(February 11, 2017 - 11:54 pm)

You're right, I'm sorry. I should not have said that.

On a side note, it didn't actually go against what Indigo just said. She's upset that the older CBers aren't respected more.

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(February 15, 2017 - 7:51 am)

I think that what Leeli's trying to say is that singling out a "CBer Legend" is going against the entire "anti-hierarchy" statement that Indigo's post was.

submitted by . . .
(February 16, 2017 - 5:48 pm)

It's okay, Mei. And yes, ..., that's what I meant. :-) 

submitted by Leeli
(February 17, 2017 - 11:24 am)

I'm so sorry Indigo.

I never really knew you, and it's your choice whether to believe me or not, but I care. I wish you would stay, but I won't beg. I hate the unfairness too. I wish things were equal. It isn't right that some people are 'famous' on here, and everyone loves them, and some people are just, Ya know, there. The ones who comment on compliment threads as ... Saying that they are hurt that they weren't mentioned.

Yes, it isn't right, and you're the only one too ever really do anything about it. But that's life. The president is special. Celebrities are special. Famous writers and authors are special. They have lots of money, they are well-known, and those of us that are just regular Americans aren't. I will probably never be on TV, or in a movie, and no one except my friends and family will know my name. But though it isn't fair, I'm okay with that. There's nothing I can do anyway.

Here on the CB it's different. There aren't millions of us. It isn't a hard thing to change. Exclusions are something most of us take part in, at one time or another. And I should know. I'm hardly ever mentioned in compliment threads, and I notice how many 'popular' CBers are getting complimented and mentioned. Mei is called a CB legend, and she is an amazing CBer, and I have absolutely nothing against her. But what has she done to earn that title that others haven't? I do the same thing sometimes, and I'm sorry. I'm not perfect. I can't comprime time everyone, because I know ill leave someone out. I don't have a perfect memory.

Now I only go on compliment threads to read what others have to say about me, if anything. And usually they don't. But we can change this, together. So I will take a stand with Elementgirl and try my hardest to fix this. Somehow, someday, we will do it. 

I have something to say about another wonderful CBer as well.

She was amazing. I sometimes read her threads that included long, long, lists of possibly every CBer. I was impressed. I could never do something like that. She had so many of them, and I was so thrilled to see myself in those lists, unlike the little short ones in compliment threads mentioning seven well known CBers and saying simply, 'more later'. She went so out of her way to make others feel good. You could always find yourself on her lists, and if not, she was the first to say she was so, so, sorry.

And now we are losing her.

LilyPad, you are such an amazing person. I have never been more impressed by another CBer. It is so kind that you make these threads mentioning virtually everyone here. You don't stop at seven. You don't stop at seventeen. I've never met a CBer like you. You don't have to do it, and yet you do, because that's just who you are. I love seeing that. I know I could never do anything like that.

So please don't leave. At least think this over. Don't just go on the spur of emotion, make a rational decision you won't regret. Together we can end this!

And one last farewell to Indigo,

You were and are such an amazing CBer. I wish I could've gotten to know you better. The reason I didn't, I think, was that you were, almost, hidden maybe. And that was probably my fault. I'm sorry for never noticing you. I'm sorry for leaving you out. I'm sorry for hurting you. 

But I see you now.

Goodbye, friend. And now one of my favorite quotes,

"The world doesn't need more people who are big and important. It needs more people who are kind, and compassionate. And that's what I'm going to be." ~ Calyle (I don't think I spelled that right...) That applies to the CB too.

I'll never be big and important. I'm going to be kind and compassionate.



submitted by Leeli
(February 14, 2017 - 10:59 am)

Indigo darlink, you already know that I agree with you one hundred percent, and to be honest, during the past month or so I've been considering leaving as well. The atmosphere of the CB has changed. New threads have been added to the tapestry, bringing new light and colors, and older threads that were just as bright or brighter have been taken out. This hasn't ruined the tapestry, per se. It's only just changed.

In my belief a large part of this is due to the age group now inhabiting the CB. Back in the day, the average age was 13-16, with a few scattered ten or eleven year olds. I think those of us who were older largely kept the younger ones in check, so arguments were infrequent and almost nonexistant, mainly because not only were we all close knitted, and able to understand each other without much thought, but because of the amount of respect we had for each other. Nowadays, you're all around ten or eleven, and sometimes act hastily when it comes to touchy matters. I feel like often nowadays, y'all argue before you even become friends, meaning that when you disagree, you don't know each other well enough to really truly care for the other person's feelings.

By this I'm not saying that y'all are not friends, you obviously are, but that connection, I don't feel much of that connection around here anymore. My advice to you guys would be to mainly cut back a teeensy bit on the drama. When you disagree, disagree respectfully, with minimal to no caps and formal English. When you feel pushed to leave, make sure that you mean it before you go ahead and leave, because oftener than not, when you leave and then come back two days later people are annoyed and consider you a drama queen/king and most likely won't take you seriously in the future.

I seem to have rambled off on a tangent when my real purpose was to tell you, Indigo darlink, that I love you and entirely respect your decision. I'm glad I'll still be able to talk to you, and I hope that this turns out to be a good decision for you and that you find happiness in your future. 

cookies from your ever loving,


submitted by ♡ CaykeTheCook ♡, hugging Indigo
(February 14, 2017 - 12:28 pm)

Everyone, I understand where you are all coming from, but there's an element of this that I don't agree with.

I think this might be a little over exaggerated. There are plenty of parts on the CB that are drama-free, and Kyngdom has almost no drama. I'm guessing that most of the drama might be from Down to Earth where people discuss their views. That's also where people are ignored.

When people disagree with each other, they might get frustrated, and that's when a friendly argument turns into a petty, dramatic fight, and I think that's where people get hurt. I think that might be the problem. We don't listen to each other. And when people don't listen to each other, they have less of an understanding of each other, and they are prone to ignore, leave out, or be mean to other CBers. While sometimes it gets so bad that a CBer leaves, I also think that a CBer, being strong, amazing, smart, and creative as they are, needs to listen and work it out.

Concerning the ignoring factor (like some of you might do to this post XD), I don't think it is done intentionally. Like some people have already said, there are so many CBers now because of the growing CB that sometimes people are forgotten. But I think we should celebrate the fact that the new generation is coming in and the CB family is growing.

Trust me, in all of these Compliment and Name threads, I have been left out plenty of times, but I have to give grace and remind myself that not everyone remembers me, and that's not what it's about. To me, CB is about having fun, interracting with people from different places around the world, writing, and letting your creative juices flow, and I agree in saying that that focus has shifted a bit.

The solution? Well, I can't be too sure about what the solution is. And that's where staying on the CB and working with other CBers comes into place. On the CB, we also solve problems together, and those problems can be from writing a book to real life problems to matters such as this. In order to avoid exclusions, hierarchies, bullying, or anything else in the future, we have to all work together, listen, and notice each other a little more.

That's my solution.  

submitted by Someone
(February 14, 2017 - 6:33 pm)

Awa, I'm sorry Indigo! I agree with you on this, but I also dissagree. Curtain people have curtain friends in the CB, maybe the people they came in with, were in their first RPs with, or in constant RPs with. Everyone is known, maybe more by their friends then other CBers. For instance, I met Leeli and Scylla and Ronan, and of course Mei, from Kyndom, they were my first CB friends. Then a little later I met KG, Icy, Storm, Riddler, Kestrel, Nebula, and Viola. Of course I know others like Cockleburr and Hotairballoon, but I know these CBers better because they're from "my generation" i guess, so Im more likley to mention them in like, CBer compliment threads in such. But I of course admire others and look up to their amazing skills, so maybe I would recomend them for other things, like awsomest writer or most creativest person. Different people have different friends on the CB, not everyone can be friends with everyone. I mean, I am friends with others, I just dont know them as well, I guess. So they arent close friends like the ones mentioned above. You cant say your friends with someone you bearly know. Maybe if you get to know others better, they would get to know you better? I agree that this is a very over-exatrurated thing. Everything on DtE and CaC are. I understand most of you are middle schoolers and going through hormones and all, and everything for you is a big deal. (The sooner you can accept this, the sooner you can learn from it) I mean, the CB helped me get through big middle school things in my life, my first drama-filled friend break-up, and my first bf break up. Not knowing curtain people on the CB as well is not a big deal. We all have our friends, we make new friends, and there is nothing there to be ashaimed of. We all have different friends. The CB is a big communtity, not everyone can be friends. And the CB is still growing. 

I understand how in middle school everyone is always seeking drama. I mean, middle school isnt middle school without it. So 'wars' are normal. We can all get a bit too defencive and even bratty at times. (XD, me.) Not everyone on the CB is going to be equill, we must earn our ranks. The newest members may be a bit more out there then the older ones, and the older ones may not appreciate the newer CBers. But aooner or later these newer CBers will become the older CBers, and they will disslike the newer ones. Its a cycle, and we must accept that middler schoolers and highschoolers are very different, but same all the same.

We also must accept that older Cbers move on. Highschool can be tough. For me, new friends, new school, more homework, and now a bunch of extra stuff I have to stuff into my life in the next four years. So...where I'm getting....ah. We grow old, we grow more mature, and seek other places in life. Sometimes you just cant fit in one more thing like this. When you do leave, leave behind a legacy. Maybe something you can ask your CB friends to put together, maybe all your RPs, everyone you knew, your first OCs, or AEs. Some of your greatist writing moments, inspirements, maybe something that can inspire the next generation. Dont make more drama on the CB, remind them of the good times, and the good experiances ahaid. 

Oh and Indigo, good luck in your life ahaid of you. Good luck in highschool, Prom, Homecomming, graduation. Whatever your intrests are, whatever happens, know that we loved you. Know that you were suported, and your legacy lives on. <3

(wow...that was a deep speech. <3 Bye Indi.)  

submitted by Claaws
(February 14, 2017 - 11:44 pm)

Please read my reply to your comment on the second page. Thanks. :-)

submitted by Leeli@Mei
(February 15, 2017 - 7:59 am)