Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Hi everybody, it´s me, Anna. Ever since the AE Chat Room thread died, there have been almost no threads for AEs to interact on. Oh, well, you get the picture. I´m going sailing. 

submitted by Anna, elementgirl's AE
(March 24, 2017 - 6:06 am)

Thank goodness! I've been hoping one of these would show up. Embers left us for some Ski Lodge yesturday, so I've been working double shifts at the cafe while Basil looks over that small room in the library basement we call our house. 

Yeah, I've been busy at work reorganizing our bookshelves. 

For the fifth time today. 

Is that because of how few books we have, or because you have serious OCD?

Probably both. Maybe I should move on to the upper parts of the library. 

Yeah. I wish we could afford more reading materials. 

I wish you would steal more. 

Are you accusing me of theft?


You know me so well. 

Wait, Fwum said another real word!

turf! turf turf turf turf! meme said turf!

submitted by Jammira & Basil
(March 24, 2017 - 10:17 am)
submitted by top
(March 24, 2017 - 3:21 pm)

Hello. My name is Key, I'm Silver's AE. I can be shy...but I'm mostly friendly. I'm very sassy, and I hate being in the spot light. I'm not really sure...but'm off...


submitted by Key, Silverwaxwing's AE
(March 24, 2017 - 5:23 pm)

Welcome, Key! Do you like sailing?

Sorry. My AE has a one track mind.

GET OUT! Anyway, Key, do you want to be friends? 

submitted by Anna, elementgirl's AE
(March 25, 2017 - 6:13 am)

Hello, Anna!

Do you mean sailboat sailing? I do! Silverwaxwing's Dad has a sailboat! 


submitted by key, Silverwaxwing's AE
(March 25, 2017 - 3:11 pm)

Finally!  Someone created an AE thread!! Thanks sooo much!  Treble Clef has been suffocating me of socialation.  The only social interaction I've had in the past few days is a ski lodge, and I hardly count that.  Finding a murderer isn't social interaction!!  *Looks over and sees Treble Clef"


*Grand pause*

Your not supposed to be here!  Isn't this AE only? 

Yes, well technically I can be here because your apart of me...

This is an outrage!! We should revolt!  Who's with me? 


submitted by Estella, Treble Clef
(March 24, 2017 - 6:13 pm)

Welcome Key! I'm Jammira, and this is Basil.


Yeah, I'm a girl. I have curly red hair, glasses, freckles, green eyes, fair skin, and big black wings. I also wear a Harvard sweatshirt, ratty jeans, and carry a crossbow. I can also fence and draw. 

Yeah. I'm a boy. I have dark skin and curly dark hair and brown eyes. I wear a light green T-shirt and jeans. I like to read.

*cough* understatement of the century *cough*

submitted by Jammira & Basil
(March 25, 2017 - 5:23 am)

Hello, Jammira and Basil! Pleased to meet you!

I like to read and draw also! I'm not good at shooting crossbow. I wish I could fence! 


submitted by Key, Silverwaxwing's AE
(March 25, 2017 - 3:13 pm)

Another chat room! I like these! *sips coffee*

Dude, where'd you get the coffee?

Uh... there's some over there. *points to left side of the room*

Do they have any good books here? *pulls out Nook and begins to read* *Discovers there are no books* Uh oh...

Come on, Rose! Socialize! It's not that hard.

*Sighs* Why can't I just socialize with a book?

Because you can't learn everything from books.

I beg to differ.

Go on! *pushes Rosemary towards Jammira* 

*Sighs again* Fiiine...

Jamie, look!


Estella's here!


What do you mean 'so'? Go talk to her!

OK, but just because you and Squashey are a thing doen't mean I need to be!

*Stifles a laugh* Sure... Sure...

No what is that supposed to mean?

GO! *clears throat* Now who wants to play a game?


submitted by Gen. Waffleson's AEs, age 13, 14, 15
(March 25, 2017 - 6:16 am)

Finally, guys! Starseeker has never introduced me to ANYBODY-- not that I want to be, but still. She thinks I might do something "antisocial" or "accidentally smother someone". Well, getting kidnapped by dragons (not Starseeker or anyone else you know-- they were evil dragons), vaporizing Medusa (who knew she was my grandmother??), almost marrying my long-lost brother (long story short, he's evil and wants to take over the world and I was disquised as a queen with lots of power), gaining a pair of wings (oh, so THAT'S how I might smother someone; don't worry, I promise to be extra careful!) and then saving the world (among other small things like that) doesn't really leave time for learning how to be social. See ya!

So sorry guys; I'm writing a book and Zoey is one of my protagonists. She INSISTED on joining this thread because I won't let her join anything else. Watch out-- she has a quick temper, and is proficient in fencing! ~Starseeker

I do not have a quick temper!

If you say so. *whispers* Yes she does.

Look after her for me, won't you? And, before you ask, Anna, she does like sailing.  

submitted by Zoey(Starseeker'sAE), age 14, Zentara
(March 25, 2017 - 10:38 am)


submitted by Anna
(March 25, 2017 - 2:37 pm)

Is Wordsy here?

submitted by Dain
(March 25, 2017 - 2:42 pm)

SRIRACHA: Sriracha's here!

ROSARIO: Rosario's here!

SRIRACHA & ROSARIO: Loud and clear, we is here!

submitted by Applejaguar, age !!, New York
(March 26, 2017 - 6:50 am)

Hey look Estella, there's Jamie!

What did you say? *Quickly opens book to read*

I said Jamie is here!  You should-

I don't mean to interrupt, but are you really supposed to be here?  Isn't this an AE only thing?

Estella, we already discussed this...

I was just thinking about it.  

Maybe you should go talk to Jamie?

I've heard all about those shipping threads, and if you think-

*Takes book out of hands* Go! *Pushes towards*

*Smashes into Jamie and falls* *Treble Clef fades away while Estella looks for her* 

Hello....*lays on the floor and laughs* *Takes hand and stands up again, blushing* I'm Estella.  Sorry about that, but otherwise, how are you? 

submitted by Treble Clef, Estella
(March 26, 2017 - 9:06 am)

Hey look, Wordsy, there's Dain.

What part of "AE thread" do you ot understand?

I'm just saying...

Ahem! I said what part of AE thread do you not understand?!

Okay, okay, I'm out.

Hi Dain! 

submitted by Wordsy Owly
(March 26, 2017 - 2:37 pm)