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Welcome to the thread of the gallus gallus domesticus, or domesticated chicken! You can call it 'the chicken thread', to make things easier.

I'm pretty sure you know what to do here; just post stuff about chickens!

I'm trying to develop a new breed of bantam. I have no idea if this shceme will work, but I bred my white cochin bantam (Mr. Peabody) with some brown leghorns a while back, and the resulting chicks grew up to be SO pretty (their coloring is really unique). I thought it would be cool to try making a real breed from them. The two chochin-leghorns' names are Sherman and Sweet Pea. I'm going to see what their chicks look like and decide my next course of action after that. (They're half-siblings, but inbreeding chickens is okay up to seven generations.)

Also (no surprise) I'm hatching out some more chicks! They're supposed to hatch this Monday, but I hope some come out early. I already have a customer who wants to buy some!!! *sniffles because selling adorable day-old chicks is not very fun*

Kay, here's a question--does anybody else have troubles with aggressive roosters? We've got one cowardly white leghorn named Foghorn Leghorn. He'll attack you when you turn around and run away as soon as he hits you. It's really annoying, but he mostly stays in another pasture, thank goodness. There's no cure for aggression in roosters. As long as you kick them every once and a while (it's not cruel, because if they kick you, you HAVE to kick them back or they'll think they defeated you, and then they'll just get meaner) they mostly stay away from you. Unnnnless they're like Foghorn, and then they'll just sneak up on you when you aren't looking...

And now for the trivia question: What's the smallest breed of chicken in the world? :P They're some of my favorites! The answer is below, so don't look accidentally!!


Caution, answer below! 



The Malaysian Serama, or just simply the Serama! They're horizontal breeds, meaning their posture goes up instead of vertically. Their wings, eyes, and feet are traditionally supposed to be arranged so that you could draw a line straight down through them, and the back is merely a V shape. As adults they can sit on your palm! I recommend looking up a picture of one. They're adorable!

Ok, I'll leave it at that! Feel free to add on! (We're watching Trolls tonight, on a totally different subject. I hope it's as good as the trailers say it is!)

submitted by Micearenice, Or Is It Chickensarenice?
(March 24, 2017 - 7:05 pm)

Good idea!

I have my own chicken called Matilda which means determined, and she really is! Her breed is an eiser brown and she is really pretty!  How was the movie?

submitted by LilyPad
(March 25, 2017 - 10:55 pm)

It was pretty good! Kinda weird, but in a good way. I could totally see myself in Branch...O.o

submitted by Micearenice
(March 26, 2017 - 6:33 am)

We have 9 chickens. There are about 7 different kinds, so I'm not going to say all of them right now (and I also can't remember XD), but their name are Holly, Meg, Frieda, Lorraine, Benedict, Foo, Young, Jumbo, and Scrambled. I did not name them, so please excuse the weird names. (It could be worse; my friend has a chicken named Truck. XD)

submitted by elementgirl18917
(March 26, 2017 - 6:03 am)

Yay, chickens! Ok, for those of you who don't already know, I have five chickens. They are my darlings and I love them. Post a picture of your new chicken breed! And as for the mean roosters... no clue. We don't have any roosters. Willie, the person who convinced us to get chickens had two mean roosters- and three hens. That was a bit of a mess, to say the least. She had to get three more hens and sell one of the roosters to a breeder. Then the remaining rooster plucked a couple of the hens bald with his 'affections'! Then she shut him outside the coop and a fox got him. Yikes. 

But he was so mean. They both were! My brother and I were about eight and seven and these were big roosters! We had to carry large wooden sticks into the coop to defend ourselves. So, apologies to Redhead, but I wasn't honestly that sad to hear you went. 

submitted by Cockleburr
(March 26, 2017 - 9:58 pm)

Hmm. The only thing I can suggest about roosters is, try to spend time
with them when they are still young, and be utterly non aggressive around


submitted by Silverwaxwing
(March 28, 2017 - 5:18 pm)

Yay! Chickens! I currently have six grown chickens by the names of Peep, Maple, Chicken Little II (yes, there was a first), Letty, Nancy, and Louise. I also have eight ADORABLE chicks that are just a few days old! We received them yesterday. Their names are Toffee, Redd (my brother's idea), Priscilla, Thelma Lou, May, Virginia (Ginny), Tulip, and Waffles (like chicken and waffles).

I think it's super cool that your developing your own breed, Mice! I'll post some chicken pics later, but for now here's May and Waffles sleeping:


submitted by Leeli
(March 30, 2017 - 7:28 am)

AWWW BABIEEEEEEEES!!!!! THey are so cute!!! <3 Sweet little things. I hope we get more chicks this year! Though, we'd have to renovate the coop to make enough room for them all! 

submitted by Cockleburr
(March 30, 2017 - 10:58 am)

I think we have...12? chickens. Ok, let me go count. I only see 8, so some must be hiding. The only breeds we have are Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, and some local wild chickens. We do raise some for food, but only the roosters. A few years ago we had a beautiful wild rooster. He was a bit of a flirt, so my mom named him Lathario. Then we had a hen named Henrietta, who had Hawk, Henry, and Hariet. Hariet had Hermione, and I believe they are the only two left from the H family. Unless it's another generation. The other Chickens we have right now are Sergeant Squash (she with squash anything in her way to the food), Mrs. Pumpkin, and Miss Gourd (Buff Orpingtons). Scrappy is the only Rhode Island Red. We also have a few unnamed Wild chickens. OK, a lot of unnamed wild chickens.

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(March 30, 2017 - 12:38 pm)


I lEiK ChiKIn.

ChkN taYsT GoOd.

submitted by bOb, Te fAR FaR raNGe
(March 31, 2017 - 10:19 am)

Umm... maybe not on this thread, bob.

submitted by Rae
(April 1, 2017 - 3:29 pm)

You're pink slimes in disguise! I know your game! Now I will vacc you. (Also, I'm not trading with you unless you give me an Odd Onion)

 Anyways,  I have a question. What types of chickens have said Zebra colorations?  I collected eggs from one called Martha Washington.

submitted by Icy @Bob
(April 3, 2017 - 8:44 pm)

Oh yeah, Hawaii has a lot of wild chickens, doesn't it? That's so cool; do they sleep in your coop with the other chickens?

I love your chickens' names! Especially Sergeant Squash's. :D She reminds me of one of my mice.

submitted by Micearenice
(April 3, 2017 - 9:01 am)

Awwwww!!! THEY'RE ADORABLE!!! 

submitted by Micearenice
(April 2, 2017 - 3:37 pm)

Here's Sherman and Sweet Pea!

submitted by Micearenice
(April 2, 2017 - 6:56 pm)

Let's see...There are Dominiques, Barred Rocks (that took over the Dominiques in popularity), Cuckoo Marans (those are the kinds we have; they're supposed to lay dark chocolate colored eggs) and...that's it! There are many other types of chickens with barring, like barred cochins, but those three are the 'classic' ones.

submitted by Micearenice@Icy
(April 4, 2017 - 8:22 am)