A Visit Unfa

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

A Visit Unfa

A Visit

Unfamiliar sound filled the air as the figure walked down the street​. A girl's sigh came from the folds of its cloak. 

She hadn't been here in so long. She had grown apart from it, moved on to faster-paced, freer, bigger, wider, colder forums and websites. She had tried to return, but she always faded away again. 

She turned and entered an inn, booking a room.

"Ka Merikaconi" was her reply when asked what name to put it under. A new name. No, a title. Her true name was yet hidden. She had returned to the Chatterbox, the small, cozy forum of her eleventh and twelfth years, the one she had faded from in her thirteenth. But just for a little, for a short visit, and under a new name. 

She had not brought her alter egos or her pet. 

It had been a while, hadn't it? She stepped back out and took in Chatterbox City, skimming the various threads buzzing with names – some familiar, some new.

She sighed again. Her Chatterbox had changed so much... it would be interesting, though, to partake in a couple new topics, discuss some, just for a little.  

Even if no one knew who she was, it still felt better than lurking. And she never could hold her tongue. 

submitted by Ka Merikaconi
(April 1, 2017 - 1:49 am)


If you are who I think you are, then you already know me. 

Was that a hint?

Can we guess?

submitted by Pepper Star
(April 8, 2017 - 9:32 am)

Hi Ka!  I'm Treble Clef.  I'm very new to the CB, so you probably don't know me.  Maybe we could try unscrambling "They say hi" to a CBer name?  

submitted by Treble Clef
(April 8, 2017 - 12:56 pm)

Do I know you? Do you know me? I've been on and off for about a year and a half. Please reveal yourself! I'm dying to know. I don't think many people know me.

submitted by Echo
(April 9, 2017 - 12:46 pm)

I'm pretty sure I know what that means . . . !

Well, I'll have to await your unveiling to be sure.

It's very clear, though, if you are who I think you are.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 9, 2017 - 1:28 pm)

Welcome back, Ka Merikaconi! I'm glad you've decided to drop in and visit for a bit! I hope you enjoy your stay. :)

submitted by Micearenice
(April 9, 2017 - 1:35 pm)

Okay, now I'm really confused.

They say hi. Hm.....

They? More than one person?


submitted by Leafpool
(April 9, 2017 - 2:02 pm)

Very well. It seems I must reveal myself soon. I will give you a challenge. 

Once the admins post this, I give you twenty-four hours to think together. When it is once again this time, I will return. All partaking must have chosen a single guess as to my identity. Present to me your guess within the time period. When I return, I will either confirm or rectify it. 

Have fun, dears. And what were you talking about? What "they say hi"? :)

-Ka Merikaconi


submitted by Ka M.
(April 9, 2017 - 10:11 pm)

Well, Madame Merikaconi, looks like I've got to reveal who I think you are. Your messages have made me definite, but I hesitate to reveal so soon. I suppose I'll have to reveal my clues now, won't I?

Like others, I too believe you are the elusive . . . Somebody. Here is why.

1. "She had tried to return, but she always faded away again." You've returned, I believe, twice before this time.

2. "She had grown apart from it, moved on to faster-paced, freer, bigger, wider, colder forums and websites." Last time you were here, you mentioned these websites, and how less restricting they were, and how preferable compared to the CB.

3. "The small, cozy forum of her eleventh and twelfth years, the one she had faded from in her thirteenth." We're around the same age, and I know you were a constant when I was eleven and possibly twelve. You've returned twice in my twelfth year; I wouldn't be surprised if you're thirteen now, like me.

4. Your use of emojis. You used emojis quite often whenever you posted, and I see you haven't changed your habit.

5. "They say hi." Does anyone remember Shifting Sands the Returned of the Continuity and Volcano Flame the Ignited of the Fire Realm? Or, perhaps, their closeness to Devil Owl and Feather, my AEs? Nobody thought to analyze whether the message was personal.

6. Your most recent message is "V misses you." I've written a reply. 

I hope this cleared things up, my confused allies.


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 9, 2017 - 11:06 pm)


V miss you?

They say hi?


Okay, I have guesses, but two. I believe you must be either Somebody or Ruby. But I am unsure. Interesting challenge you present!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 9, 2017 - 11:36 pm)

Popping back in to say that I, as well, definitely believe that you are the one and only Somebody. It seems pretty apparent, but I suppose I could be mistaken... a lot of the things St. pointed out I can agree with for sure. Frankly, the way that you phrase things is unmistakable. Guess we'll have to wait and see, hm

Message is over, now I can talk without adding weird unnecessary words. Nice drawing and nice alibi, although sadly it seems it won't be standing for much longer. If you're someone else, I will be thoroughly impressed at your ability to mimic certain writing styles.

My only other guess would be South Dakota, but I believe she left definitively, and anyway it doesn't seem like she'd be one to pull this sort of thing. If you are returning, even temporarily, welcome back regardless of who you truly are/used to be!

submitted by hotairballoon
(April 10, 2017 - 6:52 pm)

No, not Ruby. I believe Ruby is a boy, and you said "a girl"

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 9, 2017 - 11:37 pm)

You win, my children. 

I am indeed Somebody, more recently 

Ka Merikaconi Somebody Itsob Zerglinh cona Tradenconi 

The title in my universe I am developing with my friend.

Volcano is thrilled to hear from you all and Shifting is sarcastically so!

submitted by Ka Merikaconi, AKA SOMEBODY
(April 11, 2017 - 12:23 am)

Welcome back, Somebody.



I am not your baby sister! I'm older than you, and we're not related!


Cú Chulainn. Imbicile.

Uh-oh. You haven't even met Shifting yet and she's rubbing off on you.


It's hurling, they use hurleys, and there's more to it than that!
Thank grammar.

Well, Dev is correct - I have a new, very Irish AE, inspired by my recent trip to Ireland! She and Volcano may have to be third wheels together.

By the way, Somebody, do you have a NaNoWriMo account?

submitted by The Owls
(April 11, 2017 - 11:37 am)

We love you t- 


Volcano screams and tackle hugs her old friemnd 


Somebody: Heck no.

Shifting: Devil Owl is still just as imbecilic as I remember him. Cú Chullain, huh? Hooraaaaay. 

Her voice is dripping with sarcasm 

Somebody: Maybe you can make a NEW FRIEND, Shifting. 

Shifting, sarcastically: Wow, a friend, how a-

Somebody: I remember my old AE Agent Nightcat's best friend was Saint Owl, one of St.'s old-

Shifting: They were allies, not frie-

Somebody: They were close enough to friends. Make. A. Friend.

Somebody death glares at Shifting. 

Shifting: ...no comment. 

Somebody: No, I do not have a NaNoWriMo...

Somebody: ...YET. (hehe)

Somebody: I'll probably be Somebody of a Swarm or something like that to combine my two general internet monikers. Awesome to see all of you ^w^ even if we don't stay too long.


Somebody: The plan is a visit.

Shifting: And you want me to make a friend during a visit? That's the most imbecilic thing I've heard you say in-

Somebody: I'm done with your trash talk, Shifting, didn't I give you a not-so-subtle hint to GO TALK TO THIS CHULLAIN PERSON AND LEAVE US ALONE? 

Fruity: duyh! papr.

submitted by Merikaconi Somebody, and Co.
(April 11, 2017 - 3:23 pm)

Feather, you should let Dev name everything. "Cook Cutlery" would be a way better name for a child.

Why do I associate with you ever?

Oh, hey Volcano and Shifting! Welcome back! Also Somebody too, I guess! REUNION PARTYYY!! I'll bring the donuts!!

Please get me out of here.

Hi Somebody, nice to see you again. Excuse me for a moment while I look for my earplugs...

YAAAAAYYYYY!! REUNION PARTYY!! We can eat mediocre cake from Cosco and play party games, like, uh... Russian Roulette!! YEAH!! 


submitted by H.A.B. and Spyro
(April 11, 2017 - 5:19 pm)