Hey guys... I

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hey guys... I

Hey guys... I could use some advice. I'm getting a blood test on Saturday. And yeah, I know, it's supposed to be no big deal, and plenty of people get blood tests (basically, during a blood test, a doctor draws blood from your arm with a needle), but I am *terrified* of needles. Absolutely terrified. As in, I nearly have a panic attack before and I almost black out. Really scared. I feel really cowardly, but it's ruining my weekend. So, does anyone have any advice? Is there anyone who has lived through a blood test before, and can tell me that it's no biggy and won't be literally the most painful thing I have experienced in my life? Please? It would be very helpful.... *goes off and cries in corner*


Booksy, I've had blood tests and donated blood, too. Many times I've not even felt a prick. If you do feel anything (and you may not), it will just be a prick for a moment. It's OK to tell the nurse/phlebotomist that you are scared. He/she may be able to put you at ease. I never look at my arm. I usually close my eyes and think of something nice or fun. Think of all the people, including children younger than you, that have tests like this regularly. Then think of something fun you're going to do later in the day or a special treat you're going to have. Let us know how you do.


submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 27, 2017 - 6:50 pm)

I feel your pain. I have to get a vaccine tommorow, and I am super worried. It's not the same, but still.

submitted by Gared
(April 27, 2017 - 11:06 pm)

Thanks, Admin. I'll try to do that. And good luck, Gared.

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 28, 2017 - 12:56 pm)

I haven't ever had a blood test Booksy, but I do know that thinking too much about things isn't helpful. I have also heard that it is just like getting your ears pierced... (another thing I have never done XD) but if that is any help...

I'm sure you will be fine! Don't look at your arm and everything will be over before you know it! 

Love you!! 



P.S. Booksy, I should have said before that many or most of the things we worry about really aren't that bad. The anticipation is the worst part. So as someone before me said, "Think happy thoughts." (Is that from Peter Pan or Mary Poppins or ??)


submitted by Silverwaxwing
(April 28, 2017 - 3:39 pm)

I have had blood tests before, and they're not as bad as you think.  During the test, make sure to take deep breaths.  I always look the other way at a picture the nurse may have on the wall.  You may have a weird feeling in your arm during it or feel a prick, but it will not be the most painful thing you experience in your life.  Sometimes, it helps to take food or a drink with you after you have the blood test.  That way if you do black out or feel dizzy, maybe eating or drinking something will help.  Tell us CBers how it is!  I'm sure it will all be fine! 

submitted by Treble Clef
(April 28, 2017 - 3:49 pm)

Aw Booksy. *Hugs*

I haven't taken a blood test yet, but I'm pretty sure that it's just like getting a shot/vaccine. You might feel a slight pinch, and then it's over.

Like the Admins said, think of something that makes you happy and look away. It won't take long.

Some advice though: Don't make it bigger than it actually is. Your mind is a powerful object, and a valuable asset to you, so repeat to yourself over and over: "I can do this." Then, believe what you have told yourself.

Good luck! We love you; you're such an amazing, incredible, strong CBer. We'll be waiting to hear from you about what happened! *Hugs again*  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(April 28, 2017 - 5:52 pm)

Well, when I was seven, I was picked up from an after-school program early because my stomach and head hurt. A couple hours later, when I was lying on the couch, I couldn't get up. My neck was incredibly stiff. It hurt to move it, and getting up involved moving it. (Oops. I just accidentely wrote; getting up involved getting up. Heh.) So we had to go to the emergency room because it could have been Meningitis, and I had to wait, then I remember being taken somewhere, but the thing I remember most is.... I found out they had to get an IV. Now, I am terrified of needles too. My mom says I said something like, "NO! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DO THAT!!" Then, regardess of my wishes involving needles, I got an IV. Which really didn't hurt too much. 

And then we found out it was something else, went home at two in the morning, and it hurt whenever I sneezed or coughed for the next three days. (I missed a couple days of school.)

Okay, to my point. 


-Don't look at the needle. This will help. Trust me.

-If possible, hold somebody's hand while getting it.

-Take a couple of deep breaths. Count to 10.

-If you have a pet, fuzz therapy will help. 

submitted by Pepper Star
(April 28, 2017 - 6:50 pm)

Oh, I feel your pain, Booksy. A while ago, I had to have a lot of blood drawn to test for certain things (long story short, I was getting super tired super easily and the doctors thought I might have some sort of disease. I don't remember what, since the test came back negative.) I promise it doesn't hurt at all. The worst part of it is the rubber band thing they have to wrap around your arm (does it have a special name?). The needle part doesn't hurt at all. 

I was really nervous too, but once piece of advice: do not look at your arm. That will make it worse. Close your eyes and hum a favorite song, or daydream about a favorite book. I promise this won't be the worst thing ever. When I had to have blood drawn, or get vaccinated, honestly the worst part was the thought of it. Actually getting a shot or blood drawn was really not horrible. So, basically, don't overthink it. I hope everything turns out okay.

<3, Leafmist 

submitted by Leafmist
(April 28, 2017 - 7:17 pm)

Thanks, all of you. Yeah, I probably am just overthinking it. I'm also kind of scared because they can't freeze it, like in a vaccine. But oh well, I'll survive. Thanks for all the advice and hugs!

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 28, 2017 - 7:41 pm)

I personally actually enjoy watching the blood go up the tube, but I don't think many other people do. One tip is to breathe out when the needle goes in, that way it hurts less. Also, are you getting an allergy test? Because those are so cool! The results tell you things that you had no idea about. For example, I'm extremely allergic to Timothy Hay. 

It actually doesn't hurt, and it's really cool when you realize that you have a needle in your arm and yet it does not hurt and you are calm. It made me feel kind of invincible. 


submitted by Applejaguar, age !!, New York
(April 28, 2017 - 7:56 pm)

No, it's an antibody test. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 28, 2017 - 11:28 pm)

I can't really do much but reiterate others' advice. I will advise you to either bring a stress ball or squeeze someone's hand. I had to go in every week to get blood taken two-ish years ago (granted it was only from my finger, but the needle was still pretty big and I play piano), and it really helped to squeeze someone's hand until I got used to it. Don't tense up or the process will be more painful and DO NOT LOOK AT THE NEEDLE. When I was younger and had to do this, my parents would bribe me with toys to get me to stop kicking at the nurse. A lot of times the nurses will pretend to count to three, but really they prick you before three. It doesn't really hurt that much (in my opinion it is much less painful than a tetanus shot, but I can't compare them too well), and so usually you just feel a prick, but it's still annoying. Glare at them afterwards if they do that.

submitted by GreenMango
(April 28, 2017 - 9:25 pm)

Once every week, yikes! 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 28, 2017 - 11:29 pm)

Awww, Booksy! You'll be fine! I have the same exact problem. I went to get a blood test a few weeks ago, looked at the needle, then got very lightheaded and dizzy and almost fainted right there. My best advice is to just not look at the needle— it'll be over in a few minutes. I too, am deathly afraid of needles, and I can tell you, it's not that bad, just don't watch. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll be fine!! :) 

submitted by September
(April 29, 2017 - 12:30 am)

Hey, I am with you all the way. I literally am terrified of needles... and blood, but I am still alive, no? The best thing I can think of is close your eyes and think of something that you love, like for me when I was little I used to think of unicorns, rainbows, ice cream, and cupcakes. Nowadays? Probably Hamilton, my friends, you guys, and my family. And books. And... yeah, that's about it. Do I still get panicky when it comes to needles? Why, of course! It is a fear I still face every time I go to the doctor's, just the idea of even having to get a shot or blood draw makes me nauseous. But think about it, if it wasn't for all these needle-things we would have lifespans of probably 35. I mean, our strongest medicines are through needles, vaccines (if you believe in them) keep away deadly diseases. Shots numb pain during surgery. If it wasn't for needles, where would we be today?

I think a more rational fear is of the diseases that can arise without needles. That doesn't make it any less terrifying because trust me, I tell myself that all the time and look where I am today. No different. But then again, I never had guys like you by my side. In fact, for the longest time, I had zip, zero friends. You are fortunate enough to have both online and real friends, all who care for you very much.

So good luck, and go show those needles who is the boss! And remember, we are always with you, no matter what. Just as a person once said, "I may not always be there with you, but I will always be there for you." And of course, we all know that always is a very long time.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(April 29, 2017 - 1:49 am)

Thanks. Leaving in five mins, yikes. To be honest, I was very hesitant about posting this, because I felt like, well, I'm 15, I shouldn't be scared of this, it's so cowardly! But, I decided to anyway. And I'm glad I did :)

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 29, 2017 - 12:19 pm)