Please help!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Please help!

Please help!

Hey, I need some serious help! Or at least, not serious, but help regardless. My parents and I are looking into doing a joint partnership for a vintage and antique bookstore on Etsy. We might expand into old toys as well, but the focus is vintage and antique books. We also want a physical shop too, but that's down the road.

Anyways, to the point. I need help choosing a name! My parents put me in charge of creative things like logo designing, names, mottos, colors, etc. I want it to pertain to the store in some way...

The only idea I have is "The Bibliophile" which I really like, but I want to present more than one name to them. And yes, every time I hear that name I think of Bibliophile on here. Speaking of which, has anyone seen Bibliophile?

So yeah, if you guys can leave me some suggestions, I would really appreciate that! Admin, feel free to suggest ideas as well.


I like The Bibliophile. I'm not very creative. Just brainstorm a list: Books of the Past, Vintage Books, Second-Look Books, Books and Toys of Yesteryear. Soemone else will come up with some better names.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(April 29, 2017 - 9:17 pm)

Thank you, Admin, for the suggestions! Books and Toys of Yesteryear sounds really nice too, I might add that to my list. Also, is there any way from threads not sinking after the first comment? I know the CB used to not do that a few months ago.


I think where threads go is pretty much out of our control. I'm sorry. I don't think our webmaster can fix it.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(April 29, 2017 - 11:44 pm)

I really like that list, Admins. I think that Bibliophile is a fantastic name, too, I might think of some later. As for Bibliophile, yes, she's still around.

I hope things go well! 

submitted by LilyPad
(April 30, 2017 - 1:20 am)

It's good to know she's still around! And it's okay, Admin. I figured it was some sort of glitch or something.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(April 30, 2017 - 11:15 am)

@Ashlee G.:

Hmm.... let's see...

Well, first off, that's AWESOME that your parents are opening an antique book shop! Old books are one of my favorite smells. And being surrounded by all that history and beautiful books.... mmm.

Well, I'm off topic. Anyway:


The Booksy Dragon? Cause... dragons? Okay, okay, that one was bad. But: The Epoch Bookstore? Or Epoch Books? Epoch means vintage, basically, and it sounds cool.

Well, dang it. Turns out I'm way better at inventing fantasy names than store names. :) Wish you luck!


submitted by Starseeker, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(April 30, 2017 - 8:46 pm)

Thank you so much, Starseeker! I never thought about the word "epoch", I didn't even know what that meant! It's actually a fantastic idea, I'll have to add both The Epoch Bookstore and Epoch Books to the list and see what my parents think. You are fantastic with names, fantasy or not, thanks again!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(May 1, 2017 - 10:49 am)


Thanks! I thought of some more, but then (classic me) I forgot them all. I'll let you know if I remember them. Probably not, but we can hope! My memory does weird things sometimes... I'll probably remember them right after you decide.  Like a few nights ago, I was trying to sleep and the word "blancmange" popped into my head. I looked it up, and it's a cool dessert! Now i am determined to taste it... XD


submitted by Starseeker, age 154 moons, Nightwing Kingdom
(May 1, 2017 - 3:37 pm)

Ashlee, after 2 comments are made on the thread it pops back, some people write 'top' to bring it back on the next post. I don't know if you follow...?

Hmm what about...say... Vintage Books with past looks... Yeah okay that is bad XD I will think about this some more!

Good luck! 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(April 30, 2017 - 9:10 pm)

Nice name, Silver, I'll have to add it to my list! I know about the two comments bringing it up to the top (you might see "Top Top Topity Top at times, that's me) it just drives me insane that they drop down after the first comment. Then I have to always look to find any new threads that might have only been commented on only once. Ah well, at least they don't disappear entirely or something terrible like that!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(May 1, 2017 - 10:52 am)

I have one more name idea: Treasure Chest of Books [and Toys]

Old books are treasures to me. I have some young people's books that have been in my family for almost 100 years, including several books about The Five Little Peppers and a series about twins from different countries by Lucy Fitch Perkins. I love them!

submitted by Admin, Cricket Country
(April 30, 2017 - 10:42 pm)

Wow, thank you, Admin! That is a great idea, I'll add it to my list to show my parents today. I must agree, old books are very much a treasure to our family. We don't have any that have been in our family for that long, because we moved around a lot, so it's hard to carry a bunch of books, but I do love finding them. In particular, my mom is very into vintage and antique children's books, while my dad and I prefer history, sci-fi, and fantasy that are sometimes over a 100 years old. It's quite a fascinating thing!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(May 1, 2017 - 10:48 am)

Ahhhhh! Admin I LOVE Five little Peppers! So good!


Anywho, that's really cool how y'all are partnering in an antique bookstore! How about... The reading nook? Or nostalgia book nook. Any of those you like? Hope it goes great!


I like those names. Nook sounds so cozy. And I'm glad that someone these days has heard of the Five Little Peppers!


submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Playing Xbox with Hawkeye
(May 1, 2017 - 4:28 pm)

Ooh, I like the reading nook, thank you for the suggestions! But I uhh... have bad news. I'll post in a separate comment.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(May 1, 2017 - 11:08 pm)

Guys, I have some bad news. I know, I know, the bad news is not pleasant to the ears - or eyes, in this case. Regardless, it must be done. See, I was talking to my mom this morning about the business idea. Well, you can call her the "Negative Nally" of business. Her whole goal is to try and bring down a business by exposing its flaws. If it stands strong against her numerous tests and research, then it will be a business idea that will work. That's how their online store is. If it doesn't pass, then well, it won't work.

She said after less than 10 minutes of crunching numbers and researching, she knew it would not work. We'd need a couple hundred books per month to make a reasonable profit, which means room for a couple hundred in storage, and shipping/selling that much, let alone finding that many books. It made sense, I suppose. I had a feeling, as much as I loved the idea, that it would not work. Plus, we would only be able to do antique because the biggest vintage book resellers have millions. Yes, I said millions of books and 10 US warehouses. How on earth are we supposed to compete with that? And almost all their books are sold for only $4. Regardless of the competition, inventory wise we'd be at a loss.

So sadly... one idea down. I really appreciate your help with names! I loved every single one, and if for some reason we decide to go back to the idea down the road, I will still have all your wonderful names written down. They are on my PC and everything. Thank you so much for all your help, I couldn't have done it without you! 


Well, your mom sounds very practical and businesslike. We can all still be in love with the idea of the Vintage Book Nook!


submitted by Bad News..., age 16, Ashlee G.
(May 1, 2017 - 11:14 pm)

Sorry about your bookstore, but maybe it'll work out in the end! I'm still here, I just haven't been super active-BUT I'm not leaving, and I'm gonna try to be more active!

submitted by Bibliophile
(May 2, 2017 - 3:45 pm)

I am glad to see you are still around! It's okay about the bookstore, maybe if the market ever becomes fairer to us (and we get more room and inventory opportunities) it could work out. For now, we can just fantasize in our heads, as Admin said! Hopefully, you can be more active, we all miss having you around.

@Admin, yes, we will all still fantasize! My mom is brilliant with business, which is why her online store is so successful. I trust her judgment, and who knows? Maybe one day it will all work out, just not now I suppose. But we are brainstorming new business ideas!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(May 2, 2017 - 4:57 pm)