Æ Birthday RP!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Æ Birthday RP!

Æ Birthday RP!

Okay, the first time I posted this the title showed up as a line of dots in DtE. So I'm reposting it. (If you joined before, please re-post your charrie sheet.)

So, on May 26th, I made my Æs Arwen and Serene, and my CAPTCHA Hazel, for my Æ/CAPTCHA boarding school RP. Later, Jarnen came along, and then Arwen's sister Rosalyn, but this thread is to celebrate my original alter egos' and CAPTCHA's triple birthday.

Since this is their birthday RP, I'm letting them tell me what they want to do for a change.

I'd like there to be a dance. That's all I want. I haven't gone to a dance with Zeon in forever and I miss it.

*Notes it down* Alright. Serene?

Could there be a library? I'm sure all the other Æs will be up to a lot of mischief and I don't want to be--well, I don't know-pelted with cake.

Of course! Hazel?

*IIII want birt-hday hats andd cake andd piee andd lots offf muff-inss!*

Uh, sure! And what about presents?

Could we each have a new dress for the party and the dance? It's been so long since my last dance that I'm sure I've grown out of my old purple dress.

May I have a new dictionary?

*IIII want aaaa play-mobi-llle sett! Andd aaaa doll!*

Alright! So--

*Excuse me? Do I get no say in this?*

Rosalyn, it's not your birthday. But--Leafpool, can she have a new dress for the party and the dance?

Well….okay. So here's the schedule for the party: (Note: each "day" will not take up an actual day; it should be spread  out over at least several days.

Day One: Arwen, Hazel, and Serene's birthday party. Æs and CAPTCHAs may play outside, talk, eat, etc., all day, until 5:00 p.m. when the cake and presents will be brought out. There will also be fireworks once it's dark.

Day Two: Æs and CAPTCHAs may do what they wish until 4:00 p.m., when the dance will commence.

Day Three: There will be a trivia tournament for the more sane Æs and CAPTCHAs, and a pie fight for the...less sane ones. Then, when it's dark, the biggest game of Æ laser tag ever will tae place. CAPTCHAs are advised to steer clear of it, as most of them are small and/or young, ad could get hurt. AEPTCHAs/CAPTCHAEs may do what they wish.

So basically, it's like a giant sleepover. No rooms--just a huge room where they can sleep in sleeping bags. There are five floors;

Floor One: Reception hall, dining room                   

Floor Two: Sleeping room, bathrooms

Floor Three: Party room

Floor 4: Arcade, trivia room

Floor 5: Library w/ couches and beanbag chairs

Each guest must bring a gift for one of the birthday girls. It doesn't have to be anything huge--maybe just flowers, or fudge, or a book.







Insanity level: (1 to 10, 1 being peaceful and 10 being quite mentally disturbed)




What present are you bringing, and who is it for:



My Æs (with CAPTCHA) 

Name: Arwen

Age: #Ageless, but looks like she's 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long wavy blond hair, dark blue eyes, fair skin. Is usually smiling. Medium height.

Personality: Not extremely outgoing, but makes friends easily. Doesn't hold grudges. She's usually not the one to cause mayhem, but she enjoys it when other people do. Likes to help people, and is pretty sweet overall.

Insanity level: 3-ish.


CBer: Leafpool! Me!

Relationships/Crushes: Zeon is my one love and always will be. He's my life and my light and I will never love anyone else.

What present are you bringing, and who is it for: N/A

Hobbies: She doesn't really have any hobbies...I guess if helping people and being cheerful is a hobby, then that's hers.

Other: Speaks in bold.

Name: Hazel

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Appearance: Medium brown hair that is always in pigtails with a barrette, lots of freckles. Has an eight-year-old face.

Personality: Has a tendency to sulk when she doesn't get what she wants; kind of selfish. Thinks crushes are disgusting and avoids them (and dances) at all times. Goes crazy around KitKats. Super hyper.

Insanity level: 7


CBer: Leafy

Relationships/Crushes: *Blck.*

What present are you bringing, and who is it for: *Evry-onee hass tooo brng them forr usss. Yayy!*

Hobbies: Annoying people.

Other: Speaks in asterisks

Name: Serene

Age: 12? 13? I dunno.

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long, straight brown hair, brown eyes, a few freckles. Is always wearing a scarf, with jeans and a long-sleeve t-shirt. Has glasses with dark green frames.

Personality: Quiet and shy, pretty introverted. Would rather sit and read a book than do social things. (She consented to this party, though.) She looooooooves books; mostly hefty fantasy books but also fiction and nonfiction.

Insanity level: ≤


CBer: Hi there!

Relationships/Crushes: She had a thing with 8-Piece for a short while, but she's decided that crushes aren't really for her.

What present are you bringing, and who is it for: N/A

Hobbies: Reading, and drinking tea.

Other: Speaks in italics. She also has a really large vocabulary due to all her reading, but it doesn't usually show in her CB posts.

Name: Rosalyn

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Waist-length wavy hair; auburn-ish with some touches of red and blond. Usually has some big, colorful flower in her hair. Has slightly tanned skin, (she used to live in Hawaii people!!!) and large dark brown eyes. Her features are very detailed and symmetric.

Personality: Very motivated; she won't stop something or give up on it until she's finished it. Almost always achieves her goals or finds ways to get something just as good. She frequently checks her makeup and hair; she has enough cosmetics to fill a suitcase. Actually, they do fill a suitcase. She tried once. Doesn't usually get depressed, and if she does, it doesn't last very long. She's pretty upbeat and energetic.

Insanity level: 3 or 4


CBer: Haiii!!!!

Relationships/Crushes: She really liked Counter, but it was awkward, what with Jammira...so she's free and would love for a single male Æ to escort her to the dance.

What present are you bringing, and who is it for: *My present is for Arwen, and it's a little purse with a winky emoji patch.*

Hobbies: Trying out new hairstyles and outfit combinations.

Other: She speaks in bold with asterisks, and she's Arwen's sister.

Name: Jarnen

Age: He's in his early teens.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Curly black hair, green eyes. Has those black eye-tattoo thingies. He's medium height, and he has a few freckles. He almost always has an earbud in his ear, listening to music.

Personality: Can be kind of snappy and rude sometimes. (like a normal teenager!) He loves acting and listening to music. He isn't generally awkward about girls. He likes mayhem, and would have brought his new watermelon blaster to the party, but Rosalyn forbid him from ruining the girls' party.

Insanity level: 7


CBer: Yo!

Relationships/Crushes: He's torn between Chilly and Gem, and is really confused about it.

What present are you bringing, and who is it for: My present is for Hazel. It's a jumbo pack of KitKats.

Hobbies: Playing video games, listening to music, hanging out with friends, and acting. (Finally, an Æ with actual hobbies!) And pranking people.

Other: He speaks in bold italics, with a British accent.

I guess that's it.



submitted by Leafpool and Co.
(May 10, 2017 - 1:44 pm)

cloud- I'm not usually an early riser, but I could hear some other AEs talking and hanging around. Some romance between Arwen and Zeon- ick.What should I do now? I think. Myles wants to play a game, so i head over towards them. They look at me oddly. Realizing I'm still in my red pajamas with the decapitated Barbies, I go to change. Noticing Jarnen's charrie sheet, Imake plans to prank him later. meanwhile, I go do Myles's thing.

submitted by cloud/Pzuz
(June 7, 2017 - 7:29 pm)
submitted by *Robin *I make, age Typos!!!!!, Lightning!
(June 8, 2017 - 7:04 pm)

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm sick right now but I'll post another RP piece soon.

submitted by Leafpool
(June 9, 2017 - 12:51 pm)

I'm sorry to hear that! Hope you get better soon Leafy! <3

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(June 9, 2017 - 4:56 pm)

Thank you! I'm feeling a bit better today (ice cream works wonders for sore throats) but I don't know if I have time to RP right now...if I have extra time after I've finished checking up on all the other CB business, I will try to make a post though.

submitted by Leafpool
(June 11, 2017 - 12:11 pm)

I'm glad to hear that! Ice cream is magical! <3 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(June 12, 2017 - 2:54 pm)