Calling All Whovi

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Calling All Whovi

Calling All Whovians!

OKAY. Let me get this straight so no one gives me any spoilers! I have just finished season one of Doctor Who yesterday. Took me say... a day or two. Now I am 3 - was it 3? - yes, 3 episodes into season 2.


WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED TO THE DOCTOR? I thought, seeing all the seasons, that maybe he found other timelords, just like the Daleks who survived. But nooo. No. He changes. Regenerates. What on earth?! I mean, I really like it, clever little thing, is it not? Regeneration. But does that mean the 1st-8th Doctors (if there were any) were the same person as the 9th and the 10th and so on?

I mean, it has to be! Same memories, same feelings, same mood swings and perky personality. Ha, great personality might I add?

NOW REMEMBER: I am only 3 episodes into Season 2, so NO SPOILERS. Please and thank you, my friends!

Here are some questions for all you fellow Whovians:

1. What is your favorite character from Season 1 or early Season 2? Why?

2. Do you like the 9th or the 10th Doctor better? And why?

3. Favorite episode from Season 1 or early Season 2?

4. Least favorite episode from Season 1 or early Season 2?

5. Least favorite character from Season 1 or early Season 2? Why? 


So the reason I put Season 1 or early Season 2 is because that will prevent spoilers for most everyone, including myself. Remember, no spoilers, please! 


My answers!

1. What is your favorite character and why? (Season 1 and early Season 2 to prevent spoilers)

The Doctor, of course! Love his personality, his creative, wild ideas. Everything! The mood swings creep me out sometimes. Especially with the 9th Doctor... But I also really like the Face of Bo, and Mickey's funny, but not my favorite whatsoever. Too wanty. 

2. Do you like the 9th or the 10th Doctor better? And why?

Huh. I love the 9th Doctor's weird personality, but I think I am starting to like the 10th even more because of his... brilliant ideas and weird personality intensified. And this whole "New Doctor" thing and being a "New Man". xD

3. Favorite episode from Season 1 or early Season 2? 

Wow, probably the first few in Season 1, the last episode in Season 1, and... yeah. I love Season 2's 10th Doctor, but I still have to get used to the episodes! Ohh, and I loved the one with the gas masks after he's healed!

4. Least favorite episode from Season 1 or early Season 2? 

Nada. I love them all! 

5. Least favorite character from Season 1 or early Season 2? Why? 

I didn't trust Adam or Jack whatsoever. I didn't like Jack's personality, even though he ended up proving himself in the end. But honestly, probably Adam, too power hungry for knowledge. And Jack. Ugh. 

Unless you are counting the evil ones! 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 6, 2017 - 11:40 am)

Yes! A new Whovian! 

1- ROSE. ALL THE WAY. I like her because she is incredibly brave, and even though she loves the Doctor, she puts the task of saving the world in front of her feelings.

2- How am I supposed to answer this!? Nine or Ten!? BOTH!!!

3- Tooth and Claw, season 2. 

4- I don't have one.

5- Again, don't have one.

WHATS WRONG WITH JACK!?  Spoilers: he comes back, so don't get too used to it. :)

submitted by Rae
(June 6, 2017 - 2:44 pm)

Cheers! Whovians!

I have to say, Rose is really brave, and I think she's a great character. Bit of a flirt, but great nonetheless.

As for Mr. "I am the wonderful" Captain Jack, he is great, don't get me wrong. Brave, powerful, especially toward the end of season 1. But he's... Well, too much of a flirt. And I've got it in my head that the moment the Doctor and Rose met they were like soulmates. Yeah, he's 900 years old. But it's perfect, so I got frustrated with that.

AND WHAT DID YOU SAY? *Wimpers* he comes back? xD 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 6, 2017 - 10:02 pm)


To answer your questions:

1:The Tenth Doctor. I love Nine too but Ten is just so much deeper and more emotional, especially as you get further in to the series. And he's even more crazy than Nine as well, and as we all know crazy=genius. I do also like Jack though, for the exact reason you hate him. And he becomes less of a shallow character as the show goes on. Random fun fact about David Tennant: He played Barty Crouch Jr. in the fourth Harry Potter movie.

2: As I said above, 10. I also gave reasons above and did not mean to answer both questions at once.

3: Oh... I might have to say the first episode of season one, just because it shows how awesome 10 is. But I do really like the one with the gas masks. Bananas.

4: I don't know, I haven't really seen them in a while because the show was taken off Netflix.

5: I would probably have to say Adam as well because he's just so stupid. I mean, he installed this thing in his head that makes it so you can see his freaking brain with a simple, rather common, gesture without even thinking about the possible consequences and how it would affect his and his families lives.


I think you'll really like the 11th Doctor because he gets so silly most of the time, but is so serious when dealing with lives and he's just.... YES. He is YES.

I also happen to be wearing a T-shirt that says 'Keep Calm and Don't Blink'. You don't get it yet but you will. Was that a rant? I didn't mean to do that. I'm going to end this awkwardness and leave now. Allons-y! 

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 6, 2017 - 10:30 pm)

Wait, too much information! Processing... Let me think...

Okay, so I knew the guy who plays the 10th Doctor is from Harry Potter because I first saw his face and was confused, thinking, wait, do I know this person from somewhere? Looked him up, and sure enough, played Barty Crouch Jr.! That made me beyond happy, so then told my parents, and they said something like, "Oh, and now the geekiness intensifies" but in their own "more human, regular" words. Don't mind me! xD

From what I've heard, the Doctor in the 5th season is often everyone's favorite, so I am really excited about that.

And I've made up my mind *momentarily* who my favorite Doctor is... probably the 9th. At least for now, personality wise.

And I feel like I should know what that T-shirt means xD 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 7, 2017 - 11:20 am)

"The hammock has developed a fault." 


submitted by Rae
(June 7, 2017 - 6:11 am)

Does anyone also like the older versions of the doctors, like the Fourth Doctor? He's one of my favourites, up there with the Tenth Doctor. 

submitted by Killim@everyone
(June 7, 2017 - 8:02 am)

Wait, the older Doctors? I'm confused now. So in later seasons, do they reverse to show the history of the Doctor before Rose? Or...

Mind you, I only finished episode 6 or 7 of Season 2, so I'm a newbie. xD 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 7, 2017 - 11:16 am)

So to answer your above thing about my shirt, you are not supposed to get it yet its season 3. And to answer this one: Doctor Who is originally from 1963 and they started off with the first Doctor and then as the seasons went on, whenever he was going to die, he did this thing called regenerating which is where he basically gets a new face and body and cells and sometimes a slightly different personality, but he keeps all his memories and his body does this to keep him from dying and this is possibly the worst explanation of regeneration ever but it's ok. He will always be the Doctor and more will be explained later. Geronimo! (I will be saying goodbye with Doctor quotes now. I'm weird.)

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 7, 2017 - 6:59 pm)

Yes! Four is a bit kooky, which I like, and he has a cool scarf. Scarves are cool.

submitted by Rae
(June 7, 2017 - 2:54 pm)

@Fellow Whovians (Sorry, just had to do that!), no one has answered my questions above the questions, kind of jambled together. If it's a spoiler, then no need to tell me. But I shall repeat again just because I am absolutely bursting with energy at the moment:

WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED TO THE DOCTOR? I thought, seeing all the seasons, that maybe he found other timelords, just like the Daleks who survived. But nooo. No. He changes. Regenerates. What on earth?! I mean, I really like it, clever little thing, is it not? Regeneration. But does that mean the 1st-8th Doctors (if there were any) were the same person as the 9th and the 10th and so on?

I mean, it has to be! Same memories, same feelings, same mood swings and perky personality. Ha, great personality might I add?


(See? Bursting with energy. Quite clever.) 

submitted by Ashlee@Everyone, age 16, The Future
(June 7, 2017 - 11:23 am)

Hi! Doctor Who! Yay!

I think the source of your confusion is that there's Old Who and New Who, and New Who restarts counting seasons at one even though it's not the first DW season. Season/series numbering in DW is weird... So anyways, Doctor Who actually started way back in 1963 with the First Doctor! Regeneration was introduced when the actor had health issues and couldn't continue with the role, but people didn't want to stop the show because it was so popular, so they gave Time Lords the ability to regenerate, and the Second Doctor happened!***(better explanation of regeneration below...) This went on for a while, with regenerations happening every so often whenever they needed to change actors for whatever reason.

Then, at the end of the Seventh Doctor's run in 1989, the series was suspended - I don't really know why. People made radio dramas and wrote books and stuff, continuing the Seventh Doctor's adventures, and then in 1996 someone tried to restart the series. This didn't really work out, so they just made one movie, starring a new regeneration: the Eight Doctor! After that, I guess it was back to just spin-off books and radio dramas. BBC said the TV series was just on hiatus, but it was effectively cancelled, until . . . *dramatic music* in 2003, the Ninth Doctor appeared! After that it's not too complicated, although there is a timey-wimey plot later on that, well, that might be too spoilery so I won't say anymore. It's cool though.

I'm not sure where the official break is between Old Who and New Who, but I'd say that everything before the Ninth Doctor is Old Who, and the Ninth Doctor onwards is New Who. I've watched pretty much all the New Who except the most recent season because I don't have cable and I haven't found anywhere to watch it online legally. *sigh* Does anyone know if Netflix or Hulu or something has it? I've also seen a couple Fourth and Fifth Doctor episodes, as well as the very first episode ever, but unfortunately my knowledge of Old Who is limited. I had to look up all the dates on wikipedia, so yeah...

***So, after all that, a more thorough discussion of regeneration. Basically, if a Time Lord is near death, they can activate this emergency healing power thing that has the side effect of giving them a completely new body and often a completely different personality (although you're right that Nine and Ten have fairly similar personalities), but they still have all their memories (unless something went wrong with the regeneration, which happens but I don't know if the Doctor's ever lost memory from that or not. If that ever happened, it was probably temporary). I think Time Lords are supposed to only have 12 regenerations available, but that rule is . . . flexible. Whether he is actually the same person or not is a really cool philosophical question that I could probably write a ton more drivel about, but for the purpose of the show he's the same person.

As for him meeting other Time Lords, there's not a lot of that in New Who because spoilers, but I believe there's more interaction with other Time Lords in Old Who, specifically the Fourth Doctor maybe?

Oh, and I'll answer your other questions now!

1. What is your favorite character from Season 1 or early Season 2? Why?

Hmm, I haven't seen those two seasons in a while, but other than the Doctor, I'd have to say Rose or Jack. I think Jack's pretty cool, although he can be a bit over the top, that's true. His character does get a bit deeper, and he flirts with everyone so it never even occured to me that he'd get between Rose and the Doctor... Rose, well, the relationship between Rose and Mickey really annoys me, because Mickey could be really cool but he isn't, and Rose obviously loves the Doctor but it seems like she's just keeping Mickey around as backup or something, but other than that her character's awesome. I love her with Ten, and I'm trying to think of something more specific to say about her but I can't come up with anything right now. Maybe it's just that the episodes she's in are really good, I need to rewatch those seasons!

2. Do you like the 9th or the 10th Doctor better? And why?

Maybe it's just because he was the regeneration that introduced me to Doctor Who, but Ten is definitely my favourite Doctor! I love his personality, and David Tennant is perfect as him, and Rose and people (you said no spoilers!) are my favourite companions, and also pretty much everything Epic Fangirl said.

3. Favorite episode from Season 1 or early Season 2?

NOoooo, you can't make me choose! There are too many good ones! However, I did really like the gas-mask two-parter, the Bad Wolf two-parter, the one with Sarah Jane and K9, and the crayon-girl one, although that's not really early Season 2...

4. Least favorite episode from Season 1 or early Season 2?

I don't know, they're mostly all amazing. The Abzorbaloff episode annoyed me, though.

5. Least favorite character from Season 1 or early Season 2? Why?

I don't really remember any of the one-off characters, and I like all the main characters, so I dunno... I guess the Abzorbaloff, because I remember that episode...

So, um, sorry for the wall of text, and maybe I misread your question and you knew all that already, but congratulations (or just thanks) for luring me out from the one poetry thread I've been posting on! I keep meaning to be more active on the rest of the Chatterbox, but then it seems like too much work and there's nothing to say anyways... But I guess I had a lot to say about Doctor Who! (obviously...) It's awesome that there's Whovians on the CB, I didn't know that until now!

submitted by Pied Piper, age 16
(June 7, 2017 - 11:25 pm)

Yeah, they're all the same.


You want his next form to be a racoon? Come to think of it, why is he always human-ish?

submitted by Lightning!
(June 7, 2017 - 7:36 pm)

probably because Timelords are humanoids and I don't know if his cells would be able to cope with turning into something other than a humanoid form. I feel like this is turning into me just answering questions about Doctor Who, and I am totally fine with that. Question? Just ask the Fangirl!

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 7, 2017 - 10:16 pm)

Guys, I'm just going to pop into thos conversation to give some advice: "Don't be lasagna" (12th Doctor)

submitted by Quirker
(June 7, 2017 - 10:00 pm)

yay, a new whovian!! since someone answered your first questions <let me know if you're still confused> ill just answer the others i guess.

 1. What is your favorite character from Season 1 or early Season 2? Why?

rose. totally rose. she's just a really interesting and caring character and is always by the doctor's side. she also didn't make a huge deal of the 9th's regeneration which i was happy about.  

2. Do you like the 9th or the 10th Doctor better? And why?

10th. he's just a bit more relatable and i thing just a deeper character.  

3. Favorite episode from Season 1 or early Season 2?

ooooh that's hard. um id have to say rose. the episode rose i mean. it's the first episode of season one 

4. Least favorite episode from Season 1 or early Season 2?

the empty child and the one right after that one!! ugh so creepy... 

5. Least favorite character from Season 1 or early Season 2? Why? 

 Adam. pretty self explanatory. i mean, seriously, he was a jerk.

submitted by nighthawk
(June 8, 2017 - 11:02 am)