Odd Dreams

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Odd Dreams

Odd Dreams

We all have odd dreams, right? Well... mine are twisted odd. Like, some good. Some awful. A few of you guys know what I am talking about because I've told you. But I am curious about dreams: why? Why dream? I mean, they must mean something. From being oddly realistic to future events to twisted sick reality with fantasy, it is odd. So this is to share dreams/nightmares/night terrors/daydreams and discuss them! And if for some reason your dream includes elements that could offend someone (such as politics) just make sure you are kind about it when describing your dream. If someone is offended, apologize. Plain and simple. Because I have a feeling some of you have had politic-based dreams/nightmares. Ha, I know I have. 

So once this posts I'll share a bit of some of my dreams! Wouldn't it be weird if some of us shared the same dream with the same details and everything? Let's just wait and see... 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 27, 2017 - 10:40 am)

I have this weird thing where I get deja vu sometimes and it's because I've dreamt of that specific thing happening atleast 6 months before. For example I was sitting in math class and my freind was sitting in front of me looking at the cover for an essay we had to write in Social Studies and I looked up at her and saw the left side of the cover and I had seen it before in a dream. It's really weird. I also have reoccurring dreams, where they happen again a year or more later. I have a weird mind, whether I'm awake or asleep.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 27, 2017 - 5:41 pm)

OH MY GOSH. That happens to me too!

Once I had a really blurry dream where three chickens jumped on my arm. In my dream, I set the last one down, and then walked away. That was it. The next morning, I was like, there's no way that'll ever happen. (The chickens on my arm part.)

Of course, now that I train my chickens it's no surprise to have one on my arm or my shoulder or whatnot. But maybe two weeks ago I had this grey americauna chicken jump on my arm. I bent over to set her down and felt a huge rush of deja vu and I realized I was seeing the exact same picture from my dream...

It was so compelling/confusing that I turned around and walked the other way...and, yes, accidentally fulfilled the other half of my dream in doing so.

I don't know if I'm ACTUALLY seeing the future or just recreating a memory every time I feel deja vu, because the dreams that end up happening in real life are usually the blurry ones that I dismiss the next morning. It's possible I never dreamed them at all. I have no idea.


I had a vivid dream a few nights ago: I was looking out an upstairs window at a nest of baby birds, when all of a sudden a little puppy jumped from one of the tree branches into the nest. I was afraid he was going to try to eat the baby birds. Somehow I was able to grab the puppy out of the nest. Then I was stuck with an unhousebroken puppy in my house . . . and I woke up.


submitted by Micearenice
(June 28, 2017 - 7:47 am)

Oh my gosh I get those too all the time I see things and then I see them again I'm always soooooo amazed just a minute ago my hand went numb it feels sooooo strange but when I put my mouth to my hand it was hot I think that was my blood!!!

submitted by Myla S.S., age 9 1/2, Hopewell, NJ
(July 11, 2017 - 7:28 pm)

Admin, did you and the others decide to delete my post? If so, I completely understand (a bit too much, no?). If so, I am completely okay with you deleting this thread, I had a feeling it might be beyond what you'd allow.

I'm not sure what post you mean. I don't remember deleting anything from you. There was one within the last week about crying that we deemed too depressing, but it wasn't signed by anyone with a recognizable name.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 28, 2017 - 12:18 am)

Wow, the CB is tricking out on me then. I wrote two, very long comments on here - one as a reply with nothing I thought would be of concern to you. The second was about a dream I had which *might* have been a bit too gruesome (sadly). That was my longest one. And the CB showed I commented, then about two hours later it showed there was only one comment, being Epic Fangirl.

Ehh I have to rewrite all that now! Oh well, it's okay. Thank you, Admin! And that one about crying wasn't mine, I have barely been in the past week.

I have a query in to the Admin who was posting for part of yesterday.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 28, 2017 - 11:07 am)

Okay, thank you, Admin! The other Admin might or might not have reviewed my pieces and deleted them. Who knows? But yeah, I'll keep copies just in case. Actually, I usually do, just completely forgot about it yesterday.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 28, 2017 - 11:50 am)

I LOVE THESE THREADS!!! Sorry, but yeah. I really do. I can't remember any dreams I've had recently... I will definitely post if I do though. 

submitted by Rae
(June 28, 2017 - 9:17 am)

Epic Fangirl, that sometimes happens to me. It's really wierd. LIke I'll have this dream, yet know that I had it before, even when I don't remember it at all, I'll just somehow know that I've been there before. It can get really strange.

I for the most part don't really have so many dreams, and when I do they are usually good ones.

Fun fact: Your brain cannot make up new people in a dream. So everyone in your dream is someone you have seen before, even if it was just in passing 5 years ago! That's realy cool that your brain could remember so much. 

submitted by Dandelion
(June 28, 2017 - 10:07 am)

That's so interesting! Being that I've never met many people, almost all mine include my friends, self, and family. Wait. Although a few times there were random people on the street I've never seen before. All in a big city (the dream itself is another long story). So how does that work?

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 28, 2017 - 12:05 pm)

Okay, since my two comments disappeared, I'll have to rewrite them later. But wow, it seems like I am the only one so far on here with extremely detailed dreams. Those ones, Admin, Epic, and Mice, sound awesome! Shame mine aren't like that. Every single dream I have lasts for weeks or months on end, continuing as a story. Day and night. Perfect detail, like you could wake up and be in that exact same position. You know how you can't see your hands if you look down in a dream? Eh. I can. Hands, feet, glints of eyes and smiles, every single detail. Discussions between them last for hours. Traveling, adventure. Hours and hours and hours.

Well, I will describe one of my dreams in as much detail as possible (avoiding any super gruesome things) later. It took me almost an hour to write when it disappeared after I submitted it. (It wasn't deleted, fortunately). I have to go for now, so I'll write it later.


I suggest you keep a copy of what you write so you can easily resubmit it if there's another glitch.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 28, 2017 - 11:16 am)

I would love to dream like that! My dreams always feel like I'm not awake, which I guess I'm not, but it's really weird. It's always kind of dark and a little fuzzy, like I'm seeing through a black veil. I can walk and run, but I don't really feel the steps, and the viewpoint is sometimes like I'm watching myself in a movie. Some of my dreams are vague and almost boring, but others are more narrative, with some level of continuity and much more detail. Those often have a sense of purpose, of urgency, like I need to do something. Almost all of my dreams have people in them. I almost never have nightmares. Once in a dream my left eye fell out, but it wasn't really gross and I wasn't scared or anything, just annoyed.

One of my favorite dreams is pretty recent, a narrative one: I was the daughter of the Abhorsen, but that had nothing to do with it. I was going to the woods and it was dawn, except later it got darker, so it must have been dusk? That part didn't make any sense, but I remember I was walking down the street and it was a wide asphalt road with a line of suburban houses on one side and a big lake or river beyond, and the sun was rising, a glowing copper coin over the water. I took a picture with my phone and admired it for a minute before continuing on. I entered the forest and followed the trail for a while, then cut off to the left a little and found my way to an area with fewer trees and lots of stepping stones arranged in paths on the ground. In the center of them was a small, boxy wooden house with a few plants growing out of the sides and more covering the roof. The king lived in that house, with his son the prince and four knights who protected them. There were soldiers coming to kill them. I don't remember exactly how, but I somehow got involved, giving the knights two magic stones I had and leading the prince, who somehow got turned from a slightly stuck-up boy with vivid eyes and a mop of curly black hair into a deer too young for antlers but old enough to have lost its white baby spots, away to safety. The king, silver-haired and bearded, stayed behind. If the knights couldn't save him it was all right; his time was almost up and it would satisfy the soldiers, leaving his son alive to take the throne. The deer-prince and I ran then, just in time to escape the first soldiers unnoticed.

Whoops, got a little caught up there. It was a fun dream, though. I kind of remember how it ended, if anyone's curious.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(June 28, 2017 - 2:08 pm)

I used to have extremely similar dreams, mostly revolving around a very creepy home intruder. Once I dreamt I was in a house I had never seen before with a few friends that I obviously knew inside the dream, but again had never met in real life. It was late at night and I started hearing weird sounds throughout the house, so another friend and I went to investigate, and just as I opened the door to another room to see if anyone was there, I heard an extraordinarily loud scream and saw a shadowy beastlike figure standing there staring at me... then I woke up in a cold sweat.

Even more recently was a dream along the same lines in my grandparents' house. Again, it was late at night and it was just me and my grandfather. For some reason, he had a very old-looking camera with some footage he had caught earlier that night of what he thought was someone or something lurking around downstairs in the shadows. Of course, typical DreamLogic™ kicked in and we just decided to ignore it and go on with the night. We watched TV like we normally do and then went off to bed, but in the middle of the night I woke up and saw a vaguely humanoid shadowy figure very similar to the one in the previous dream slowly making its way around the corner and up the stairs to the floor we were on. I bolted into my grandfather's room and we pushed a bookcase in front of the door and waited there in the darkness for what seemed like forever. Before anything majorly terrifying happened, I woke up.

Fortunately I've stopped having those sorts of dreams, but I always found it strange how eerily similar they were - even the "creature" lurking around the house was almost always the same black ghostly bipedal... thing. Maybe I should stop watching so many slenderseries :P

I also often much shorter and much less scary dreams about a wolf in our living room. Usually it was my own house, and as I walked down the stairs he was just sort of standing there. No confrontation or anything, infact upon seeing him I usually just woke up. I hate how my brain immediately stops the dream just as we're getting to the good part. Yeah, it might be scary at the time, but come on, I want to see how it ends!

(Wow, this post is so long I'm seeing a scrollbar already. That's a good sign that I should stop typing.)

submitted by hotairballoon
(June 28, 2017 - 12:49 pm)

I understand about the ending thing. I used to have dreams that I would want so badly to continue. I also have the oppositeish thing where if I want to end a dream and wake up and I know that it's a dream then I can just force myself to wake up. I do that when I have the very rare nightmare. Then I usually don't want to go back to sleep so I recite the titles of all the Warriors books in the mian series, and if that doesn't work - well that's another story entirely. I have weird habits. I aloso just have really weird things happen to me in my sleep. Once when I was like 5 or something - I don't remember, it was a long time ago - I went to bed normally under the covers and when I woke up I was a human burrito. I have no clue how that happened but it was really weird and yeah. I feel like I could write for hours and hours about stuff like this but I don't want to bore anyone or be too weird. I'm gonna stop typing now.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 28, 2017 - 6:19 pm)

I get dreams of people murdering me... And not exactly in most fun ways... Not that murder is ever fun...

submitted by Nighthawk
(June 28, 2017 - 2:20 pm)

A few years ago I had a really long dream in which *ahem*:

I was on a secret mission in a desert city on top of a lilypad that was surrounded by this sandstone wall patrolled by Scooby Doo zombies that was also super confusing, like a maze. I was supposed to assasinate the evil king of the city, who was named Nero. First, I snuck through the outer wall maze but was then spotted by the zombies and chased through the maze, which I got lost in. But then there was this random kid who showed me the way out of the maze and distracted the Scooby Doo Zombies. I never saw him again. Once I was inside the city, I walked past a bunch of Arabian style markets as well as a playground, but one of the zombie guards must have told the citizens who I was, because all of a sudden, there were a bunch of people chasing me through the streets. After a looooong time I managed to evade them, and by that time, it had become night. I found the king's palace, which was suprisingly small for a palace, and snuck inside and hid behind a sofa. There was this room inside the palace with a small couch, a houseplant, and a mysterious cauldron in the very center that was glowing an emerald green. All of a sudden, the evil king rose out of the cauldron, and some of his guards appeared there right on the spot! King Nero was very long and thin, wore a green undershirt/toga thing, and looked very much like Michael Jackson. They found me, of course, and then he threw me out the window on a piece of string. The End. 

submitted by Jarvis, age ???
(June 28, 2017 - 2:56 pm)