CB Identity 2

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

CB Identity 2

CB Identity 2

I made a thread about this a while ago, but I want to bring it up again.

So, I've sometimes wished that I gave myself a more unique or interesting or mysterious name when I joined, like...I dunno, St. Owl or Brooklyn Newsie or Shadow Dragon. (*sob*) Or a catchy name, like Mei or Cho (*another sob*) or something. -Or- put something in the age and location box, like St. Owl. has Reincarnated and Everywhere in hers, Abi has Nose in a Book.

...But, I feel like it would be silly to change it now. I'll be celebrating my 2nd CBversary this year, and I also think it would be hard for me to change my whole identity because Leafpool is who I am. (Even though I haven't read Warriors for over two years.)

And, Æs. Sometimes I wish I had more interesting Æs...I gave myself "normal person" Æs, with normal-ish names and normal-ish personalities. I didn't give myself a Shifting Sands the Returned of the Continuity, or a Devil Owl, or a Mewfour. Buuuuut....First of all, I already have four Æs and a CAPTCHA. I've been thinking of having Rosalyn leave, not because I want a new Æ but because...I don't know. She's not a very original Æ. And I obviously can't get rid of Arwen, she would be heartbroken to leave Zeon and I think he'd feel the same. Besides, she's my oldest Æ and I don't think I could get rid of her anyway. Serene is Serene and she always will be, I don't think I could get rid of her either or drastically change her personality or anything. And I don't know about Jarnen, but I'm pretty sure I want to keep him. And Hazel is, obviously, staying.

I don't know what advice you CBers can give me. Maybe I just wanted to rant for a bit.




I think Leafpool is a beautiful, magical name. I picture a small pond in the middle of a forest.


submitted by Leafpool
(June 27, 2017 - 6:09 pm)

You know, I feel the same way too. I mean, so many awesome names. Then you got me: I've used this since I first joined (beside a short period of time when I was pranking everyone back in 2012). I mean, everyone has awesome names. Name-wise I love mine, but CB-wise it seems bland. Yet I decided not to change it because this is what people have known me by for 7 years. Changing it would change this sort of demeanor that I have... I would still be the same me, but it might well, I don't know.

But for yours, Leafpool, I love the name! It's the name I have gotten to know for a long time now, and I am proud to say I know a good old, kind Leafpool in the corner of the internet on the lovely CB. I also am proud to say my AEs are the luckiest in the world being friends with yours. Jarnen is Zeon's bro, and Arwen - well, we all know that. Quill is proud to be friends with Serene, all starting back with the Brexit issue! I barely know Rosalyn, but then again, I haven't been very active in the AE world. And their personalities are great! Arwen is sweet, Serene is nerdy, and Jarnen is just awesome. Each one is made by the author. Some, like Mew, are developed for certain reasons. He was made for - ehh... long story. You probably have heard his story. Dev - well, he's one of the first! Not many "insane-AEs" survived the war, and so his personality therefore really stands out.

So in short, each one is different. If you don't like something, perk them up with a little splash of life. Give them a twist. Originally, I had no intentions on shipping either of them. Actually, take that back. Originally, Quill "liked" Dev. Seriously. She was also much wilder back then, and crazy. Your AEs change with you, so embrace it, Leafpool!

(And just as a obvious fact, that last part of mine was not short xD) 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Future
(June 28, 2017 - 12:29 am)

Oh, yes. Look at what Arwen's first ever personality was:

She is slightly crazy, and has a lack of common sense. She frequently gets crushes on other Æs, currently has one on Evil Devin. She also goes crazy at the sight of cupcakes. Good thing she has Serene to keep her in check.

She was this insane, crazy Æ. Isn't it funny how my Æs change with each charrie sheet I make for them? Now Arwen's a kind, caring Æ. Jeesh.   

submitted by Leafpool @Ashlee
(June 28, 2017 - 11:57 am)


submitted by Evil Devin
(June 29, 2017 - 4:23 pm)

Sorry, just trying this out and seeing what it would look like on a post.

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Many places
(June 28, 2017 - 12:16 pm)

I like that Leafy, it seems like you. I think you should keep it.

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 28, 2017 - 6:23 pm)

I feel the same way! Sometimes I wish I had more of an identity on the CB (which probably comes from posting more often than I do...), or I had chosen a better name, or a CAPTCHA with more personality (does anyone actually post their CAPTCHA's anymore?), or AEs with better personalities, or whatnot. 

I've considered changing my name before, but it would be silly because Leafmist is like my alter ego in real life. Every account I've ever made since I joined Cricket has the username Leafmist. (I heard my dad talking to the computer guy on the phone today to fix my laptop and the guy was confused about the name of the administrator on my computer- Leafmist). Besides, I'm not sure what I would change my name to anyway. I'm definitely not creative enough to come up with something awesome like Brookeira or General Waffleson. I've even considered leaving the CB and coming back under a new name just to start over and create a new identity for myself (like Autumn Leaves did), but I don't know.

But Leafpool, I love your name. I think it's beautiful and mysterious (plus you're the only other person on the CB that has a Warriors name starting with Leaf). I don't really know what else to say, except that I feel exactly the same way. 

submitted by Leafmist
(June 28, 2017 - 5:14 pm)

Again, testing.

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Nowhere special
(June 29, 2017 - 3:19 pm)

I feel the same way. I've been thinking about it for awhile. Leeli--it's been my name since I joined. When I first came here, there was no question about what I typed into the name box. I was a Featherhead then--not that I'm not one now, but I've--changed. I don't feel like Leeli really represents me anymore. I haven't read The Wingfeather Saga in forever. It's not a cool name, and because it's so short and easy to type, I don't even have a nickname. But at the same time, it's MY CB name. How can I change it? *sighs* I barely even use my Æs anymore, and I killed off Grace a long time ago. So, Leafpool, I feel the same way. 

submitted by Leeli
(June 29, 2017 - 4:31 pm)

I feel the same! I first joined the online community through Kyngdom when I first got the magazine ( my first issue was the one before the Kyngdom letter) and used the name Storm Windwhisperer, my character on Kyngdom, ever since ( though I had posted on this really old dragon hybrid forum almost nobody posted on though with my real name)

because of this, I was just Storm, never really made an Æ or understood come concepts of this community (I know of them now, back then I didn't understand the bewildering names and what CBers meant)

I don't feel like changing it because I started at Kyngdom, and people will remember me as Storm from Kyngdom. I know others such as Rosebud just changed their name in Kyngdom as their character usually, but I had been very inexperienced and didn't recognize anyone after Kyngdom began to die and people moved on back to RPs. (it would be super hard to search through The Who's here for the people's original names) until there were a few forums asking who was actually who.

I feel the age and location boxes are not entirely necessary, so I never fill it in. I'm impatient when writing because ideas just are too fast and much to be typed or written down fast enough. :3 

My CAPTCHA says crzg are you saying I'm Crazy Mia? 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(June 29, 2017 - 8:21 pm)

Ah, but that's what characters and SIs and such are for. Put a little bit of yourself into each one and their names can also be yours. I actually love your name, by the way. It sounds like a brook flowing over rocks, hidden deep in the forest, a leaf floating on still water, a natural well surrounded by ferns. Leaf green and sweet water. Names do have meaning, and people do change a little when they change their names. They grow into the names they're given. If you want a new name, pick one that fits the person you want to be. If you find you like who you are better, stick with the one that's yours.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(June 29, 2017 - 8:36 pm)

Thanks, Viola! By the way, I loved this description. "It sounds like a brook flowing over rocks, hidden deep in the forest, a leaf floating on still water, a natural well surrounded by ferns. Leaf green and sweet water."

Also, testing my location & age again. (With credit to you, Viola.) I was going to put Everlasting in the age box, but AAARRGGH!!!! One letter too many!

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternity, Hidden in the forest
(June 30, 2017 - 12:58 pm)

*Whispers to Rosalyn*

I think we went over this before, but all the same--

*Clears throat*

EVIL DEVIN! How DARE you go *sniff*!!! You know VERY WELL that it is ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT that I hate you!!! Remember? Remember, you stuck-up little hearbreaker? MAYBE IF YOU DIDN'T MOCK ME WHEN I ASKED YOU TO GO TO THAT ONE DANCE WITH ME, YOU WOULD HAVE THE PRIVILIGE of my LOVE! Maybe if later on, you didn't INSULT Zeon, I still wouldn't like you but maybe I would RESPECT you! In my opinion you are nothing but a wet RAG compared to ZEON, who I've already ranted my praise about on that thread where you INSULTED HIM! Go find someone ELSE'S heart to break--no, don't even do THAT! Maybe some HUMILITY would do you well for a change! 


Impressive. Hey, Arwen, you want me to shoot some mini watermelons at him?

No. But it would serve him right if you did. 

Goodness, Arwen. I think your yelling/ranting has quite improved since you last encountered Evil Devin.

Thank you.


submitted by Arwen@Evil Devin!!!!, With Leafy's other Æs
(June 30, 2017 - 1:10 pm)

Oh my, such a flashback from last summer. Arwen, are you okay?

She's amazing, of course Arwen is okay! Spectacular, in fact. She is the shining sun in December, amazing in all ways and-

And you talk too much, Zeon.

-And she showed Evil Devin right!

You two were friends, last I recollect.

Anyone's my bro, but I'm friends with the other Dev. Devil Owl, dude!

Ah. The one you commanded a regiment in during World Domination.


The one who tossed pies at me.


Arwen, go you, my love, for showing him up! 

submitted by Zeon and Quill
(June 30, 2017 - 3:49 pm)

I'm just gonna defend Evil Devin here, cause he's always been really nice to me. (I don't know if you guys were kidding or not, but I'm going to anyway, cause everyone should have a burst of self esteem every once in a while, right?) 

Evil Devin asked a (no offense) little known, really new AE of a brand new CBer to the AE ball a while back, just because she said she was lonely and didn't know anyone. He stayed by her side throughout the whole ball, despite mishaps and... um... cupcakes. (You kinda had to be there to get that part) He was loyal, kind, and true.

So thanks for that, Evil Devin!  

submitted by S
(July 1, 2017 - 1:44 pm)

Yes, okay, fine. But E.D. is not always known to be--how do I put it--kind and compassionate. Rosalyn told me about that ball. But, he was totally, completely, utterly awful to yet another new, little-known Æ over a year ago. Leafpool had just made me and I had a very shaky personality. (I was her very first Æ.) So, I was completely new and I didn't know any better. Evil Devin was basically the Bolton of the time, (if you know who Bolton is) and I fell in love with him almost instantly.  I asked him to go to the ball with me, and he pretty much made fun of me and then made sure I saw him dancing with someone else at the ball. 

Maybe he's had a personality change since then, but I doubt it. (Besides, at that recent ball he was being portrayed by many different people who probably see him differently.)

submitted by Arwen@S
(July 2, 2017 - 11:48 am)