AE Changes 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE Changes 

AE Changes 

All right. I have decided to change my AEs yet again. Since Katharine doesn't feel like a part of my personality anymore,

Full Name: Cecily Eleanor "Cecy" Elementia

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless, appears about 14.

Appearance: Anna's twin, with the same waist-length dark curls and wide, innocent brown eyes, but manages to look completely different. Wears her hair down, usually with a woven crown of multicolored wildflowers. Usually wears medieval-style dresses. Has the same white wings as Anna and Lisbeth. 

Personality: Very sweet, kind, and compassionate, sometimes overly. Usually quiet and shy, but loud and talkative once you get to know her. She is pegged as "girly" by some AEs, but can be as much of a tomboy as her twin.

Likes: Animals, flowers, nature, friends, talking

Dislikes: Places much too quiet or much too loud, sadness, things that aren't neatly organized

Crushes?: None yet, she is open.

Other: None!

Hello everybody! I'm Cecily. It's nice to meet you! 

CECY! Where have you been?

ANNA! I missed you! You too, Lisbeth!

*sister reunion*

*puts on gameshow host voice* Well, that's it for now, folks! 


submitted by elementgirl and co., - Katharine, + Cecily
(July 4, 2017 - 9:26 am)

what is this?

submitted by Glampanda, age 11, VT
(July 5, 2017 - 8:17 pm)

An AE is short for an Alter Ego. Some CBers make them to show another side of their personality. They are usually either wild and crazy or quiet and bookish, and they speak in bold, italics, or bold italics.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(July 7, 2017 - 3:31 pm)