Introducing JAL!!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Introducing JAL!!

Introducing JAL!!!

This will be spectacular, Ashlee, can I give the honors?

NO! JAL IS MY BRO! Let me do it!

Sorry, I am giving the honors to our new friend. Everyone, meet my lovely, beautiful new AE, Jal.

Heya guys! How are you all today?

Here is the Charrie chart:

Name: Jal

Age: Ageless, like all my lovely friends! 

Appearance: Transgender, yet still has a few girlish features in the face; large, sparkling, full heterochromia vivid blue and lime green eyes (uncommon in his bloodline); full, pink lips; high cheekbones; Middle Eastern and Blackfoot Native American tribe blood; short; wide yet calculated smile; strong chin; blue-framed glasses; triple-ring earrings, one on top, two on bottom of the ear; two white marks on each side of his face like paint; long, thick black braid that reaches the ankles; broad shouldered; thin, bare legs; large feet; often wears a pink fedora; red bowtie; faded blue button up shirt with short sleeves; khaki shorts; and bright pink sandals. 

Personality: Fearless to speak his mind yet calculated in words; humorous in the oddest of ways; kind yet is awkward of accepting compliments; has a somewhat hard time handling social pressure; calls many things cute or cool; usually slow to anger yet quick to prove his point; somewhat girly and always geeky and funny/weird. Open to shipping, although somewhat awkward.

Speech: Bold italics!

Hobbies: I love talking about the world and society, and I adore animals and cute things. I love the outdoors, reading, traveling, chatting, quidditch, some video games, social media, friends, being weird, and skateboarding. And bowties! And hats! And socks! And odd jackets!

I cannot wait to meet you all fabulous people! 

Jal, I do believe we will have a plethora of things in common. So many books I wish to show you!

YEAHHH another bro I can teach gaming! Nice to meet you, Jal.

A pleasure to meet you too, Zeon and Quill! 

Oh, and I'll show his pic once the comment shows up! Awesome, Jal, welcome to the team of us insane AEs and peeps! 

submitted by Ashlee G. and AEs, age 16, The Dreamer
(July 5, 2017 - 9:32 pm)

Ashlee, what you ask about is not the same thing as gender. And all comments are subject to review by Admin.


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(July 5, 2017 - 10:44 pm)

Anyways, that point aside, here is Jal's pic!


submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(July 5, 2017 - 10:53 pm)

Hello Jal! Nice to meet you.

Clearly, Jal, you have good taste. Reading, bowties, socks and hats are all amazing things.

Cool new AE, Ashlee.

Hi Jal. My sister forgot to include something vey amazing; the great outdoors.

I dunno. I'd rather read.

Okay, what about Quidditch?

I'd still rather read.



Okay, stop it you two! Enough. All of those things are amazing. 




submitted by Pepper Star & Co.
(July 6, 2017 - 9:10 am)

Awesome, thank you, Pepper!

Nice to meet you two! Sorry, I don't know anyone's names yet. Reading is nice too!

Ahh... The lovely world of reading is spectacular, I must agree.

So do you two enjoy fashion? I see you, the first one to talk, enjoys bowties, hats, and socks. Fabulous, we will get along quite well!

Awww... Bro, we're still friends, right?!

Of course, Zeon! No one will replace you. *Smiles broadly* 

submitted by Ashlee G. and AEs, age 16, The Dreamer
(July 6, 2017 - 1:29 pm)

Welcome to the CB, Jal! 

Hi! I'm Saphira, a blue dragonborne (which means I have the ability to shapeshift into a dragon) who loves all forms of weaponry, and is a sucker for cool swords. 

And I'm Ronan, the computer wizard/ non-evil genius of this little group of insanity. I'm not really sure how that works, since Autumn isn't great with computers, but it's how I turned out, and everyone else in this brain is ok with it, so that's that! It's very nice to make your acquaintance. 

Ya...... we're pretty weird. Anyways, nice to meet you, and welcome!

Luna says "funm". Hmmmm..... you're saying that he sounds fun and you want to meet him!

*Wow, you actually got it right for once. I'm Luna, a grey wolf who has been labled as extremely sassy. Welcome to the cb. Do you like bacon? I LOVE bacon.*

Oooooooook...... Imma just end the post now before it gets any weirder than it already is XD 

submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 14, Floating on the breeze
(July 6, 2017 - 3:48 pm)

Fantastic, I am so beyond glad to meet you lovely AEs and CAPTCHA! 

He loves meeting everyone for that matter. :D

Of course, Ashlee! People are brilliant, so bright and colorful. They all make me smile!

That is quite pleasant. Oh, maybe you could make Quill smile.

She has! I do that to people. Saphira, swords are cool! And I love dragons although I never knew they were actually real. That is fantastic! Ronan, is it? Great! I think there is a CBer named Ronan too.

Yep! The CBer Ronan is awesome. You'll meet them all, don't worry.

So yeah, nice to meet you! Hmmm... Do you like bowties then? *Grins* Oh, and hi, Luna! I am actually vegetarian so I don't eat meat. But that's cool that you like bacon!

He's super excited to meet you all! Wow, I think having Jal is really going to boost everyone's mood.  

submitted by Ashlee G. and Jal
(July 6, 2017 - 4:48 pm)

Hi, Jal! Welcome, welcome! We're so pleased to meet you! Right, Counter? Counter? Counter, get out of that closet! Promise he's not scary!

I'm not scared, Cockleburr. Just... I don't know. 

Hush, you'll be fine. Calm, you're good. Let your hands be still.

U-um, hi. Jal. I'm Counter. Oh- um, y-you probably... probably figured that out. Um, from above. I mean, what... what Cockleburr already said. Um, yeah. I... like... basketball. And stuff. Oh- I like quidditch, too! You like Harry Potter? Oh- well... um, obviously. I- you like quidditch. So, obviously. Oh! What house are you? Do you know about Ilvermorny? I mean, what Ilvermorny house? 

AHHHH! Have you seen Fantastic Beasts???

*mutters* Oh, no. Here we go. *outloud* Um, she's a little obsessed... to be honest... 

OH my gosh I LOVE IT! SO MUCH! My friend got me A NEWT SCAMANDER scarf for my birthday OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT SO-

You've said. Seriously, she won't stop talking about it. Someone please save me.

...and I want to use the music for my floor routine-

You can just tune her out. She'll be ok eventually. Oh- do I have to- to sign off? Oh. Uh. Bye. I guess. For now. See you- uh, around. Um, yeah. Bye, Jal. 

submitted by Burr & Counter
(July 6, 2017 - 4:19 pm)

Hello, Counter! *Rubs neck nervously* Sorry, I tend to get nervous if everyone else is... But you seem pretty neat! *Shakes hand*

Cockleburr, Jal tends to get a bit nervous around other nervous people. But he'll warm up! 

Of course, Ashlee! I'm... Jal! Oh yes, I love Harry Potter! I play on a Quidditch team and everything. So when I got sorted, the hat stood there for like five minutes going, "Uhhmmm..."!

Oh boy, I remember that. Quite amusing! You were sitting there, staring up at the hat, grinning. I think you whispered something like, "I put you in a pickle, huh, hat?"

I did say that! Then it said I am Hufflepuff! How... how about you, Counter? I am Thunderbird, like Ash!

Yep! We are quite happy to be Thunderbirds!

We haven't seen it yet... *Frowns sadly* 


Counter, Ash is a bit... uhh...

Obsessed with HP? YES.

Haha yes! It is awesome! I.. ummm... yeah, see you around, Counter. *Smiles* 

submitted by Ashlee G. and Jal, age 16, The Dreamer
(July 6, 2017 - 6:41 pm)

(See, Counter? Told you he was nice!)

I'm, um, a Horned Serpent. Uh-yeah. Oh- I'm also a Ravenclaw! Oh, wow, you play Quidditch? Cool. What position? I've never played, but I'd probably be good at Chaser. Cockleburr's also quite obsessed with Harry Potter. She... wants me to tell you that she's a Hufflepuff/Pukwudgie. Um, right. Bye, Jal! 

submitted by Burr & Counter
(July 7, 2017 - 2:09 pm)

Horned Serpent, that is really neat! I'm uhh.. Chaser. I think you would be pretty cool at it for sure. Hey, I could teach you! Would you like that?

submitted by Jal, age Ageless, The Dreamer
(July 8, 2017 - 3:25 pm)

Hi, Jal! Welcome to CB! *produces welcome basket of muffins* It can get a little crazy, but don't worry! It's all in fun! :D

Bowties and socks? You have taste, my friend. Nice to meet you. I'm Critic.

I'm never going to be able to keep track of all these new AEs... Hello anyway.


I am not.

... I hate to agree with Mandy, but...

Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!! I'm always here! Though I'm sure Zeon and Quill will do fine introducing you to everything. :) 

submitted by Abigail S., age 12, Nose in a Book
(July 6, 2017 - 7:01 pm)

Wow, these are awesome! Thank you so much, Mandy! 

Mandy makes the most spectacular muffins.

YES!! They are great!

Nice to meet you as well, Critic. I think Quill was talking about you once!

Yes, I was telling you about her extensive collection of brilliant books, remember?

Uhuh. Sounds neat! And uhm... I don't think I know you? The "killjoy"? But hello anyways! 

submitted by Ashlee G. and AEs, age 16, The Dreamer
(July 8, 2017 - 3:34 pm)




Please. He's barely been here a day!

Yeah, y'know, you'd have a sliotar up your throat if you said that to me my first day.


Don't lie. You would have said that to Cú, too.

If you called me a mister you'd get two sliotars.

Anyway . . . 

You like reading? Do you read dictionaries or theosauruses? I adore them! People (coughcoughDevcough) say they're boring and not worthwhile, but they're highly enriching and entertaining!


See? He agrees with me!

So, you like Quidditch?  Is that anything like hurling?


When you run over small animals.


Wait. When did this happen?


I'll tell you. He was looking for roadkill, see, and -

Y'know what? I think I'm just going to hit submit.

Nice to meet you, Jal! By the way, I'm Cú Chulainn.


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(July 6, 2017 - 10:18 pm)

Hey, Jal! I'm Anna, crazy sailor and tomboy. You seem like a wicked cool AE!

Hello, Jal. I'm Lisbeth, the sane one of elementgirl's three AEs. I love quiet things like books and libraries.

Hi, Jal! I'm Cecily, lover of animals and nature. It's very nice to meet you! 

submitted by elementgirl and co.
(July 7, 2017 - 6:05 pm)

Uh... hi. You are Dev, right? Nice to meet you! Zeon thinks you are pretty sweet.


Says the one who sounds just like the pesky bug.

Thanks, I love reading! I don't do as much as Quill, but I've started reading the dictionary. Already a third way through!

Oh, he is learning so much already! I am quite proud of Jal.

Nah, Dev, I still hate reading!

Quidditch is kinda like hurling! But you are on a broomstick and to win there is this little golden ball you have to catch. But some people throw stuff too. Really lovely!

OH YEAH! Quidditch is awesome!

I am more for the support, quietly mocking you in my head, Zeon and Jal, as you two crash into each other in the sky.



Well, it is true. Quite amusing.

And skateboarding is pretty cool!

I think surfing is the ultimate sport, bro! 

I never tried surfing, dude, but seems cool! Nice to meet you, Cu! *Smiles* 

submitted by Ashlee G. and AEs, age 16, The Dreamer
(July 8, 2017 - 3:45 pm)