Chatterbox: Down to Earth





submitted by Timeless, age 15, The Beach
(July 9, 2017 - 4:56 am)

Will you come with me, maybe dance?

submitted by Raven@Len
(August 11, 2017 - 9:34 am)

Uh, sure? I'm a girl now though . . .

submitted by Len, age 17, Mirror's Mirror
(August 12, 2017 - 3:31 pm)

Would you like to dance?

submitted by Raven@Len
(August 12, 2017 - 4:24 pm)

Of course! *blushes*

Len's finally socializing!

Shut up! *face turns red* It's just a dance! 

submitted by Len, age 17, Mirror's Mirror
(August 22, 2017 - 5:43 pm)

Would any lovely lady like to dance with me, since everyone seems to have gotten mad at me? 

submitted by Storm
(August 11, 2017 - 2:55 pm)

Maybe I'm not really with anyone... unless Len wants to go with me, but Len has not answered.... Ok. Though Len I still want to go with you.

submitted by Raven
(August 12, 2017 - 6:53 am)

I-I thought--nevermind. 

submitted by Wren
(August 12, 2017 - 10:19 am)


Devin gazes at the ruined castle, surprise slowly being taken over by worry. Or something. I'm not great at reading expressions.

"Something's up," he says. "Think we should try to figure it out?"

I shrug. "I'm not much good at detective work, but we could try." 

"Okay, then," Devin agrees. "Let's split up." He starts to head off, but I grab his wrist.

"Hey, hey, hang on, are we spying? Or investigating the crime scene?"

~Sorry this was so short. I hope I wasn't too controlling. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 11, 2017 - 9:51 pm)



A forlorn girl with long black hair sits on the shoreline, hugging her knees to her chest. Her tear-streaked face is a dead giveaway that she's been crying. She doesn't care. Her eyes reflect the shimmering sunlight as it hits the waves, but she can't enjoy the beauty of it properly. She wears a thin blue and white striped beach dress, her white wings poking out at the top. She rests her chin on her knees, watching the tide wet her toes. No one bothers to walk over and talk to the girl. After all, why should they? No one knows her. No one cares.

That's me. I'm only here because Leeli practically made me come. She told me to keep an eye on Devin, but I think she just wants me to meet people. To get over my sensitivity and what happened with Storm. 

I look over at the happy Æs, building sand castles and dancing. The only company I have are a few noisy seagulls.

"Hey there," I say softly as one of them approaches me. It cocks its head, looking at me. "I don't have any food, but you're welcome to join me. I don't mind." I say.

We sit there for awhile, just me and the gull, watching the waves go in and out. I wonder why I'm even here, and then I remember. Devin. I glance over at him. He seems to be having a good time with Nymph. How did he ever manage to even get a date in the first place? He's insane. Then again, I guess he is kinda cute. 

Eventually, the gull flies off into the sunset, and once again I'm alone.

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and do something about it." Someone says. I look around. I don't see anyone except a few gulls behind me.

"Did you say that?" I ask one of them. It squawks and flies off.

"He didn't say it, I did." The voice says.


Feel free to be the voice! 

submitted by Leeli
(August 12, 2017 - 10:38 am)

Actually never mind, storm. 

submitted by Raven
(August 12, 2017 - 2:06 pm)

Hmm, it sounds like something Nymph would say, except for the whole offering advice to strangers thing. But, then, Wren isn't quite a stranger... If anyone else wants to be the mysterious voice, though, please don't refrain on my account.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 12, 2017 - 10:09 pm)

Hey, if no one else wants to be the voice, Nymph could have said that from the sky when she shapeshifter into a hawk to look for Devin earlier. Just a thought. :)

submitted by Leeli
(August 13, 2017 - 2:07 pm)

Cilantro could say it. (She's a girl by the way, in case it's hard to tell.)


I'm not great with other AEs. I'm too shy, and honestly, right now I'd rather be reading. I brush a couple strands of hair out of my face and look around. There is a girl sitting on the shoreline, all alone. It's obvious that she's been crying. Wait a minute. Wasn't she one of the people who was involved in that big mess with Storm? 

"Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get up and do something about it." I say. The girl looks around cautiously. "Did you say that?" She asks a gull.  It squawks and flies off.

"He didn't say it, I did." I tell her. "And it's true. Maybe if you asked him to dance, he'd say yes. But I don't think crying is going to help you. At least try to have some fun. Sitting there is going to be the epitome of boredom."

The girl looks down for a moment, and I realize I might have been incredibly rude. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I guess I'm just not great with people," I say apolegetically. I offer her my hand to help her up.

submitted by Pepper Star
(August 13, 2017 - 7:07 pm)

I wander down the beach, looking for something to do. Key's gone off somewhere, but I'm not sure where, or who with. I wish that Sib was here, but I understand that her CBer is busy... I come around some rocks and look out upon the waves, washing up on the beach. There is a girl sitting on the beach, she looks like she has been crying, suddenly I see that she is Wren. 

Suddenly another girl comes up from behind Wren, I believe it is Cilantro, one of Pepper Star's AEs, though I can olny see her from behind."Stop feeling sorry for yourself, get up and do something about it."

"Did you say that?" Wren asks. At first I'm confused, then I see that she is speaking to one of the gulls flying overhead.

"He didn't say that, I did." Cilantro says, in reply. "And it's true. Maybe if you asked him to dance he'd say yes. But I don't think crying is going to help you any. At least try to have some fun, sitting here is going to be the epitome of boredom. " There is a pause, then she speaks again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude...I guess I'm not great with people." She reaches out and helps Wren to her feet.

I step forward, feeling sorry for both girls. "I think Storm would like it if you at least talked to him, Wren." The girls turn, clearly startled to see me. "He's feeling very bad about this whole mess that he caused, and even said something to me about wanting to go back to being a CAPTCHA or leaving the CB all together. I think you would be doing him as well as yourself a favore if you went and talked to him." I give Wren an encouraging look, and nod to the other side of the beach. "He's away down there by the book stand, he was looking for someone to talk to, but everyone is too busy with their sand castles..." I pause and smile at Cilantro, trying to thank her without words.
"He would really love it if you talked to him..."

submitted by Lock Kyar
(August 13, 2017 - 8:32 pm)


"He would really love it if you talked to him." Lock Kyar says. I take a deep breath.

"I'll try." I say. I glance over in the direction of the book stand and spot Storm, standing alone. I muster my courage and walk over to where he's standing. What am I doing? I wonder. I'm incredibly awkward, and I'm sure he doesn't want to talk to me. But if I wanted to change my mind, its too late now. Storm notices me. 

"Hello Wren." He says.

"Hey." I answer. We're both silent for a minute. "Care to dance?" I ask.


Sorry it's so short. 

submitted by Leeli
(August 14, 2017 - 10:49 am)