Solar Eclipse

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

There's a total solar eclipse coming up on August 21st! Are you guys as excited as I am?! It's the first total eclipse of the sun in about 100 years (I'll be singing Little Shop of Horrors the whole time :) and the first one in our generation.

We got some eclipse glasses, and they're way different from what I was expecting. For some reason, I thought they'd have special colored lenses like those old 3-D glasses. But they're just really really really dark plastic sunglasses. (I'm sure there's a lot more to them than that, but that's pretty much what they look like.)

I'm hoping to be able to film a little bit of the eclipse, maybe make a short video. Apparently, once the eclipse starts the trees will cast little miniature eclipse-shadows on the ground, which sounds creepy and also cool. XD

Do you guys have any plans for the 21st? 

submitted by Micearenice
(August 9, 2017 - 7:12 pm)

I'm so excited! My family is driving down to Oregon, so we can see the total eclipse. We got cardboard eclipse glasses. I can't see anything through them. XD They're dark enough that we can look straight at the sun.

submitted by Crookshanks, age 2nd year, Hogsmeade
(August 9, 2017 - 9:13 pm)
submitted by Top
(August 10, 2017 - 6:37 am)

My nerdy friends and I are having an eclipse party :p I CANT WAIT AHHH >jeez im such a nerd xD

submitted by Nighthawk
(August 10, 2017 - 6:49 am)

I'M SO EXCITED!!! My family got glasses too, but we only got two pairs. There's three of us though, so we can share. I am slightly worried that there might be a Dalek invasion, but that's ok. I know what to do! Kind of! Not really! 

submitted by Rae
(August 10, 2017 - 8:14 am)

Yep! Our town has a Solar Eclipse party where I guess we will be learning about it, doing crafts for the little kids, and things like that. Might be viewing it up there too I think? Then I somehow have to magically get pictures in Oregon for someone xD. No idea how I will- wait. Some of you are going to Oregon, then? Pleaseeee take pictures! Pleaseeeee. Us Washingtonians don't get to see the full eclipse.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(August 10, 2017 - 10:01 am)

I'll make sure to get pictures and post them!

submitted by Crookshanks, age 2nd year, Hogsmeade
(August 11, 2017 - 11:15 am)

My brother is driving to one of the Carolinas with a few friends and one of their moms to see the full eclipse. I'll be content with not looking directly at the partial one.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 10, 2017 - 10:07 am)

IKR?????? It's so cool! Of course, I think it's supposed to be cloudy in Maine on the day of the eclipse. (Really???!!!??? Ugh!) But it's still really awesome! 

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Hidden in the forest
(August 10, 2017 - 10:09 am)

Oooo yeah! Me and some classmates are driving up to north Georgia where we've rented a cabin. Buuut there are twelve of us going and the cabin is tiny. So no problems there XD Oh yeah and I forgot to mention the bears that come into the front porch. But hey that's exciting for me, haha! Then we'll drive out to a local field and watch the eclipse! I'm super excited!!

submitted by Will T.
(August 10, 2017 - 11:04 am)

My sister was like, just in Georgia...she got back today.

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(August 10, 2017 - 5:33 pm)

Our little rural town is so excited! We're going to be one of the best places to veiw the full eclipse! Even Columbia doesn't get as many seconds of darkness as we get. TAKE THAT YOU BIG CITIES. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But still. Some farmers are charging people like hundereds of dollars to stand in their feilds. We're probably just going to sit out in the hay feild and watch. My brother has a pair of glasses for his camera :) 

Also, Micearenice, I haven't seen you around in a long time! We've missed you! I think I might have seen you in a video my friend made (YAY MUTUAL FRIENDS!!!) but I could be wrong. 

submitted by Rose bud
(August 10, 2017 - 2:29 pm)

:P Yeah, I've been a CB ghost lately. It feels good to make another thread! This is my first one since January.

Wow! That's so cool that you can just sit in your backyard and watch the eclipse. (We drove four hours to our grandparents' house yesterday.) How many seconds of totality do you guys get?

Oh yeah, and there's this really cool app out there called 'Solar Eclipse Timer'. It tells you all about the eclipse as it's happening, like when to put on your glasses, when you can look at the eclipse, when to watch for odd animal behavior, how many seconds of totality you'll get, etc. It's really helpful! I highly recommend it to anyone who doesn't have it yet.

submitted by Micearenice
(August 20, 2017 - 7:34 am)

Yes! This is gonna be so cool! We got some glasses too! And--just a warning--I heard that Walmart's glasses can actually hurt your eyes, so we ordered some online. 

submitted by Leeli
(August 10, 2017 - 5:20 pm)

Here's a story: I read about this eclipse in a book when I was seven and we've had a note up on our fridge that I made for 6 years as a reminder. (I used to be obsessed with space) So yes, I'm very excited! It's almost a full eclipse here, we live sort of by Carbondale, which will see it 100% totality. Unfortunately, I'll be in school, but my school bought eclipse glasses for everyone, so we'll be able to watch it. I can't wait!

submitted by Bluebird
(August 10, 2017 - 5:34 pm)

We're only gonna see a very partial eclipse so PLEEEEAAAASEEEEE post pictures!

submitted by KtG
(August 10, 2017 - 8:41 pm)