Um... Help?I

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Um... Help?I

Um... Help?

I'm pretty sure somebody already made a thread about this, but I'm starting my freshman year in five days (on my birthday, by the way) and I really need advice because I'm kind of freaked out. I know I'll do totally fine in classes, because I always do, but I'm taking all honors classes and a very intimidating-sounding math class that includes geometry, algebra II, and trigonometry all in the same year, and English class that sounds like it involves way more public speaking than I would like, and it all sounds very stressful. I'll also be a day student a a boarding school, so even though I'll be staying the night at home I'll be spending tons of my time at school, and cross country it going to be so much harder and I won't get a good role in the musical. (Sorry, that ended up longer than I meant it to be.) So... any advice? Especially from those of you who have completed at least one year of high school? I'm also pretty excited, but I really don't know what it will be like, or what to do. Thank you for listening to my rant :)

submitted by The Riddler, age Almost 15!
(August 22, 2017 - 9:04 pm)

In my experience, high school is a lot like middle school, only with different classes and older kids. I switched schools after sixth grade, though, so I'm imagining your experience will be more like that. If it is, you'll get to know your school and the people in it pretty well, better than in middle school. Time with your family and out-of-school friends will be cut down to some degree by school and homework, so make the most of it. If something gets to be too much but you desperately need to keep going, it's okay to put on a mask until it's safe to break down and let it out, but be careful you don't get stuck in the mask. Because you're spending so much time in school, you'll have the opportunity to learn a lot and get a lot closer to your school friends. Remember to stretch a little once in a while, it's good for you and can make you feel better. And you can always come to us if you have questions or troubles. I'm sure you'll be fine. Better than fine, even, you'll be fantastic!

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(August 23, 2017 - 9:19 am)
submitted by Top!
(August 23, 2017 - 9:20 am)
submitted by Top!
(August 23, 2017 - 9:44 am)

Ohhh, cheers! Happy early birthday to you! Shame school is on your birthday though D:

So I am basically going to regive you what I told Biblio. I think it's good advice for any situation on going into your Freshman year so... here it is:

Okay, I am going into my Junior year but I totally feel like being a Freshman was like yesterday. I didn't go to a big school (I am homeschooled now, but I went to a school of 100 PreK-12 for... almost 3 years? 2 years?), but this advice is fit for anywhere.

For starts, do not worry about dating and bucketloads of friends. Just make sure you pick the right crowd. You do not have to agree with everything they do or everything they are, but as long as they let you be you (and you follow the law) then all's good. That tends to be a big trouble in high school for peeps. As for dating, bleh, it's garbage. You won't see these peeps after school (unless you are like the rare few that marry and don't get divorced from high school sweethearts) and it lowers everything. Self-esteem, grades, hobbies, passions for your future. I know how peeps are, and they drop everything being all boy or girl crazy.

Second, be. yourself. please. You are beautiful and fantastic and perfect just the way you are, so don't worry about what others say. Do not worry or care that the popular people are covered in make up following the newest trends. If that's you, then cool, if that isn't, then still cool. Do not let society define who you are.

Third, keep up on your grades, which shouldn't be an issue for you, Riddler! This is the most important thing besides family. Everyone thinks 9th grade is the mess around year where grades won't affect you. But I knew a kid who blew his 9th grade year and graduated late. Way late. So please, do not do that. Put school and family first, always. I promise you, those grades will be worth it in the end. If you want studying tips, I have tons and would be glad to help! 

Fourth, and really important for keeping your sanity, do not overload yourself with work. I made the mistake of running an entire annual talent show for 2 years, working as the main person in ASB and clubs, being class president, and doing a bunch of other things. Sure, that's good, but it stresses you out. Only take what you can handle! 

Fifth and last for now, find something to keep you calm. A nice hobby like photography, art, or dance. I also recommend doing yoga and meditation! Yoga builds up strength, agility, flexibility, and calms the mind. Great for school and sports. While meditation literally empties out all your stresses. I can't give links here but I can suggest what to google to get a good starting point. Oh, and both of those are super fun too! 

I wish you the best of luck, and sorry, don't mean to scare you! But it's a lot... yeah... hated my Freshman year. Eww. Just because of the school. But anyways-

P.S - Watch out for backpacks. If you are like me, I carried *everything* in mine. Not a single thing in my locker besides my jacket and some extra paper. Don't do this! I recieved some pretty bad back injuries. xD Also watch out for other peep's backpacks. Trust me, it hurts being hit with one - or worse, falling on your face by tripping on one. In the main hallway. Err...  

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(August 23, 2017 - 10:40 am)

Oh oh oh! I just remembered. If you get an opportunity to show a new kid around, please take it! Trust me, if you want a real lasting friend, that is where you have a great shot at getting one. Plus it's just plain nice, it shows you are a good person. Someone helped me when I came, and I did the same to now someone who is a really good friend of mine. Especially recommend this because I know how it feels being the outsider, and if the new kid happens to be someone with a totally different culture or personality than most there, they aren't going to fit in and that hurts them. So show support and show the new kids around! Good luck!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 16, The Dreamer
(August 23, 2017 - 10:43 am)

Stressful classes are normal. I haven't gotten to high school yet, but I'm pretty sure all you need to do to lessen your nerves is make sure that you can ask someone for help when you need it.Smile Good luck!

submitted by Mirror
(August 23, 2017 - 1:16 pm)

Thank you so much guys!!! I will definitely keep all your tips in mind, you are all amazing. I do feel a bit better now (ah, starting in three days!) and I'm definitely excited. (The muscial is going to be Les Mis, which I'm really excited about (and I'm going to seee!) and nobody gets kicked out, which means I actually can get in!) 

Anyways, thanks again, that was super helpful, and good luck to all of you next school year. 

submitted by The Riddler, age Almost 15!
(August 24, 2017 - 8:30 pm)

OMK this is so exciting! Your first year at high school. 

Well, for starters, having a bf is always great but don't let yourself get into a stressful relationship. If he's, well, you know, then dumb him and find someone else. Or no one at all. That's ok 2. 

Friends are less brutal in high school, so just talk to people and soon they'll be your friends. Even your best friend maybe! 

Make sure you go to homecoming! And don't drink the punch or eat the brownies. Going with a date or your friends are both ok. (Going with your friends is more fun) 

Freshies tend to get picked on, a lot. So, well, it'll get better sophomore year. Seniors also tend to play pranks, so watch for that.

Hw can be a struggle. All honours classes , wow! I mean, I only have a few and I'm a Sophomore! Make sure you do your hw before 1am, and don't leave big projects to the week before (guilty). A great stress realized is sports, if you can get yourself in any. Working out at the gym also takes your mind off things. Or, since you probably don't take comfort in sports like me, may be drawing or running or writing will help calm your nerves. Especially during finals!

Welp, good luck little Freshie, and have a great first year!  

submitted by A Sophomore
(August 24, 2017 - 10:17 pm)

Heyo, another almost freshman!! I don't really see why people are nervous about going into highschool, I mean, you already went into middle school, so you've done a similar (hopefully) transition before. Also, high school's only four years. You've got a whole life, so who cares if you're not popular, or you embarass yourself? Just enjoy it. I'll leave you with a quote:

Get messy, make mistakes and have fun  

-Mrs Frizzle

submitted by Dumpun, Beach
(August 24, 2017 - 10:59 pm)

How are so many people going into high school? I'm a middle-schooler!

submitted by Kitten
(August 26, 2017 - 3:11 pm)