AE BallNot t

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE BallNot t

AE Ball

Not that I am back, I have been looking around this place, and the one thing I could not find was an AE ball. So, for fun, I am going to make an AE ball.

So, I think we should have this AE ball on a ship. The ship is constructed of various types of wood, and it resembles a old-timey sailing ship. But with one difference: the giant engines on the back of the ship. The engines are made of super-futuristic materials that we could only guess at, so we are going to just say that the ship has two super-futuristic engines on the back. The sails are giant quilts made out of images from CB history, and the figurehead is a book (Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban).

You can come in and out of the ship at any time, adn we can try to keep this thread lasting for as long as possible.

The character sheet for sign up

(I will be allowing CBers to participate)





Who do they want to go with:


Thank you, that is all.


submitted by Gared and Co
(September 11, 2017 - 9:58 pm)

Anyone interested?

submitted by Gared
(September 12, 2017 - 8:14 pm)
submitted by TOP
(September 12, 2017 - 9:29 pm)

Name: Joy

Age: #AEsAreAgeless

Appearance: Long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, round face, tall, will wear a long, swoopy blue dress that compliments my eyes

Personality: Bold, outgoing, audacious

Who they want to go with: I don't know yet 

Other: None


Name: Willow


Yes, you are going. You could see if that new girl, Sparrow, is coming, and hang out with her.

Okay, fine, I'll come. 

Age: #AEsAreAgeless

Appearance: Shoulder-length wavy brown hair, beautiful dark brown eyes, colorful glasses, medium height, will wear a knee-length twirly purple dress

Personality: Shy, bookworm, introvert, usually really sweet

Who they want to go with: My book

Other: She will probably end up sitting in the corner reading


Can I be in charge of food for the ball? 

submitted by Kitten
(September 16, 2017 - 10:36 am)