A CB Survey..............

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

A CB Survey..............

A CB Survey................................. 

Since the CB seems to like surveys so much.................

A CB Survey!!!!! by Jwyn

Note: You may skip any question if you need to.

1. What is your favorite place on the CB? (TM, CaC, BaB, DtE, PP, I) 

2. If any, what Cricket League Contest are you best at? (Art, Photography, Story, Poem)

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

4. Is this survey boring so far?

5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do?

6. If you still think this survey is worthwhile, do you play a sport or dance?

7. How do you feel about school? Do you find it fun or interesting, or do you feel it's a waste of time?

8. What is your favorite subject?

9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about? 

10. Do you have a good friend?

11. What was a time you really felt he/she was an awesome friend?

12. Do you make friends easily? 

13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?

14. What is the captcha for your comment? 

That's all! Can't wait to see your answer!


P.S. The captcha for this post is naom........Naomi? 


submitted by Jwyn, age 12, aMbER's Hideout
(November 20, 2017 - 9:19 pm)

1. What is your favorite place on the CB? (TM, CaC, BaB, DtE, PP, I) 

Usually Inkwell or PP. 

2. If any, what Cricket League Contest are you best at? (Art, Photography, Story, Poem)


3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Draw and write 

4. Is this survey boring so far?

Compared to others I've taken, a little. 

5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do?

No.  It's 1:15 a. m.

6. If you still think this survey is worthwhile, do you play a sport or dance?


7. How do you feel about school? Do you find it fun or interesting, or do you feel it's a waste of time?

I like school.   

8. What is your favorite subject?

MATH!  And Art!  And CHOIR! 

9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about? 

Gender stereotypes 

10. Do you have a good friend?

Yes, several. 

11. What was a time you really felt he/she was an awesome friend?

She made sure I felt welcomed in my friend group when I felt like I didn't belong. 

12. Do you make friends easily? 


13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?

The first one. 

14. What is the captcha for your comment? 


submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(November 21, 2017 - 4:21 am)

1. What is your favorite place on the CB? (TM, CaC, BaB, DtE, PP, I) 

I like DtE and Inkwell. 

2. If any, what Cricket League Contest are you best at? (Art, Photography, Story, Poem)


3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Read and write; listen to Hamilton; go on CB 

4. Is this survey boring so far?

Sort of? 

5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do?


6. If you still think this survey is worthwhile, do you play a sport or dance?

I sail competitively. 

7. How do you feel about school? Do you find it fun or interesting, or do you feel it's a waste of time?

Eh, sort of in the middle. 

8. What is your favorite subject?


9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about? 

Not that I can think of off the top of my head. 

10. Do you have a good friend?

Yes. I have four. 

11. What was a time you really felt he/she was an awesome friend?

Well, one time one of my friends and I sneaked around a new building that technically wasn't open to the public yet. It was really fun!

12. Do you make friends easily? 


13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?

What's the scariest thing you've ever done? 

14. What is the captcha for your comment? 


submitted by elementgirl18917
(November 21, 2017 - 6:54 am)

1. What is your favorite place on the CB? (TM, CaC, BaB, DtE, PP, I) Probably CaC and DtE

2. If any, what Cricket League Contest are you best at? (Art, Photography, Story, Poem) I haven't entered any of the contests, but it would most likely be a story.

3. What do you like to do in your free time? Read, knit, play piano, write, go on the CB...

4. Is this survey boring so far?  Maybe....?

5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do? Well, I could be reading a book, or....something?

6. If you still think this survey is worthwhile, do you play a sport or dance? I dance Classical ballet.

7. How do you feel about school? Do you find it fun or interesting, or do you feel it's a waste of time? I like History, and english assignments, I seriously suck at math, but I know that all the this will benefit me when I have a job and live on my own.

8. What is your favorite subject?  Uhhh, probably english.

9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about? I can't think of any off the top of my head...

10. Do you have a good friend? Yes, I do.

11. What was a time you really felt he/she was an awesome friend? Practically all of the time. 

12. Do you make friends easily? No, I do not. I knew my afore mentioned good freind for several years, and actually thought her immature and not worth my time before we actually started hanging out with her.

13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be? Um. What is your favorite book genre?

14. What is the captcha for your comment? xxvu

submitted by Vyolette
(November 21, 2017 - 5:54 pm)

1. What is your favorite place on the CB? (TM, CaC, BaB, DtE, PP, I) 

Cac and Dte 

2. If any, what Cricket League Contest are you best at? (Art, Photography, Story, Poem)

Probably art and photography 

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Read, paint, scrapbooking 

4. Is this survey boring so far?

Not really 

5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do?

Yes, I should be doing homework...:) 

6. If you still think this survey is worthwhile, do you play a sport or dance?

I do gymnastics 

7. How do you feel about school? Do you find it fun or interesting, or do you feel it's a waste of time?

I find some subjects like math, history, and art fun and interesting, but I really don't like science. 

8. What is your favorite subject?

Math, or art, if that counts. 

9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about?

I can't think of one now 

10. Do you have a good friend?

Yes, I do. 

11. What was a time you really felt he/she was an awesome friend?

I can't think of soemthing right now

12. Do you make friends easily? 


13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?


14. What is the captcha for your comment? 

baen. not sure what that means... 

submitted by Dandelion
(November 21, 2017 - 7:02 pm)

1. What is your favorite place on the CB? (TM, CaC, BaB, DtE, PP, I) It's a 5-way tie - all except TM. It's not very active. 

2. If any, what Cricket League Contest are you best at? (Art, Photography, Story, Poem)

I've never done any.  

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Read, play on my iPod, draw... 

4. Is this survey boring so far?

A little. Not so.  

5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do?


6. If you still think this survey is worthwhile, do you play a sport or dance?


7. How do you feel about school? Do you find it fun or interesting, or do you feel it's a waste of time?

Waste of time. At least, most of it. I'm not saying we shouldn't have school; just less. Most days I'm in school from 7:40 to 6:34. Yes, 6:34.  

8. What is your favorite subject?

Science. I don't have art or music. English is a close second.  

9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about? 


10. Do you have a good friend? 

Some. No BFF.  

11. What was a time you really felt he/she was an awesome friend?

Ummm, I dunno... 

12. Do you make friends easily? 

Uh-uh. No.  

13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?

If you could have any super power, within reason, what would it be? 

14. What is the captcha for your comment? 


submitted by coyotedomino, age 14, the Wood, Omniverse
(November 21, 2017 - 8:35 pm)

1. What is your favorite place on the CB? (TM, CaC, BaB, DtE, PP, I) 

Pp, I spam it constantly... :) 

2. If any, what Cricket League Contest are you best at? (Art, Photography, Story, Poem)

uuhh idk, i don't really enter into contests, but maybe stories? 

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Watch YouTube unhealthily, make slime, sing, play Broadway on my piano, text my friends. 

4. Is this survey boring so far?

Nope! I like it! 

5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do?

lol no i have no life. 

6. If you still think this survey is worthwhile, do you play a sport or dance?

I play tennis (pretty badly, even though I've been playing for 5 years) and I dance. 

7. How do you feel about school? Do you find it fun or interesting, or do you feel it's a waste of time?

It's ok... It distracts me from fretting too much. 

8. What is your favorite subject?

Math i guess because all my friends are in that class. 

9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about? 

Having the arts program be equal in funds and attention to athletics. 

10. Do you have a good friend?

I have so many best friends! I love them all equally! :) 

11. What was a time you really felt he/she was an awesome friend?

They're all ALWAYS nice to me. So all the time! 

12. Do you make friends easily? 

I'm a little awkward so ehh... not really...?

13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?

idk probably something about food because I'm hungry .

14. What is the captcha for your comment? 


This was fun! I might do something similar over at Pp! I will totally give you credit if I do! :) 

submitted by rthebwayfan, age 13, fl
(November 21, 2017 - 10:36 pm)

1. I tend to go on Inkwell and PP the most. 

2. I seem to be the best at Art Contests, as I have won third and honorable mention in the mag, but haven't won any other cricket league contests I've entered. 

3. Draw, read, play outside, anything crafty, write, hang out with animals, bake, dance, make stuff...the list goes on. 

4. No, not at all!

5. Um...not exactly. I'm waiting to make Christmas cookies, so I'm pretty bored. 

6. Yes, I take ballet and pointe. 

7. Eh...I homeschool, so it could be worse, and though there are some subjects I like, I don't particularly enjoy school. I don't think it's a waste of time because you need a good education, and it doesn't take me long to finish my school usually. 

8. That's hard...I like history, and science is interesting. I love reading, but only when I'm reading what I want to and not what I have to. 

9. Yes. One I can think of is the Creation vs. Evolution discussion thread we had on here once. Another is animal rights.

10. Yes, I have quite a few, actually, and I'm so blessed to have them all as friends. 

11. I'm going to pick one friend and call her H. There are many times I've felt H is a good friend, especially when I'm upset and she listens to me. She's always there for me.

12. That would be a big fat NO. In fact, all my good friends are friends I've known since birth or since I was very young, and none of them love in my state anymore  :( I'm super quiet and awkward, and hate talking to new people. Thus, I have no friends near me. 

13. Hmm...a good one would be Do you have any pets? If so, what are they, and if not, is there a let you'd like to have?

14. zkzn 

submitted by Leeli
(November 22, 2017 - 1:48 pm)

1. What is your favourite place in the CB?

CaC, PP, DtE, Inkwell, BaB and This Month. 

2. What Cricket League contest are you the best at?

Writing or art 

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Read, write, sing and go on the CB 

4. Is this survey boring so far?

No, not really. 

5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do?

Get ready for school? Nah... 

6. Do you play any sport/dance?

I play soccer. 

7. How do you find school?

I love school so, so much. 

8. What is your favourite subject?

Every subject. 

9. Is their a discussion topic you feel strongly about?


10. Do you have a good friend?


11. What was one time you thought he/she was an awesome friend?

Every day. 

12. Do you make friends easily?

Not really. 

13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?

Do you believe in unicorns? 

14. What is your CAPTCHA?

Colin says irnf. Ummmm... 


submitted by LilyPad
(November 22, 2017 - 3:33 pm)

1. What is your favorite place on the CB?

The Inkwell.

2. What Cricket League contest are you best at?

I've only done one art contest, so...

3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Read, draw, write, Roleplay on the CB.

4. Is this survey boring so far?


5.  Do you have any more exciting/important things to do?

No, not really. 

6. Do you play a sport/dance?

If you count reading as a sport.... xD

7. How do you find school?


8. What is your favorite subject?

Literature, art, drama.

9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about?

Why Harry Potter isn't annoying and stupid. He isn't. Give him a break, he's human! He isn't whiny, either.

10. Do you have a good friend?

A couple, actually.

11. What was one time you thought he/she was an awesome friend?

When she teamed up with me for a big game at night on a youth group retreat. I won't go into the details, but it was great!

12. Do you make friends easily?

Sort of....

13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?

Um....how do you feel about Harry Potter?

14. What is your CAPTCHA?

izye. Weird... 

submitted by Aspen
(November 22, 2017 - 5:50 pm)


Oh. My. Goodness.

Every single answer you wrote is EXACTLY me. Idk how, but that is like, wow. We are so similar. Wow.


submitted by Jwyn, age 12, aMbER's Hideout
(November 22, 2017 - 6:33 pm)

1. PP!

2. Art. I've never entered a poem contest though, probably because my poems tend to be very long and not make sense at all. 

3. Draw, write, craft, play piano, read, watch TV/YouTube, text friends, and play sports. And get on Cricket!

4.  No!

5. Not at the moment. It's midnight here.

6. Yes, I play basketball, volleyball, and softball.

7. I like school, because I like to see my friends and it seems to give my life more structure.

8. If I had art at my school it would be that... :( I guess History or Math.

9. I usually try to stay out of debates, but two topics I feel strongly about are care for the poor and disabled, and people (especially parents!) not taking mental illnesses seriously. This isn't because I have one, but because I have a few friends who are depressed and anxious and they can't tell anyone, and it hurts a lot to see them have to go through that. 

10. Yes, I'd say my 4 best friends are Selah (who I'm texting at this very moment, actually!), someone who I can pour my heart out to and trust with any secret, Lani, an amazing, tough girl who has the biggest heart of anyone I know, Oliver, a friend who is just a really comfortable person to be around and won't judge and is just a really sweet nerd, and Jocelyn, who's has the same sense of sarcastic/dry humor as me, the same taste in music and shows, and also likes to draw-we're a lot alike.

There's also my sister, who I love to death.

11. Last night Selah and I just kept sending each other the cheesiest texts and just telling each other how much we appreciate each other, it was really nice. Lani has been an awesome friend lately because she's helping me with/putting up with some of the drama that's going on between me and Oliver (because I found out he likes me and I like him back so ???) Jocelyn and I have been exchanging drawings lately and she always compliments them (In her own special way... "How can you do that, I hate you!" XD) but she's just joking and it's really nice. Sorry if I answered that question too personally, I just love to talk about my friends :)

12. Surprisingly, yes. I'm kind of an outgoing introvert. 

13. What's the funniest story you have to tell?

14. fihv  

submitted by Bluebird
(November 23, 2017 - 1:37 am)

1. What is your favorite place on the CB? (TM, CaC, BaB, DtE, PP, I) 

Cac and DtE 

2. If any, what Cricket League Contest are you best at? (Art, Photography, Story, Poem)


3. What do you like to do in your free time?

Dance, read, craft, play with my dogs 

4. Is this survey boring so far?


5. Do you have more exciting/important things to do?

Not right now 

6. If you still think this survey is worthwhile, do you play a sport or dance?

I do ballet and modwern dance. Also my Mum thinks I would be good at track but i don't actually do it

7. How do you feel about school? Do you find it fun or interesting, or do you feel it's a waste of time?

I like school but some subjects are better then others

8. What is your favorite subject?


9. Is there a discussion topic you feel strongly about? 

This might not be a discussion topic, but  endangered spicieses and animal cruelty 

10. Do you have a good friend?


11. What was a time you really felt he/she was an awesome friend?

Just, all the time really. All the little things my friends do for me are so amazing 

12. Do you make friends easily? 

It depends on how old the person is. I can make friends really easily with little kids. They think I'm awsome and I think they are preety cool too. I have a harder time with kids my own age 

13. If you could choose a question for this survey, what would it be?


14. What is the captcha for your comment? 

Fleece says Doio 

submitted by Satin, age 12, The Dance Studio
(November 25, 2017 - 4:31 pm)