Puck: Hey guys!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Puck: Hey guys!

Puck: Hey guys! Puck here. Some of you may know me, some of you don't, and that's ok! Hopefully you'll get to know me, and my brother Ariel soon enough! 

Ariel: Anyways, Puck and I have been noticing that not a whole lot of AE activity has been going on. Sure, AE balls are great, but we wanted something more... exciting.  So... Joan allowed us, and we have decided to have a party at out house! 

Puck: Yup! This is a party where you can make all the mess, mischeif, and pranks you want, and the best part is-NO CBERS ALLOWED!!!!

Ariel: Pie wars are greatly appreciated!!! We have provided some pies, or you can bring your own!

Puck:  CAPTCHAs are welcome to come if they want, or if you think that this party might get to crazy-then leave them at home!

Joan: *Walks in the room* *Sees the room prepared with pies on the counter, pillows on the floor for pillow fights, etc.* Hey-what's going on here?

Puck: *Shoves Joan in a closet* Anyways-all AEs welcome!!

Joan: *Muffled shouts* This is mutiny!!!

Ariel: What was that Joan?

Puck: *Giggles*

Joan: *Sighs* *Muffled speaking* Well... I guess it's ok to have some fun-you guys haven't been like this in a while... just take care of Galahad! 

Puck: *Shouts* THANKS JOAN!!!!

Anyways-all we ask is that you introduce yourself with a couple of facts, like Ariel and I will do below, HAVE FUN-and make all the mischeif and havoc you want!!!

A few facts about Puck: Loves mischeif and pranks-owns her own prank shop and created the famed "itching powder smoke bomb." Owns her own bag filled with every prank thinkable. Can turn into a crow. Twin sister to Ariel.

A few facts about Ariel: Twin brother to Puck-can float on a cloud, and dissapear in air for a bit. Sort of shy and timid, but always comes out of  his shell with his sister Puck around, and when his crush is around as well. Encourages Puck's pranks, and loves to tease her. He also can be a bit mischevious as well-when he wants to. 


submitted by Puck and Ariel, age Joan's AEs, Joan's house
(January 18, 2018 - 7:01 pm)

Saphira: *jumps on table* it's 2018, an AE ball

Richard: Saphira, get down from there. No Hamilton around other people, remember? it drives everyone crazy.

Fine. But only because this is Ariel's party too. I think driving everyone away with my awesome rapping skills


With my rapping would not be great. Wait.... I have an idea. 

Uh oh. 

*Runs over to Ariel* If we dance later, can we play Hamilton? Please?


Luna: *Ooooooh I smell bacon.* **starts sniffing around floor for bacon prey* *tgdu*

Yeah.... you did tell us that Autumn's Hamilton obsession would rub off on Saphira, didn't you. Right as usual. 

submitted by Autumn's AEs, age Whoknows?, Joan's house
(January 21, 2018 - 1:31 pm)

Of course! What would you like to dance to- a slower song like It's quiet up town, or would you like to just free dance to whatever song of Hamilton that comes on to the playlist? 

submitted by Ariel
(January 24, 2018 - 7:24 pm)

Lydia: mind is basically a clone of Catsclaw's, she is a, errr... extreme matchmaker, she talks in italics, she could best batman in a fight without any weapons.


Reganam: Is a complete opposite of Catsclaw, he has an alter ego that is basically a ninja, and he really hates reading-gasp!-also, he is Catsclaw's only shipped AE (he is shipped with Scarlet.).


Blazestar: he is a cat, he can become a flaming panther that breathes fire with wings, he is not shipped because there are no other cat AEs on the CB. 

submitted by Catsclaw's AEs, age Various, Joan's house
(January 21, 2018 - 8:40 pm)
submitted by *Viola?
(January 23, 2018 - 1:46 pm)

I'm coming! And Alex, too! 

Wait. Since when was I coming?

Since now!

A few facts about me:  I looove theatre! And I'm slightly dramatic. Also, Alex says I'm hyper and annoying, which I am totally not.

A few facts about me: Introverted, likes writing (Quite surprising, really) and I'm generally a wallflower.

He also gets really flustered around his crush! 

No I don't! *Incoherent mumbling*


submitted by Maia & Alex
(January 23, 2018 - 9:59 pm)

"If Hobbes joins Dev is going to have a field day"? What is that supposed to mean?

Heck yeah! We're back, babes! With an incentive like that, how could we not join this?!

With ease. You two may attend, I shall remain here and be sane, thank you very much.

No, silly, you're going to come and I'm going to teach you how to have fun! Do you know what fun is, A?

Fun, noun. Enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. 

Looks like you have fatal dictionary-itis. You should see a doctor about that.

More like fatal boring-itis. 

I think you all should go to this party (even you, A). It's been a while since you've gone out and done something like this. I think Mandy is a bit starved for social interaction. Plus, you guys used to be such a big part of my CB identity, and now that you're not as active I don't this aspect of myself to be forgotten, and—

If you get sentimental I'm going to shove a muffin in your mouth. 

Sorry. I think that's all— Oh right, I'm supposed to introduce you!

Mandy writes in bold. She likes baking, throwing baked goods, watching soap operas, smashing things, and making new friends! She's outgoing, talkative, curious, and gets along with most everyone. She thinks shipping is hilarious (soap operas in real life!) but doesn't have any crushes herself.

A writes in italics. Her hobbies include reading, making fun of Mandy, fighting strangers on the internet, and generally being antisocial. She's intelligent, hot-tempered, and passive-aggressive. She is hilariously lost when it comes to pop culture. I think shipping her would be fun, but she's quite opposed to it.

Love is a chemical equation created to fool people into reproducing. I refuse to succumb to its witless charm.

What are you going to do if someone gets a crush on you? 

Smack them with a dictionary.

No one in their right mind would get a crush on the girl crowned Miss Fussbudget of 2017.

I'll smack you too. 

Hobbes writes in boldtalics. He's pessimistic, levelheaded, very sarcastic, and rather arrogant. He likes cats, bitter coffee, and doing card tricks. He also plays hockey. He has a crush on Feather (and is painfully oblivious to the fact that it might not be one-sided) and when around her he loses some of his characteristic aplomb.

submitted by Abi and Company, age Old enough, Inside my head
(January 24, 2018 - 2:30 am)

Puck: EEE!!!!*Squeals like a little girl* *Hugs all 3 of Abi's AEs* I'M SO EXCITED THAT YOU GUYS ARE HERE!!!!

Ariel: *Covers ears* Whoah, geez Puck-calm down!

Puck: I can't!! I'm just so excited, (and not to mention I'm on a sugar rush!!) Anyways... YAYAYAY!!!!! All of the older AEs are coming, and some of the newer AEs are here too!!!! I'm just sto EXCITED!!!!!!

Ariel: *Sighs* It's so good to see you Critic, Hobbes, and Mandi! Critic, you'll  be glad to know that there IS a quiet room up in Joan's library, *points up the stairs* -just be warned that you might be bombarded and invaded in the room during some time of the night. Oh yeah-Feather's here too, but you probably already knew that. Mandy, feel free to smash and throw all you want. Again, welcome and so glad to see all of you here!

Puck: *Swings on the chandelier* WOOHOO!!! *Jumps down and turns into a crow while in midjump*

Ariel: I'd... better go get her.  

submitted by Puck and Ariel, age #AGELESS, Joan's house
(January 24, 2018 - 7:33 pm)

Puck: *Is still on a sugar rush* YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Stops* Wait a second. YOU ERASED MY MEMORY?!?!?!

Ariel: Wait, what?

Puck: It's all coming back now.... I had a crush on Dev.... and I'd go crazy if any one else had a crush on  him....

Ariel: Uh-oh. Apparantly, we have a slight problem with the mind erasing....


Ariel: You wanted it! Right? Eep! Joan-help! Back me up here! 

Joan: *Shouts from closet* How can I help?!?! I'm still locked in this closet!

Ariel: *Gulp* Apparantly, the sugar rush has jogged Puck's memory... don't know how long this memory retriveal will last... hopefully only until the sugar rush ends........ yipes!!!!

*Puck starts to chase Ariel around the room*

*Puck stops* Oh hi Dev... *giggles and waves at him as she passes by* *Throws a itching smoke bomb behind her as she continues to chase Ariel around the room*  

Ariel: *Says while running* Well.... the drama and havoc just got more interesting. *Continues to run*

submitted by Puck and Ariel
(January 24, 2018 - 7:45 pm)


submitted by TOP FOR AES!!!
(January 25, 2018 - 10:05 pm)

Some Random Facts About Jamie (Me): Jamie was the first proper AE, and is brother to Lights Out and Rosemary. He's a total nerd who knows about as much about the 1980s as Ernest Cline. Obsessed with old music, movies, video games, and books. He also is a huge fan of all science fiction and wears an aviator jacket in the middel of summer. He also is a bit sarcastic and likes to talk about himself in the third person. He is currently unshipped and wishes to stay that way.

A Short Summary of Rosemary (Me): Rosemary was the third AE, and is sister to both Lights Out and Jamie is a quiet and bookish girl who enjoys not talking to people and reading in her room. She used to have a boyfreind named Ronan who was Autumn Leaves' AE, but I- she think he's gone or someting. She's also got a large supply of trivia and facts and can list off 13 books witten by most prestigious authors.

Some Stuff About Lights Out (Hey, that RHYMES!): Lights Out is the sixth Fabulous Killjoy (Mikey Milimeter being the fifth, but we don't talk about him), and uses some weird sang to describe all sorts of Wack like that. Before things went ALL Costa Rica on Very Bad's personality, he didn't even exist. He's the latest AE (and maybe the coolest?) that's been created by General Waffleson. He's got a bit of an accent that's hard to pinpoint, and oftentimes wears a purple mask with a white X over the left eye and a black on over the right. He also likes the high ground and day-glo style pop-punk music.

Wow, those were not very brief AT ALL.

Tell me about it. I see Saphira, but... I don't see any sign of Ronan. *sigh* guess I got my hopes up.

Are there rafters in this place? I want to go on the rafters. *Whips out guitar and jumps up on top of a rafter* Wow, these rafters are NICE! *begins to play the riff from Na Na Na [Na Na Na Na Na Na Na]* WOO!

submitted by Gen. Waffleson's AEs, age 13 to ?, Waffleson's Head
(January 27, 2018 - 12:24 pm)

Hey Alex! Look behind you! 

submitted by Nymph, age Secret, Secret
(January 28, 2018 - 4:02 pm)

i have replaced blazestar with this guy: Hi guys, i'm Esgardir! i am the most amazing AE on the CB-ALLRIGHT



A few facts about Esgardir: He's very vain, He's an elf, and he is extremely muscly. 

submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(January 30, 2018 - 2:13 pm)

OHHHH YEAHHH I AM BACK, EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! So! Is there, uhh, an official pillow fight time?

Ughh shut the pillow fight thing, Aryss!!

Aww c'mon admit it, Juniper, you love it too.

No comment.

*smirks* I thought so.

You are insufferable.

~All of us are sometimes. It's life. *flicks bangs*~

I don't think you've ever said that much at once.

~Eh. Probably.~

*PXDA!!!!! PXDA!!!!!* 

submitted by Aspen & co.
(February 2, 2018 - 12:00 am)