Fireworks!!!!! and stuff.

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Fireworks!!!!! and stuff.

Fireworks!!!!! and stuff. Yay, now I get to do a big rant. Yesterday we went to my friend's house. We had a good time, and oh! The neighbors blew up watermelons!!!!!!! It was SO COOL. They put a firework stuck into them. First there's a fountain of sparks. Then the sparks dissapear, and for a brief moment all is still. Then, with a resounding boom, the watermellon splits open, and a roaring fire burns on the remains for about ten seconds.

It was scary though. They lit all the fireworks with a flame thrower. My dad thought they might be LFUI. (Lighting Fireworks Under the Influence) Seriously, though because later they were putting off mortars three at a time, and so they were all touching each other. The result was, that when the first one went off it knocked over the one opposite it, which then shot straight across the culdesac. The first time it happened, it came straight toward me! It went about four feet over my head, but I was sitting down on a blanket. My dad was nervous and said he was ready to dive over a kid if neccesary.

But other than that... it was great! What did anyone else do for the fourth?

submitted by Emily L., age 14, WA
(July 5, 2009 - 6:36 pm)

My friend Madelynn's family had me over for dinner and then took me to see the fireworks. Madelynn's dad works at (or owns, maybe) an auto parts store, and they go to the warehouse to watch the fireworks with a bunch of family and friends (none of whom I knew). We rode around the warehouse on these things.... picture a scooter. Then take off the front of it with the handlebars and all and put on a three-foot plastic cube, only the front is off and it's hollow. The top is on, like a shelf. Hard to describe, but they use them for carting parts around. And for riding around on! It was fun - they're easier to steer than I'd expected. Then we climbed up a massive rock hill to watch the fireworks (at least us kids did) and my shoes went from dark blue to khaki. :P We didn't really do anything like play baseball or barbecue, though.



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(July 6, 2009 - 12:11 pm)


submitted by Lena
(July 6, 2009 - 5:27 pm)

We set fireworks off at our house. It had been raining a lot, but, thankfully, it stopped in time. XD Anyway, my little brother had two of his friends over (they live really close) and our neighbor who is very annoying came also. It was fun. XD Of course they nearly burnt themselves with sparklers and knocked down one of my dad's beehives in the process, but it was very humorous. ;D

submitted by Megan M., age 13, Ohio
(July 6, 2009 - 6:05 pm)

Hiya, Megan!

submitted by Hi, Megan! -EH, age 13, Sparks, NV
(July 6, 2009 - 6:10 pm)

'ello, Emily! :D :D :D

submitted by Megan M., age 13, Ohio
(July 7, 2009 - 9:52 am)

I already said what I didon a other thresad so I'm going to paste it from their. But first I have to find it... My dad forgot his phone in the car and it was many blocks away. And
the fireworks would be on in a few minutes. So we knew that we
wouldn't be back in time. So he yelled up to the people on the deck,
they didn't hear us. :( THEN the firworks started and we say down on
the curb. My butt was numb by the time I got up. Then when the
fireworks were done, a band started playing. And then we made other
attempts to get those peoples attention. There were stairs up to the
trap door on the deck, so dad lifted Autumn up and she went and tapped
on the trap door. No one heard us. :( But then we sat down on the
curb again and listened to music. Then, finnally, someone was leaving
and we got to get in. When we got up there, ALL THE FOOD WAS GONE.
And I was hungry.

Okay, for the story of the second party. We played with
ducks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then we did the noise making popper
things. Then we ate and I actually DIDN'T get something that looked
REALY good. It wasn't vegan though. Then we went and played on the
water slide. I got a few cracked lips and more than a few bruises. We
were having the slide shaked by my cousins friends, so we shaked them,
too. We were toppling over each other, climbing up the slide and
slipping. Rolling into mud water. Then we got out and played
hide-and-seek with a little kid. I went to change into my clothwes.
Then, I seemed to be the only one playing with him, he was crying
because the other kids didn't want to play. Then I was behind my dasd
and he was infront of my dad and didn't even see me. He thought that I
wasn't playing with him any more. So then he found other little boys
again. Then we all went into the slide again. We got out to watch
AMAZING fireworks. We could SEE the people doing the fireworks stuff.
Then we did sparklers and roman candles and bottle rockets, all was
fun. Then we had a traditional show of are TWENTY THREE year old
cousin going naked down the water slide. HE DOES THAT EVERY YEAR. I
didn't eat any cake or ANY deserts. All of it was non-vegan. Ther
wqas A LOT of cake there. More than normal because the fourth of july
is also my cousins birthday.

Then, on the day after The Fourth dad and us shot off bottle rockets, roman candles, fountains, and fire crackers. Dad shot FIVE bottle rockets out of his hand at a time. And he threw the firecrackers because he didn't want to go downstairs and get the thing to put them on. The we did a fountain in the driveway. Roman candles are fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, at the paty where my cousin went down the slide naked, they were playing war with bottle rockets and roman candles. Not smsrt.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(July 8, 2009 - 8:22 am)

Sheesh. Sounds... interesting?

submitted by Lena
(July 8, 2009 - 10:37 am)

You played with ducks? Real ducks?

submitted by CC
(July 11, 2009 - 1:45 pm)

Yes, I played with REAL ducks!!!!!!!!!!!!  Little ducks.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(July 12, 2009 - 4:33 pm)

Wow!!! :D Sounds fun (and slightly dangerous...)!!! :):) But me?? Well, I live in Maine, so it's illegal to do fireworks (and fire crackers, and spinners, and Roman candles, and etc. ((although, hehehe, we pick some up in NH!)), but sparklers are okay...)... Only special place like Old Orchard Beach (a very touristy spot with a tacky little amusement park) or L.L. Beans are allowed to set off fireworks. Normally, my family and I go to Beans, but this year we had to pick my brother up at the mall, because he got dropped off from a bus from a Christian camp he went to (he helped two kids pray to become Christians!!!). :):) But we had to pick him up right at nine, so we didn't get to see any fireworks. Anyway, I hung out at Borders for twenty or so minutes (and read Cricket and Stone Soup!) until the bus arrived, then hung out with tons of really tall people (haha, teenagers). :):) When we got home, my dad and I set off some illegal - err, I mean, some sparklers. :):) Really, though, my neighbor's a police officer (actually, he's one of the main guys in charge), and he's fine with it (we told him we had some firework type of things before we ever knew he was a police man :D). Oh, then we went inside and watched fireworks on the T.V.!!! :):):):)

submitted by Paige
(July 8, 2009 - 11:47 am)

Too bad about not being able to use fireworks :( , but I'm glad you had a good time! :)

submitted by Emily L., age 14, WA
(July 8, 2009 - 4:19 pm)

:):):) It was pretty fun, though! :D

submitted by Paige
(July 9, 2009 - 11:44 am)

It's Illegal where I live, too. We pick them up in MI.

P.S. I didn't play war, not smart, to dangerous.

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(July 9, 2009 - 3:27 pm)

Oops, I meant MO, not MI.  I don't live close to Michigan.  "O", and "I" are close to each other.  :)

submitted by Meadow, age 11, IL
(July 9, 2009 - 8:46 pm)

that soundz sooo rockin!!!! fireworks in watermelon...soooo cool!!!! how far did it explode?????

submitted by Blabber
(July 10, 2009 - 2:52 pm)