Camp NaNoWriMo!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Camp NaNoWriMo!

Camp NaNoWriMo!

It's that time of year again! Who else is excited for Camp NaNo April 2018? I know I am!

The past couple of years we've had a CB cabin (a virtual writing group) for any CBers who are participating and want to be invited. I just created the cabin for this year on the Camp NaNo site, and I'll invite anyone who wants to be in it. Just give me your username (mine is Leeli on there, too, by the way. I wanted to change it once, but couldn't figure out how), and I'll send you an invitation! Feel free to give me the usernames of other CBers you know would like to be added, too, and I'll add everyone as soon as possible.  


submitted by Leeli
(March 2, 2018 - 1:27 pm)

You have been invited!

submitted by Leeli
(March 5, 2018 - 11:45 am)

My username is Leafmist!


submitted by Leafmist
(March 5, 2018 - 11:45 am)

Yea, sorry I forgot to put my username. Here it is now: LionWriter02

submitted by Dandelion@Leeli
(March 5, 2018 - 7:15 pm)

You have been invited!

submitted by Leeli
(March 6, 2018 - 8:08 pm)

I'd love to be added; I'm september_stars 

submitted by September
(March 6, 2018 - 9:25 pm)

You have been invited!

submitted by Leeli
(March 7, 2018 - 2:59 pm)

Oh, I’m just on the YWP. That’s why I don’t have a project. I’ll figure that whole thing out this weekend if that’s okay, and then I’ll start a project in that account. 

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11, Wildwind
(March 6, 2018 - 10:24 pm)

Okay, sounds good. :)

submitted by Leeli
(March 7, 2018 - 2:59 pm)

Hey, I've never heard of NaNoWriMo, but it sounds cool. Can someone explain it to me?

submitted by Shy Peacock, Tree of Life
(March 9, 2018 - 9:23 pm)

Of course! So, NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month, which is in November. During NaNoWriMo, people from all over set word goals and try to reach them. NaNo has a site for adults, and a site for kids and teens under 18 called NaNoWriMo YWP (Young Writer's Program). There is also Camp NaNo, which is like regular NaNo, except that it's held in April and July. On the Camp NaNo site (separate from the other sites) they have virtual 'cabins' or small online writers' groups. For a couple years, we've made a CB cabin, for anyone on the CB to be in. 

If you want to participate, first go and create an account on the Camp NaNo site. Then, once you've created a project, give me your username, and I'll add you to the cabin. If you don't want to do it this time, that's totally fine too.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. 

submitted by Leeli
(March 10, 2018 - 3:11 pm)

Sounds fun! What exactly are the cabins? Are they like forums? Folders?

submitted by Shy Peacock, Tree of Life
(March 11, 2018 - 5:46 pm)

They're sorta like mini forums. There's a little message board where you can chat with other people in the cabin.

submitted by Leeli
(March 11, 2018 - 9:13 pm)

Ill join! My username is Kate-the-Great. Also, I believe Gared wants to join it as well. His user name is Gared42.

submitted by KtG
(March 10, 2018 - 4:01 pm)

You and Gared have both been invited!

submitted by Leeli
(March 11, 2018 - 11:44 am)

Hey guys!

If there is still room, I would love to join. My username is Licensed Bookworm. Thanks! 

submitted by Young Writer
(March 11, 2018 - 6:34 pm)