CBer fun facts!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

CBer fun facts!

CBer fun facts! Say a few fun facts about yourself. In the words of my captcha, wow[g]!

submitted by CBer Facebook
(June 4, 2018 - 5:37 pm)

Cool! Um, no, I'm not an Avi. But that is a good name. I'd tell you my real name, but mum would flip out if I ever gave it out ;>

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, not where you live
(June 30, 2018 - 4:36 pm)

Is your name Ana? It could be what Blue Moon said, too, but Ana is usually spelled Anna, right? You don't have to respond if you're not allowed to reveal your real name, of course!

submitted by Cassandra the First
(June 29, 2018 - 12:32 pm)

1. I have a long, flexible tongue. Like, I can snatch things out of the air with it (and do, which weirds out some people). I could be a really lame superhero. (“Look out! It’s... Tongue Girl!) 

2. I overuse parentheses (you must know that by no- OOPS I DID IT AGAIN)

3. I have a slight speech defect that makes me sound like I have a heavy English accent, even though I’ve lived in Portland all my life. People frequently either can’t understand me, assume I’m British, or both. One reason why I prefer typing.

4. I’m an insanely fast typer.

5. I once painted the rail of my bed with acrylic butterflies and Hamilton quotes, and didn’t tell my parents.

6. I read so much manga that sometimes I find myself reading regular graphic novels backwards

7. I can read some French but not speak it, because I have no idea about the pronunciations.

8. I rollerblade to school

9. There’s a skeleton in my school’s attic

10. My favorite number is heptadecillon, which is to seventeen as a billion is to two. It’s a biiig number.

11. I sleep with a stuffed flying bison from Avatar

12. I hate cake 

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11, Here
(June 28, 2018 - 2:25 pm)

1. I can touch the tip of my tongue to the tip of my nose.

2. I am double-jointed in three of my fingers.

3. I may have already said this, but I am a vegetarian.

4. I refuse to wear skirts or dresses unless it is a special occasion.

4. I am still in my pajamas, even though it's past noon.

27. I repeated four than skipped to 27, cuz 27 is my second- favorite number. 

submitted by Soren Infinity
(June 29, 2018 - 1:29 pm)

1. I am a vampyre! Hisss. *laughs*

2. I do a lot of stuff for imaginary cameras. Basically, the way I conduct myself is "what would make a good clip/panel/sound bite/sentence/page", and then I (usually) do that. This might be why I have good dexterity.

3. I think I may be in some way addicted to or dependent on drawing and/or my sketchbook(s).

4. I do not strangers. Call it hate, terror, irrational dislike, simple aversion; they are there, and they can see me, and they can hear me, and if I make any weird noise or look anything less than perfect they will judge me and/or awkwardness will ensue. Unless I am doing something cool, in which case why are they not paying attention?! 

5. I like climbing things! Fences, trees, posts, rocks, ruins, filing cabinets. It's very fun. As long as I feel safe.

6. I am several years older when I have something to do, and several years younger when I don't. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(June 29, 2018 - 3:21 pm)