
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



*slams paper onto table*

Yes, that's right, you CBers answer these questions so I get to know you all better.

So here we go:

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Would you rather read a graphic novel or a chapter book?

Drawing or writing?

What are some of your hobbies?

Do you go to school? Or are you homeschooled? Or do you just not do either?

Do you hate wearing your uniform? (skip if you don't go to school and/or don't wear a uniform) 

What's your favorite food?

Who is your favorite musician and musical genre?

Are these questions stupid?

Ok, that's the end.

*jumps out the window and somersaults away through the grass* 

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, not where you live
(June 9, 2018 - 2:37 pm)

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Night owl. I just find myself going to bed really late. 

Would you rather read a graphic novel or a chapter book?

...I kind of have a short attention span, and graphic novels are pretty short and easy to read so, I guess I'll go with graphic novels. And I like looking at different art styles. 

Drawing or writing?

Writing, most definitely. 

What are some of your hobbies?

I like writing, acting, singing, drawing, gardening, and procrastinating. 

Do you go to school? Or are you homeschooled? Or do you just not do either?

I wish I didn't have to do either. Unfortunately, I have to go to a public school. (I'm heading in to high school next year, and I'm leaving a school that I really liked, which sucks)

Do you hate wearing your uniform? (skip if you don't go to school and/or don't wear a uniform) 

Never had to wear a uniform for school. 

What's your favorite food?

Pasta. Or tacos. Or sushi. Or baklava. I don't really know. 

Who is your favorite musician and musical genre?

Well, I like The Regrettes, but they're a band. And I also like musicals, which are a lot of different genres, sooo... I don't know. 

Are these questions stupid?

Nope! I like surveys and stuff like this. 

submitted by Quirker, age 14
(June 11, 2018 - 8:12 pm)

I would say night owl, but now that I think about it I am definitely an early bird. Waking up really early for school for the whole year has put my body on an automatic schedule, and I rarely sleep in past seven. 

Chapter book, though I really enjoy graphic novels.

Drawing, most definitely. My writing sucks(and yet, here I am)

I enjoy everything artsy, from dips pens to watercolor to drawing to acrylic to origami. I also love to read but I haven’t been doing a lot of that lately because of school. I also play piano, garden, and zone out.

I go to a charter school, though I wish I didn’t have to go at all.

My school doesn’t have uniforms and I don’t think we have a dress code either.

I have to say, Hispanic/Mexican food, mostly because I live really close to the border and have grown up with it.

I love alternative/indie folk and also classical. My favorite bands/artists are Coldplay(I know it’s old but I don’t care), Dardust, José Gonzales(❤️❤️❤️), and Beethoven. 

These questions are actually pretty fun.  

submitted by AltaIn
(June 12, 2018 - 3:02 pm)

I love these, though I haven't seen them in forever!! 

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

night owl, though I'd reather be an early bird  

Would you rather read a graphic novel or a chapter book?

chapter book, unless the graphinc novel has lovely illustrations 

Drawing or writing?

drawing, most of the time  

What are some of your hobbies?

reading, drawing, debate, violin  

Do you go to school? Or are you homeschooled? Or do you just not do either?


Do you hate wearing your uniform? (skip if you don't go to school and/or don't wear a uniform) 

actually, sometimes I'd prefer to wear a uniform. . . takes away the indecisiveness  

What's your favorite food?


Who is your favorite musician and musical genre?

no favorite musician, but I like pop/alternative and showtunes  

Are these questions stupid? 


submitted by september
(June 12, 2018 - 6:20 pm)

Alright. Here ya go, Pooki. 

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

A night owl. Definitely.  

Would you rather read a graphic novel or a chapter book?

Aaargh! Uh, there is no rather. I like both!

Drawing or writing?


What are some of your hobbies?

Uh, reading, drawing, using various websites... I pick locks, I skateboard (very basically, no tricks), I have no hobbies. Gah. 

Do you go to school? Or are you homeschooled? Or do you just not do either? 

I go to school. I wish I did neither... 

Do you hate wearing your uniform? (skip if you don't go to school and/or don't wear a uniform) 

Well, technically it's a dress code, but yeah, I dislike it. Black or navy dress-y pants, white button-down shirt, dark colored kippah, dark colored shoes, no sweatshirts. I wear sweatshirts anyway, but still.  

What's your favorite food?

I don't do favorites. Sorry.  

Who is your favorite musician and musical genre?

See previous. I have many artists that I like, though. I'm listening to Halsey right now.  

Are these questions stupid?

No, but i dislike "favorites" questions. I guess I'm too indecisive... 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(June 12, 2018 - 6:37 pm)

Night owl... I stay up way to late for my own good, but I still have to get up for school. But if you let me sleep, I can sleep until really late.

Chapter book all the way! I don't really read or like graphic novels a lot. I prefer words over pictures.

Writing! For one thing, I'm absolutely terrible at drawing. And another thing is that, like I said before, I prefer words over pictures.

Tennis (my favorite), violin, writing, reading

I go to school

My school doesn't have uniforms (yay!)

Oh, I don't know... I love mangoes, but I don't know if that's my absolute favorite, because I like a LOT of foods

I don't really listen to music a lot... but I like classical music and disney songs

No, they're definitely not stupid! I really enjoyed answering these questions. This was a really nice survey, Pooki P.

submitted by Cassandra the First
(June 14, 2018 - 1:20 am)

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Probably an early bird, but I keep staying up way too late.

Would you rather read a graphic novel or a chapter book?

Chapter book, although I enjoy graphic novels too.

Drawing or writing?


What are some of your hobbies?

...I’m not sure.

Do you go to school? Or are you homeschooled? Or do you just not do either?

I’m homeshooled.

What's your favorite food?


Who is your favorite musician and musical genre?

I’m not sure.

submitted by Fireburst
(June 15, 2018 - 3:38 pm)

1. Early bird! I go to sleep at like 8:00 and wake up somewhere around five but lie in my bed until at least 6:20 pretending to sleep so I don't worry my mom.

2. CHAPTER BOOK . . . also my parents have a ban on graphic novels

3. ARGHH YOU'RE KILLING ME WITH THIS QUESTION . . . I guess writing, though people I know refer to me as being the best in art

4. I like drawing, writing, reading, Minecraft, gymnastics

5. Public school. :( I 'mildy dislike' (as my friend would say XD) the cafeteria food (translation: DISLIKE DISLIKE DISLIKE the food). Luckily, I'm going to a private school with awesome food in seventh grade!

6. Ehehe, I've never worn a uniform

7. IDK


9. no 

submitted by Random Person
(June 15, 2018 - 8:02 pm)

Early bird, but then I spend until 11 just cricketing and lazing about, reading, so I don’t really get much out of it.

Graphic novel, I just like to look at the layout and I feel I can get more into it.

I like both, but writing is easier and more fun for me

Hobbies... I go out for track and basketball, and I draw and write a lot. I spend most of my time doing 4 things: 1.Sleeping, kind of a given. 2. Surfing the internet 3. Hanging out with my best friend (they live next door and we basically spend all our time together) 4. Playing with my ratties and school, but that doesn’t count. (And yet sleeping does).

Well, USUALLY I go to a charter school downtown, but IT’S SUMMER!! Aw yeah!

I don’t wear a uniform


Rachel Platten, indie rock.

Better than some surveys I’ve done.

submitted by Blue Moon
(June 16, 2018 - 11:38 pm)

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I'm a night owl who whishes she was an early bird.

Would you rather read a graphic novel or a chapter book?

Chapter book 

Drawing or writing?

Drawing I guess.  

What are some of your hobbies?

I like needle felting. I'm also trying to get better at drawing and piano. 

Do you go to school? Or are you homeschooled? Or do you just not do either?


Do you hate wearing your uniform? (skip if you don't go to school and/or don't wear a uniform) 

What's your favorite food?

I don't have one. 

Who is your favorite musician and musical genre?

I don't have one. 

Are these questions stupid?


submitted by Impunity Jane
(June 17, 2018 - 3:23 pm)

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Night Owl. Definitly. I am constantly trying to turn myself into a earlly bird beacause I really need to able to get up early, but it never lasts. 

Would you rather read a graphic novel or a chapter book?

Chapter book. 

Drawing or writing?


What are some of your hobbies?

Crafts, photography, AG doll photography, reading, and dance. But I really don't count dance as a hobby, it's more just my life. 

Do you go to school? Or are you homeschooled? Or do you just not do either?


What's your favorite food?

Italian food. 

Who is your favorite musician and musical genre?

Musicals!!! I'm currently obssesed with Wicked and Dear Evan Hansen. 

Are these questions stupid?

No! :)

submitted by Satin, age 13, The Dance Studio
(June 22, 2018 - 1:08 pm)