AE chat thread

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE chat thread

AE chat thread and stuff!

Hello everybody.

We've noticed a significant dip in AE conversation lately!

Yeah, it's been really nice.

Stop being such a downer, Rose.


How about we introduce ourselves! I am Lights Out, resident Fabulous Killjoy and guitar shredder. 'Sup Tumbleweeds.

I'm Jamie. I like video games, movies, and cool music. I also have a TRON disc.

I'm Rosemary. Don't talk to me. *puts hood up*

Anyway welcome to our chat room! Rules include:

1- No CBers allowed! CAPTCHAS and AEs only

2- Try not to start wars, OK? 

3- Popcorn machine and arcade are open to all.


submitted by Gen. Waffleson's AEs, age 13 to ?, Waffleson's Head
(June 9, 2018 - 4:04 pm)

Oh. People. Yaay.

Maki, be nice! Anyways, hi! I'm Kiki Tevya and the grumpy cat girl is Maki Tenebris!

*pops in* Maki is open to shipping! Kiki is taken by Pzun! 


Shut up about Pzun already *blushes more* Oh, and I can turn into a demon!

Good bye! 


submitted by Neko and friends
(June 11, 2018 - 5:02 pm)

*Plays MCR riffs* WOO!

Aaaaand there he goes again. Lights is so loud.

Lay off of him, he's just having fun. When did you turn into a grump?

I think you know exactly when.

You need to move on, Rose. Ronan's gone.

It's easy for you to say. You don't know what it's like.

*glares* I don't? Choose your next words wisely.

*face goes pale* Oh my Gandalf... Jamie, I'm sorry. I just forgot.

As many have. As many will most likely continue to do. Yet life goes on. Are you going to interact with other people now?

Yes. I think I will. Who's up for a game of chess? 

submitted by Gen. Waffleson's AEs, age 13 to ?, Wakanda
(June 12, 2018 - 7:03 pm)
submitted by Top!!!!!, age TOP TOP TO, TOPPITY TOP
(August 3, 2018 - 7:59 am)

[Ooh, yes! Hi, everybody! I'm Onyx. I'm coyote's CAPTCHAE. Obviously, I usually speak in CAPTCHA, but that's way too inconvient for long thread. So decoders.]

[Anyway! Nice to meet y'all! Who's down for some popcorn?]

submitted by Onyx
(June 12, 2018 - 6:44 pm)

~Hi onyx, I’m georgia. I’m fidelity’s captchæ but she’s still working on a introductory thread. Anywho, that popcorn looks delightful <3~

submitted by georgia
(August 2, 2018 - 9:14 pm)
submitted by Top!
(August 3, 2018 - 3:03 am)

*hops in with giant bag of popcorn* I'm back now. The jungle game in the arcade is really good. Anyways, this is super fun! Soren, you think you can make another one of these?

Of course! Lev won't join you, ya know.

I know. It'll still be fun, though! 

submitted by Dewy, age 14, Soren's head
(June 13, 2018 - 10:10 am)

Eh, I don't generally like popcorn, the kernels get stuck in your teeth and you spend all day trying to get them out and they don't come out and you're stuck in this cycle of trying to get out the kernel and then giving up, and when you finally get it out, you want to eat popcorn again, and then everything happens all over again.

That's... Actually, that's kind of relatable. Unless you have braces.

Okay bye, I'm going to the arcade.



submitted by Alex and Maia
(June 15, 2018 - 12:13 am)

[That is true, but still, popcorn is so worth it.]

[Does the arcade have any racing games or first-person shooters? I am totally the master of Mario Kart. I challenge anyone brave enough!] 

submitted by Onyx
(June 15, 2018 - 6:05 pm)

I'm Cilantro, and it's been forever since I've been on here thanks to somebody named *coughEvergreencough* Waitaminute. POPCORN! Do you have caramel popcorn by any chance?

Tahki here and I'd like some regular popcorn, s'il vous plait. And terribly sorry we're late, but the doormouse sneezed up some tea and the jam ran away with the spoon while the cow was busy yodeling... it was WEIRD.

She's crazy, ignore her.

submitted by Evergreen's AEs, age Really , just 2/3, but anyways...
(June 15, 2018 - 8:12 pm)


We were actually the first post, but Blue looked at another tab for like two seconds and then when she looked back our whole conversation was erased...

Anywaaaaay!! Hello! I’m Pzun! I like animals, pizza, and outdoors, in that order.

Funny. I would have thought annoying your sister would have been first, judging by how often you you do it.

Well, you are annoyable. Also, you sound British.

Sorry, I’ve been reading The Kane Chronicles. Welp, I’m cloud (with a lowercase c). I like art, theater, and poetry, and I would like to have a nice quiet space to enjoy those pursuits, maybe with some mushroom and pineapple pizza on hand. With the craziness of AEs (not to mention the CBers themselves) I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Blue Moon says she needs to go to bed now, so bye y’all. We’ll be baaaack! 

submitted by Blue Moon and co., age Look 9 &14, Wherever
(June 15, 2018 - 11:21 pm)

Oh, hi Kiki... *blushes*

I am also open to shipping (why am I saying this am I crazy).  If anyone wants to be shipped with me, that would be nice.

submitted by Blue Moon and co., age Look 9 &14, To heck with bed
(June 15, 2018 - 11:26 pm)

Hi, I'm Naru, an AE. Is this kind of like a first person role-play as well? That'd be fun. I like role plays... So what are we doing here? My AE wants me to be shipped to a guy. I'm an elf with peculiar dragon wings, just FYI. Just be wary, I don't fall for anyone. I elegantly flip from a higher place and always land on my feet. Just sayin'...

*Naru's creator/AE facepalms in the background*

*Eyes popcorn kernal*

What is the purpose of this... Thing?


You never were. Why ARE you here, anyway?

*Because I am your creator and your alter ego. I supervise.*

Yes but WHY is the question.

*I am honestly not entirely sure.* 

submitted by Naru, age Old enough, Somewhere you don't know
(June 16, 2018 - 2:22 am)

Hello, hello... I suppose that Zoey isn't here, isn't she? Starseeker's still gone, unfortunately. *sigh* Oh well. Time to meet new people! Hello, all! I am Trevor. You may call me.... Trevor. 

Such a downer, Trev. You're nothing without your girl. Poor, poor you. I, however, am also open to meeting the new Alter Egos of the Chatterbox! Greetings! Hugh Kendall, at your service. 

And I'm Blaiyre. 

It rhymes with glare, if you didn't know. 

I think everyone does know that, Hugh.

Not everyone! Obviously, Trev! There are so many new faces around here that I must meet. *starts walking around and shaking hands*  

submitted by Vyolette's AEs, age Varied, This Post
(June 16, 2018 - 11:06 am)

I think you mean CBer, Naru?

GET OUT OF HERE BLUE CBERS AREN’T ALLOWED **muffled shoving* B-but typooo *kicked off the chat thread rather forcefully by Pzun’s rain boots*

Oh,  and Rose- I’d love a game of chess, if you are still open. Do you want to be black or white?

*lifts eyebrows suggestively* You realize you’re both op-


*cloud’s moccasins aren’t as hard as rain boots, so I’m still here. Don’t tell her* 

*goes off and starts playing Dance Dance Revelution intensely* 

Banjo says zper. Why do you want a zipper? 

submitted by Blue Moon and co., age Look 9&14, Gen.Waffles AEs Party
(June 16, 2018 - 11:28 am)