Welp, this is

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Welp, this is

Welp, this is exactly what it sounds like. Yet another ball for Æs. The dress code is: anything not covered in stains, preferably nice. 



#2 NO CBERS PERIOD, if a CBer is spotted please report to front desk. 

#3please don’t start any wars, except for pillow wars, which will be done in the big room marked PILLOW WAR ZONE 

other then that you are ABSOLUTELY free to do WHATEVER you want!

Enjoy! It will start Saturday, and end, NEVER!! MUUHHUUUWWAAAHHHAHHHAA!!  

submitted by Æ BALL!!
(July 27, 2018 - 4:20 pm)

Cú Chulainn~

"Oh - I - yes! Yes, I want to dance."

My panicked, overfunctioning organs begin to relax as a grin makes its way across my face. Thank goodness! Eris seems relieved, too; maybe she was just waiting for me to ask.

She takes my hand, and my insides flutter. Ohmygoshohmygosh she's holding my hand SHE'S HOLDING MY HAND. I hastily remind myself that you kind of have to hold hands to dance properly, which deflates me a little, and then that this is a friend-date and Eris is aromantic, which deflates me a lot. Hopefully I've remained composed throughout this little emotional roller coaster.

"Let's go, then!" I say, my grin returning even brighter as I remember, no matter what sort of dance it is, I'm still dancing with Eris. Deciding I'll probably need to take the lead again, I move onto the dance floor, holding tight to Eris's hand. 

When we finally make our way to a spot that's not taken up by other swaying AEs, I rest my free hand on her waist, and she places hers on my shoulder. I try not to panic now that I'm inches away from her. Instead, I glance at our interlocked hands. They're the wrists that have our corsages on them - my grin flutters in reaction to that remarkable coincidence.

"They look so pretty, don't they?" asks Eris, evidently focusing on the same thing as me. "You did such an amazing job."

You mean Feather did such an amazing job, I think to myself, blushing. "Oh, thanks. But - I think yours is nicer, really." Not only is it truly nicer, it was also honestly made. Should I tell her I cheated? 

"I think this song's almost over, so let's wait for the next one," I say in a rush, then mentally kick myself. Idiot! Where'd you get that from?

Eris nods. "Okay, good. So, do you know how to dance? Because I . . . don't."

I shrug it off with a laugh. "I've only done faster dances. How hard could this be? You just try not to step on anyone and make it up as you go along."

"Okay, that works," says Eris. "I can do this."

I laugh again. Am I laughing too much? Why am I laughing at this? It's not even that funny. "'Course you can. It's easy!" 

Right on cue, the song fades away and a peppier one begins. I like this one much better; I'm glad we waited. I lead Eris onto the floor, and I can feel myself getting swept away. I love music, and I love dancing - I've never done slow dances before, but now I want to do them forever! They're so graceful, they make me feel like I can fly.

But Eris doesn't seem to be flying. I'm kicking myself again. Of course she's not - she's got a prosthetic leg. I wonder if I'm moving too fast for her, and all of a sudden, the moment is lost.

"That was fun!" I chirp, clutching onto the last dregs of euphoria. I take a few deep breaths, then take a closer look at Eris. Is it just me, or is she unhealthily pale? "Eris? You okay?"

"I - yes, I'm fine!" she says, but I can tell it's a lie even before she crashes into me.

Luckily, I'm not exactly an unsteady person. I catch her before she tips us both onto the floor and wrap my arm around her for support. "You should've told me your leg was having problems!" I chide. "We didn't have to stay out there. Come on, you need to sit down."

I walk her over to the refreshments table again and pull up a chair. Then I plop myself down next to her. After a couple moments of silence - almost prickly silence, is she mad at me? Oh, please don't be mad at me - I speak up. "Eris, I'm sorry, I've got a confession to make. I, uh, didn't make your corsage. I tried, but it just wasn't coming out right. Feather made it for me." There, I said it. Hopefully she doesn't hate me for it.

To my surprise, she laughs a little. "I didn't make mine either. Counter had to do it."

"You didn't?!" That makes me feel so much better. I relax a little, and sit back in my chair. "Hey, do you want anything to eat?" I ask after another silence. "Some of this looks really good, actually."

Devil Owl~

I'm almost caught up with the tennis ball - one more dive - when I begin to sneeze. A terribly familiar sensation comes over me as I am overcome with a desire to scratch every inch of my body at once. Instead, my head swivels to the source of the prank.

"P - Puck?" I ask, barely able to speak for the coughing. "Y - You're back!"


submitted by The Owls
(August 23, 2018 - 11:29 pm)
submitted by TOP!!!
(August 27, 2018 - 3:02 pm)

“Oh, well, Greetings Nymph.” I stay silent for a moment then begin to speak again. “As for ‘Talking’ I suppose there isn’t much to say. It’s a large party, and that means there are people, and people make me nervous.” There is more silence, and soon I realize that I feel quite comfortable speaking with Nymph, so I start up again. “Well, Nervous is to say the very least of it...I suppose the best way to describe it is, like the feelings of a trapped animal.”  I say, biteing my lip slightly. “And, a trapped animal, if given the chance would run, would it not? And, so I did.” I sigh, wishing I was as social as Max. Then I watch Nymph, not per say Waiting for a reply, but having nothing else to say, i suppose maybe I am.   

submitted by Raven
(August 29, 2018 - 7:28 am)


I can't really nod, so I wave my antennae and wait to make sure she's finished before speaking. 


Another moment passes in silence. I break it with a question.

"So people suck, but shapeshifters are okay?" 

submitted by Nymph, Viola?'s AE
(August 29, 2018 - 11:46 am)


With a laugh, I say to Zoey, "No! No, I'm not mad!" I clasp her hands tighter to my chest, a smile breaking out on my face. "And even if I were, it's not like I could stay mad at you for long, Zoey." She breathes a deep sigh of relief, the lines in her face softening. "Oh. I'm glad." Then, almost embarrassed, she adds, "I'm probably being overdramatic though, aren't I? I get it from Starseeker, no doubt."

I give a small shrug. "You're fine, it's fine, really. You're here now." After several minutes of prolonged silence, I shake myself, realizing that we were staring at each other, unmoving. We both blush (well, really, I blush. Zoey glows, her cheeks tinting pink). Then I do the first thing that pops into my head next; I offer her my arm, saying in a dramatically deep voice, "Care to dance, m'lady?"


I remain just outside of the girl's bathroom, unsure of what to do. A small, brown moth flies by my head, but I hardly notice. Then, with my ear pressed to the door, I hear muffled voices. I hear someone sniff, then a soft voice speak. Without thinking, I push open the door. Inside, Raven is kneeling on the bathroom floor, the small brown moth perched on her knee. Taking a deep breath, I say, gently, "My apologies for bursting in on you like this, but I had to make sure that you were alright, Raven." I face her, my brow furrowed. "Are you? I am very... very sorry if I did anything to make you feel this way." I kneel in front of her, taking her hands in my own. "I mean it." 


I watch Trevor and Zoey's encounter with a small smile on my face, but then quickly turn back to the conversation on hand.

"It's been alright, I suppose," Silvern says. "You see, there are people. And no animals." I quirk an eyebrow. "Are you an animal person?" I ask them. "Yes," they reply, almost stiffly. I nod my head, somewhat sagely. "Honestly, I think I'm better at talking to animals than I am at talking to humans," I say with an awkward laugh.  

submitted by Vyolette's AEs, age Various, The AE Ball
(August 29, 2018 - 7:09 pm)

Trevor offers me his arm, voice deepening dramatically. "Care to dance, m'lady?"

"I'd love to," I say in an equally dramatic voice. I take his arm and he sweeps me off to the dance floor. (I don't know what music is playing currently, so... a waltz, perchance?)

I put my hand on Trevor's shoulder, he rests his hand on my waist, and we begin to waltz around the dance floor.

"I had forgotten you were such a good dancer," I say over the gentle sound of cellos. "It's been a while since we danced."

He chuckles. "Likewise, Zoey. Where did you learn to dance?"

"The palace," I say. "But mostly YouTube videos, to be honest."

He laughs again. "Creative. I like that."

"Thank you," I say, blushing and looking down. "Where did you learn to dance? I've never asked."


~Zoey (Starseeker's AE)


@Admins, what are your policies on AEs dating? As long as the CBers both give their consent and follow the romance guidelines/rules, would you be okay with it? 

submitted by Zoey(Starseeker'sAE), age #Ageless, Lydianzaa
(September 3, 2018 - 10:51 am)

Zoey blushes, saying, "Thank you. Where did you learn to dance? I've never asked." 

I have to think hard for a moment, twirling her around in a small circle, in time to the music, while I wait. "Honestly?" I say with a laugh. "I'm not sure. I've mostly just taught myself, but Vyolette's a dancer too, so I think I've gleaned a few things from her." 

The tempo in the music changes, and I fumble for a minute, accidentally stepping on Zoey's toe. She cries out, and I quickly say, "Oops, sorry!" I chuckle again. "I'm not the best at dancing, as you can see." 

But she smiles. "You're a perfectly fine dancer, Trevor." This time, I don't blush. "Why thank you, Zoey," I tell her, switching back to my dramatic voice again. We dance in silence for a few minutes, just grinning at each other and moving in time, gracefully, to the music. "So," I begin again, shattering the silence. "What have you been up to lately? From the last time I saw you, I mean, which's been a while." 

submitted by Trevor, (Vyolette's AE)
(September 6, 2018 - 2:01 pm)

I finally have time and internet access! Uh, front desk? I found a CBer. Wait what? Celeste-- why... you just... how... you're so... Hey, why are you grinning so hard? *is dragged away by Front Desk People tm* *continues grinning madly*


"W--f-first of all, you lo-look lovely." xe starts, after an awkward but infinetely reassuring exchange. I know that I may have changed, but xe didn't. Sea Glass is still the same, and xe still likes me. Then xe adds, "I'm sorry I-I'm late."

"It's o-okay. I mean, I was late finding you, so... w-we're even I guess?" I say uncertainly, trying to reassure xe but already getting myself into a tangle of awkward verbage.  But I have to add, "Y-you know I-I can look ho-however I want now, r-right?" I find myself wanting to show xyr. I just wnat to be sure. And maybe a small part of me wants to show off for Sea Glass. I quickly push that thought away before I can examine it from every angle. But I let my green dress transform into a soft orange dress, with bits and undertones of gold. I somehow know without knowing that it flares out when I spin. I let my eyes lighten to an amber-brown. My skin pales a tiny bit. My hair becomes thinner, and caramel colored, a bit messsier and I let a few small braids and beads work their way down it. I add a gold necklace. I see xyr staring and I blush. I really did show off. "Sorry," I mutter instinctively, and then, in a rush, "You look... amazing--no, breathtaking, a-as well." I let my eys travel over xyr outfit once more. "I love it all... and the lace!" I say, admiring the delicate material.

"I-I've never been to a ball before," xe says, clearly trying to get xryself out of the center of attention. "It's-- It certainly has something for everyone." I see xyr point, as I take in everything from the dance floor to the large chamber marked PILLOW WAR ZONE, in bold capital letters. I try to keep taking in the ballroom, but my eyes keep drifting back to Sea Glass. With a giddy thrill, I realize that xe is having the same problem. I want to say something, but I don't know what to say, so I look for inspiration in the other AEs.  I've discovered that people-watching is very fun. Especially among AEs. I see a small yellow dot doing something with a dude in purple, who suddenly begins to sneeze. "Is that a tennis ball?" I say to Sea Glass, and immedeatley regret it. Of all of the things I could have said, I had remark about the tennis ball?

submitted by Shy Peacock, Tree of Life
(August 30, 2018 - 8:28 am)

Ocean Song~

Wren leaves me and I go stand next to Ace. He smiles when he sees me approaching. I smile back.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" Ace asks.

"Yes, I am. Thank you for asking." I reply. He nods in satisfaction. "Where are Hailey and Harper?" Ace shrugs.

"I don't know. Maybe in the Pillow War Zone?" I grab Ace's hand.

"Well then let's go find them!" We run, laughing, across the room to the War Zone, I mean, PILLOW War Zone. Suddenly I am very glad I decided to wear what I am wearing now instead of a dress or skirt... 

submitted by Ocean Song
(August 31, 2018 - 5:57 pm)


Cu catches me before I can hit the ground and slides a muscular arm under my shoulders, saying pityingly, "You should have told me your leg was having problems! We didn't have to stay out here. Come on, you need to sit down." Before I can make a word of protest -my leg is always having problems, I am fine, this is normal and I do not need help- she has ushered me over to a table and sat down next to me. I avoid looking at her, not wanting to see the sympathetic looks which are doubtlessly being cast over me. Poor little Eris, can't even dance properly, so dependent on that prosthetic... I stop myself. I know Cu wouldn't patronize me on purpose. But that doesn't mean I can't be upset about it.

Neither of us have spoken as I sit at the table, stewing. Stupid leg, of course it's going to ruin everything, what were you expecting, anyway? Now Cu knows exactly how dependent you are, she probably pities you, probably thinks you're weak and need help doing everything, now everyone saw her help you and they all think you can't walk, everyone's going to know how helpless you are, they're all going to know you're just pretending to be capable, you can't even dance. Can't even do a single dance without-

"Eris, I'm sorry," Cu begins and my stomach drops. She thinks I'm mad at her. "I have a confession to make. I, uh, didn't make your corsage." I blink. That was not what I was expecting. She continues, "I tried, but it just wasn't coming out right. Feather had to do it." She says it as though confessing to a crime, hanging her head. Oh, Cu. I feel light, almost as if I could fly. Of course you never pitied me.

"I didn't make mine, either," I admit, laughing a little, "Counter had to do it."

"You didn't?" Cu gasps, visibly relaxing. How could I ever have imagined she would pity me? "Hey, you want anything to eat?" she asks after a moment. "Some of this stuff looks pretty good, actually." I nod and she slides away from the table. "I'll be right back!" 

Sweet, honest Cu. Wonderful, wonderful Cu. Neither I nor the world could ever hope to deserve you.

submitted by Burr's Crew
(August 31, 2018 - 10:07 pm)


Ocean walks back over to me, and I smile a greeting.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I ask.

"Yes, I am. Thanks for asking," she says. I nod awkwardly. "Where are Hailey and Harper?" I shrug.

"I think Harper's dancing, and Hailey might be in the Pillow War Zone?" I say. Ocean takes my hand, and says,

"Let's go find them, then!" We run across the ballroom, dodging other AE couples and laughing. When we arrive, Ocean lets go of my hand and throws a pillow at me. I duck, and toss one back. I feel a pillow smack the back of my head- hard- and turn around.

"Oh, you're in for it now!"


After I fill up on junk foods from the dessert table, I make my way over to the Pillow War Zone. I grin. I will beat ALL of you! I start throwing pillows left and right with as much strength as I can muster. I quickly construct a fort in the corner and sit behind it, using my arm as a catapult to throw pillows. Someone throws a pillow at my fort, and it crumbles, also being made of pillows. Indignant, I look around for my next target. I spot Ace and his girlfriend throwing pillows at each other, so I throw a pillow at the back of Ace's head. He turns around, and says,

"Oh, you're in for it now!" He grabs a pillow in each hand and starts throwing them at me, rapid fire. I retreat, using a pillow as a shield as Ace and Ocean gang up on me.


"Tell you what, do you want to dance?" Lights asks. I'm surprised for a second, then I smile.

"I'd love to," I reply, and we walk out onto the dance floor. An upbeat song is playing, and several other AEs are dancing as well. At first, I feel a little embarrased, not being the best dancer, but them I start to have fun. I'm really enjoying this ball, a lot more than I thought I would. I'm glad Lights didn't think it was awkward or upsetting or anything that I asked about his mask. I was just curious. I have to admit, I may have been thinking a little along the lines of Phantom of the Opera.

I realize I'm kind of zoned out, and I smile at Lights. Ack, I really wish Quill had given me some of those notecards she gave Ace. I racked my brain for some conversation starters.

"Um... I like this song," I say, then inwardly berate myself. I envy any AE with social skills. I laugh nervously.

"Yeah, it's cool," says Lights. It doesn't seem like he thinks I'm awkward, but I can't be sure. I spin around, then immediately trip over my own feet. Lights catches me and laughs kindly. I feel myself start to blush, but smile anyway. 

submitted by Quill's AEs, Hailey, Harper, and Ace
(September 4, 2018 - 3:28 pm)

Whoops, the italics part is supposed to be Harper. I accidentally wrote Hailey.

Hey! Out!

Okay, okay! 

submitted by Quill
(September 5, 2018 - 3:50 pm)


Ace and I start throwing pillows at Harper with rapidity and precision. She laughs and throws pillows back. A hilarious idea pops into my head. I grab a really big and heavy pillow and sling it behind Harper's feet.

"Ha, you missed by a long shot!" She jests. I shrug, but I know I have a glint in my eye. She cocks her head. Before she can deduce what's going on, Ace and I throw a heavier assault of pillows in her face. She begins to retreat slowly. I smile. The plan is going along perfectly. After a minute or two, the back of Harper's foot hits the big heavy pillow and she trips backwards, landing in a large pile of downy feather pillows. She laughs along with Ace and I.

"Ah. Now I get it. Good strategy, Ocean! I gotta use that against Hailey sometime!" She declares, smiling from her pillow throne.


submitted by Ocean Song
(September 5, 2018 - 10:20 am)

Sea Glass~

"It's o-okay," Celeste says. "I mean, I was late finding you, so... w-we're even, I guess? Y-you know I-I can look ho-however I w-want now, right?"

And then, before my eyes, aer form begins to change.

Aer dress turns to a blazing orange, rippling soft, and aer hair shivers into a tangled honey with braids and beads tracing through it. I look back to aer face and see eyes sparkling like the sun through brown sea glass, glance down at a new necklace resting on paler skin. Ae is made of wood and gold and light, her colors those of leaves in the fall. I cannot look away. 

"Sorry," ae whispers, blushing. "You look... amazing--no, breathtaking, a-as well. I love it all... and the lace!"

I feel my cheeks redden to match aers. "I--I've never been to a ball before," I say, awkwardly changing the subject. "It's--it's certainly got something for everyone."

Aer gaze turns outwards, and mine follows, though ae and I both continue to steal glances at each other. Couples are dancing, talking, fighting in the Pillow War Zone. Each time I catch aer looking back, a swarm of butterflies flap their wings in my stomach. 

"Is that a tennis ball?"

I sweep the room. Squint. There--an AE is reeling back from a chartreuse speck. 

"So it is," I murmur. "I wonder why it's here?"

I move towards it. Celeste begins to follow, so I lead further, until it becomes apparent that the tennis ball is adorned with a bow tie and googly eyes.

"Huh," Celeste says.

"The tennis ball... is wearing a bow tie," I state, unable to think of anything else to say. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(September 5, 2018 - 7:30 pm)

~Roger the tennis ball

After I ALMOST splashed him one more time Devil owl stumbled away from me, saying something about a puck. I have no idea what he was talking about.

"I will act puck for you," I said to Devil owl, "because I am short and green and bouncy instead of tall and purple and cranky. I only read that play once, and it was kinda weird but kinda funny and I will be puck anyday! You can be Oberon if you want."

Devil owl seemed to ignore me so I hopped off the table and looked around. There were two people in lacy clothes a short distance away and I hear one of them say something about a tennis ball, so I decided to go over and introduce myself.

I bounce over to the people. One is wearing this shimmery golden gown and one is wearing this awesome blue tuxedo dress thing and boots.

"Hello," I say. "My first name is Roger and my last name is non-exsistant. It is a pleasure to meet you! I like your dress! And I like your tuxedo dress! Does it have another name besides tuxedo dress?"

submitted by Roger
(September 6, 2018 - 6:05 am)